North Carolina quota for the Spanish-American war; and was subsequently appointed colonel of the second regiment of the North
army; and was twice wounded. He was reading clerk of the senate of North Carolina in 1872-74; and in 1874-78 was solicitor of the
Carolina volunteers. He died Nov. 18, 1899, in Statesville, N.C. Cowles, Augustus Woodruff, clergyman, educator, college president, was born July 12, 1819, in Reading, N.Y. He has received the degrees of A.B., A.M., D.D. and LL.D. In 1847-56 he was pastor of the presbyterian church in Brookport; and was then made president of Elmira college where he still remains. After thirty-five years he resigned as president; and became president emeritus, continuing in charge of classes until 1907. Cowles, Charles H., congressman. In 190911 he was a representative from North Carolina to the sixty-first congress as a repub-
tenth judicial district of the state. In 188593 he was a representative from North Carolina to the forty-ninth, fiftieth, fifty-first and lifty-second congresses as a democrat. Cowles, James Lewis, economist, author, was born on Sept. 14, 1843, in Farmington, Conn. In 1859-62 he attended the military
Cowles, Edward, physician, scientist, was
born July 20, 1837, in Ryegate, Vt. In 1863 he became assistant physician at the retreat for the insane at Hartford, Conn.; and since 1889 has been instructor of mental diseases at Harvard medical school. Since 1904 he
has lectured on mental diseases at Clark university. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. Cowles, Edward Pitkin, lawyer, jurist, was born in 1815 in Canaan, Conn. He practiced law in Hudson, N.Y., with his brother. Colonel Cowles, of the one hundred and twentyeighth New York volunteers, who was killed at Port Hudson. He died Dec. 2, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Cowles, George W., educator, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in 1825, in Otisco, N.Y. In 1869-71 he was a representative from New York to the forty-first congress; and in 1863-70 he served as judge of Wayne county, N.Y. He died Jan. 21, 1901. in Clyde. Cowles, Giles Hooker, clergyman, was bom Aug. 26, 1766, in Farmington, Conn. In 1810 he was appointed by the Connecticut missionary society to travel through Ohio; and formed or assisted in forming most, if not all, of the congregational churches in the northeastern part of that state. He died July 16, 1835, in Austinburg, Ohio. Cowles, Henry, clergyman, theologian, author, was born April 24, 1803, in Norfolk, Conn. He was a. congregational clergyman; and was professor of theology at Oberlin college in 1835-48. He was the author of Gospel Manna for Christian Pilgrims; Hebrew History; and Critical Notes on the Old and New Testament, in sixteen volumes. He died Sept. 6, 1881. Cowles, Henry B., lawyer, state legislator, congressman, was born March 18, 1798, in Hartford, Conn. He served as a member of the New York legislature from Putnam county; and in 1829-31 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-first congress. He died in New York. Cowles, W. H. H., soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born April 23, 1840, in Hamptonville, N.C. He served in the confederate
school at New Haven, Conn.; in 1866 graduated from Yale university; and in 1868 from Yale law school. In 1888 he was admitted to the Connecticut bar, but never practiced law. He has devoted his attention to the solution of- the railroad problem and to the study of the postal service. He has been associated with various reform clubs; and is now secrelarj' and treasurer of the postal progress league. He is the author of
and numerous Monographs. Cowles, William Hutchinson, lawyer, journalist, was born Aug. 14, 1866, in Evanston, 111. In 1887 he graduated from Yale college with the degree of A.B.; in 1889 graduated from the Yale law school, and the same year was admitted to the Connecticut bar. He is the editor and owner of the Morning Spokane Review of Spokane, Wash. Cowles, William Sheffield, naval oflBcer, was born Aug. 1, 1846, in Farmington, Conn, in 1869 he joined the United Slates navy; and in 1906 attained the rank of rear admiral. He has commanded the Fern and the Topeka; and since 1906 he has been chief of the bureau of equipment. General Freight and Passenger Post;
Cowley, Charles, lawyer, author, was bom Jan. 9, 1832, in England. He was the author of Memories of the Indians and Pioneers of Lowell; Illustrated History of Lowell; Famous Divorces of all Ages; Our Divorce Courts; and Lowell in the Navy During the War. He died Feb. 5, 1908, in Lowell, Mass. Cowley, Edward, clergyman, genealogist, was born Nov. 4, 1827. He was the founder of the Shepherd's fold and Children's fold of New York City. He was the author of Cowley Genealogy; and numerous religious works. He died April 20, 1891, in New author,
Cowperthwaite, Allen Corson, physician, surgeon, author, was born May 3, 1848, in Cape May, N.J. In 1869 he graduated from the Hahnemann medical college of Philadelphia, Pa. In 1877-93 he was professor of materia medica in the medical department of the state university of Iowa; in 1892-1901 filled the same chair in the Homoeopathic medical college of Chicago, 111.; and since