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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Cox, Nicholas Nichols, soldier, farmer, lawwas born Jan. 6, 1837, in Bedford county, Tenn. He removed to Texas

yer, congressman,





was reared

in Sequin, Texas. He received the rudiments of his education in the public schools; and in 1858



years was a representative in the New York state legislature. In 1905-06 he was a member of the New York Insurance Investigating Commission. Cox, Samuel Hanson, clergyman, author, was born Aug. 25, 1793, in Rahway, X.J. He was educated in the secular and theological

Lebanon, at Tenn. During the civil war he was a colonel serving in confederate states army; and he school

fifty-third, fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth



sixth congresses as a democrat; and served on various important committees. Cox, Palmer, artist, "author, was born on April 28, 1840, in Canada. He became famous the world over as the author of a series of books entitled

The Brownies, Their Book; Another BrownBook; and other ie works. A volume entitled Queer People contains


tions to juvenile literature. In his younger days he lived on the Pacific coast, and there

published other works.




and various own works; sanctum on Broadway. other works are: Hans Gotham; How ColumThat Stanley; Queer

California illustrates his

and has a studio and New York City. His


Fetter's Trip to bus Found America; People, such as Goblins, etc.; Queer People with Claws and Wings; Queer People with

Wings and


Cox, Robert Courton, soldier. He attained the rank of general; and was a resident ol Wellsboro, Pa. Cox,






was born Nov. 27, 1865, near Warren, HI. He graduated from the grammar school and from the law department of the university of Buffalo. In 1885 he began work in Buf;

falo as shipping clerk in a large manufacturing concern, of which he became superintendent. After graduating in law with the degree of LL.B. he soon attained success as an eminent lawyer of Buffalo, N.Y. ; and for four



eccentricities and controfor


versy. He was the author of Quakerism not

Christianity; also Theopneuston, or Select Scriptures Considered;

Interviews Memorable and Useful; and also a number of other works. He died Oct. 3, 1881, in Bronxville, N.Y. Cox, Samuel Sullivan, diplomat, congressman, author, was born Sept. 30, 1824, in Zanesville, Ohio. He was a popular lecturer, humorist, and writer of travels. In 1857-65, 1869-85 and 1887-89 he was a representative from Ohio and New York to the thirty-fifth to the thirtyeighth, the forty-first to forty-eighth the and the fiftieth congresses. He was min-

Turkey in to 1885-86. He was the author of Eight Years ister


collection of of his contribu-


native state. He was a presbyterian clergyman of the new school party; and noted for


served dviring most of the time with General Forrest. Since the civil war he has been a lawyer of Franklin, Tenn.; and in 1860 was an elector on the Breckinridge-Lane ticket. In 1872 he was an elector on the Greeley ticket, but when Mr. Greeley died he east his vote for Thomas A. Hendricks of Indiana, for president of the United States. In 18911901 he was a representative from the seventh district of Tennessee to the fifty-second,


in Congress; Why We Laugh; Three Decades of Federal Legislation; Diversions of ,a





Buckeye Abroad;

Search for Winter Sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, Algiers, and Spain; Arctic Sunbeams; Orient Sunbeams; and Free Land and Free Trade. He died Sept. 10, 1889, in

New York


Thomas Bolin, soldier, lawyer, founwas born Oct. 14, 1838, in Greensboro, He served as a soldier in behalf of the

Cox, der,


confederacy; fought at the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Port Gibson, Atlanta and Nashville; and was wounded twice and captured once. He was one of the founders and builders of Baylor university; and also of the First baptist church of Waco, Texas. Cox, Thomas Lillard, educator, college president, merchant, was bom Oct. 18, 1859, in Decatur, Tenn. In 1882-86 he was president of Clinton college, Arkansas; and in 1886 he became superintendent of the public schools of Morrillton. In 1895 he purchased the oldest and largest book and stationery house in Arkansas, and became president of the company at Little Rock.

Cox, Ulysses Orange, educator, biologist, scientist,



Sept. 29, 1864, in
