fifty-second and fifty-third congresses as a democrat. He has since engaged in the practice of law in Brooklyn, N.Y. first,
John M., physician, was born July Augustine, Fla. He became
25, 1832, in St.
surgeon of the first Louisiana volunteers in 1861; and was subsequently medical director on General Lee's staff. He died Feb. 18, 1872, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Covey, Calvin Edson, physician, surgeon, was born in 1858 in Grand Lodge, Mich. He received the degrees of Ph.D. and M.D. He is a noted specialist on gall-stone disease and diabetes, now residing at Lansing, Mich. but for many years past was professor of disorders of nutrition and metabolism in the Chicago medical college. He has been president of the American association ot physicians and surgeons; and in 1906 became president-general of the International association of medical and surgical specialists.
Coville, Frederick Vernon, botanist, author, 23, 1867, in Preston, N.Y. Since 1893 he has been chief botanist in the United States department of agriculture at
was born March
Washington, B.C. He is the author of Botany of the Death Valley Expedition. Covington, George W., lawyer, congressman, was born Sept. 12, 1838, in Berlin, Md. In 1867 he was a member of the constitutional convention of Maryland from Worcester county. In 1880 he was nominated over eight competitors; and in 1881-85 he was a representative to the forty-seventh and forty-eighth congresses, as a democrat. Covington, J. Harry, congressman. In 190911 he flas a representative from Maryland to the sixty-first congress as a democrat. Covington, Leonard, soldier, congressman, was born Oct. 30, 1768, in Aquasco, Md. He was a member of the legislature of Maryland. In 1805-07 he was a representative from Maryland to the ninth congress. In 1813 he was ordered to the northern fron-, tier; and appointed brigadier-general. He died Nov. 14, 1813, in French Mills, N.Y.
Covode, John, merchant, congressman, was born March 17, 1808, in Westmoreland county. Pa. In 1855-63 and 1867-71 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirty-fourth, thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh, fortieth and forty-first congresses as a republican. He died Jan. 11, 1871, in
Harrisburg, Pa. Cowan, Edgar, lawyer, United States sen-
was born Sept. 19, 1815, in Westmoreland county, Pa. In 1861-67 he was United States senator from Pennsylvania. In 1860 he was a presidential elector; and was a delegate to the Philadelphia national union convention of 1866. He died Aug. 29, 1885, in Greensburg, Pa. Cowan, James, soldier, author, was born March 8, 1841, in Westfield, Mass. He enlisted in the union army; and was wounded in the battle of Winchester in 1864. He has ator,
been chiefly engaged in mercantile and-literary work. He is the author of a book entitled Daybreak, a Romance of an Old World. Cowan, Frank, lawyer, journalist, author, was born Dec. 11, 1844, in Greensburg, Pa. He was a Pennsylvania lawyer and journalist; and entered Corea before that country had made any treaties with foreign nations. He was the author of Curious Facts in the History of Insects; Zomara, a Romance of Spain; Southwestern Pennsylvania in Song and Story; The City of the Royal Palm, and Other Poems; A Visit in Verse to Honolulu; Fact and Fancy in New Zealand Dictionary of Proverbial Phrases Relating to the Sea; and Australianisms. He died in 1905 in Greensburg, Pa. Cowan, Jacob P., physician, banker. United
States senator, was bom March 20, 1823, in Florence, Pa. He was a member of the state legislature; practiced medicine; and became a dealer in real estate and president of a private bank. In 1875-77 he was a representative from Ohio to the forty-fourth congress as a democrat. Cowan, John Franklin, clergyman, journalist, author, was born April 5, 1854, in Griffinshire, N.Y. In 1877 he was ordained to the ministry; and was pastor at Morgantown, Grafton and Fairmont, W.Va. Since 1898 he has been associate editor of the Christian Endeavor World. He is the author of The Jo-Boat Boys'; The Pony Expressman; The Mother of the King's Children; and other works. Coward, Edward Fales, broker, playwright, author, was born Sept. 6, 1862, in New York City. He is best known as an amateur actor; for thirty years played continuously in a total of one hundred and twenty-seven roles and for two years was dramatic editor and critic of the New York Evening Sun. He is the author of Hearts Are Trumps; The
Lady From Chicago; and Around New York Eighty Minutes. Cowardin, James A., journalist, author, was born Oct. 6, 1811, near Hot Springs, Va. In 1865 he founded the Richmond Dispatch, and became its editor and part owner. He was the author of Old Virginia Ham; Olde Virginia Fiddlers, and other works. He died Nov. 21, 1882, in Richmond, Va. Cowen, Daniel Duane Tompkins, soldier, lawyer, jurist, was born Jan. 26, 1826, in Moorfield, Ohio. He was a lieutenant-colonel of volunteers in the civil war; and in 1865 was judge of the court of common pleas. He died in 1884 in St. Clairsville, Ohio. Cowdery, Jonathan, naval surgeon, was bom April 22, 1767, in Sandisfield, Mass. He served on the frigate Philadelphia, which was stranded on the coast of Tripoli in 1803; and was a, prisoner in the hands of the Turks nearly two years. In 1806 he published a journal of his captivity. He died Nov. 29, 1852, in Norfolk, Va. Cowdin, Jasper Barnett, poet. He is the author of Esther's Wedding and Other Poems. in