HKRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. was renamed Crane college in his honor in 1885. He was the author of Discourses; Life of Sam. Houston, and lesser works. He died Feb. 87, 1885, in Independence, Texas. Ciane, William Henry, actor, was bom. March 12, 1845, in Leicester, Mass. He made his first appearance in 1876 in New York City; and attained success in The Senator.
Crane, William ller, educator, was born Aug. 27, 1866, in Delaware county, Ohio. In 1894-1,902 he was head of the English department of the Steele high school of Dayton, Ohio ; and since 1902 he has been superintendent of schools of Marshalltown, Iowa. He is the author of Development of Moral Selfhood; Educational Diagnosis; and other works. He is a fellow of the American association for the
advancement of
Crane, William Montgomery, naval officer, was born Feb. 1, 1776, in Elizabethtown, N. J.
He was appointed navy commissioner
and in 1842 chief of the bureau of ordnance and hydrography. He died by his own hand March 18, 1846, in Washington. Crane, Winthrop Murray, manufacturer, governor, United otates senator, was bom April 23, 1853, in Dalton, Mass. He was educated at Williston seminary of Easthampton, Mass.; and is a paper manufacturer. He was a delegate-at-large to the republican national committee in 1892, 1896 and 1904; was lieutenant-goVernor of Massachusetts in 1897-1899; and governor in 19001902. He was appointed to the United States senate in 1904 to fill the vacancy, and took 1841;
his seat Dec. 6. He was elected by the legislature in 1905 to fill out the term which ended in 1907. He was a, member of the republican national convention for Massachusetts for the term of 1904-08. He was reelected to the United States senate for the
term of 1907-13. Crane, Zenas, manufacturer, was bom Dec. 1840, in Dalton, Mass. He is a, partner in Z. and W. M. Crane, Crane and company and the Berkshire mills company; and also has an interest in the Dalton shoe company. He Cranfield, Edward, colonial governor. become governor of New Hampshire in 1682. He died in 1704 in England. Cranfield, Samuel, president of Rhode Island. He became governor in 1698; and was thirty times successively chosen to that place, holding the office until death. He died 6,
in 1827. Cranfill,
James Britten, clergyman, prowas bom Sept. 12, 1858, in Par-
ker county, Texas. He is the editor of the Texas Baptist Standard. In 1892 he was a candidate for vice-president of the United States on the prohibition ticket. Cranford, John Walter, lawyer, state senator,
congressman, was born near Grove Hill,
Ala. In 1888-96 he was a member of the Alabama state senate. In 1897-99 he was a representative from Alabama to the fiftyfifth congress as a democrat. He died March 2, 1899, in Alabama.
Crankshaw, John Hamilton, retired msuiance manager, was born Feb. 23, 1845, in Lancashire, England. Early in life he began work in a calico printing factory; at the age of twenty-one became foreman of the bleaching and finishing establishment; and three years later became manager of tne whole establishment. In 1874 he became assistant superintendent of the Prudential life insurance company of London; and in 1880 took charge of the business of the Metropolitan life insurance company in North Philadelphia, Pa. Starting with a force of only seven men, within fifteen years' time he had five hundred men engaged in his district and a, business of three hundred thousand policy owners. In 1895 he was appointed chief superintendent of the company for the states of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Southern New Jersey. He is now retired from active business; and resides in Norristown, Pa. Cranor, Jonathan, soldier, was born in North Carolina. In 1861 he was captain in the eleventh regiment Ohio volunteer infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died Aug. 18, 1896. Cranston, Earl, soldier, clergyman, bishop, was born June 27, 1840, in Athens, Ohio. He served in the Ohio volunteer infantry to the end of the war as first sergeant, first lieutenant, adjutant and captain. He entered the methodist ministry in Ohio conference in 1867; and was publishing agent for the Methodist church in 1884-96. In 1896 he was consecrated methodist-episcopal bishop of Portland, Ore. Cranston, Henry Young, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born Oct. 9, 1789, in Newport, R.I. In 1818-33 he was clerk of the court of common pleas; He was for twenty-five years annually elected moderator for the town of Newport; and was a member of the lower branch of the legislature. In 1843-47 he was a representative from Rhode Island to the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth congresses, when he was returned to the legislature; and was several times speaker of that body until 1854. He died Feb. 12, 1864, in Newport, R.I. Cranston, John, colonial governor. He was attorney-general of the colony; was deputy governor of Rhode Island in 1672-78 and colonial governor in 1679-80. He died March 12, 1680, in Rhode Island. Cranston, Robert Bennie, banker, congressman, was bom Jan. 14, 1791, in Newport, R.I. He was a banker for several years; was postmaster, and a member of the state legislature, .serving for one term as speaker. In 1837-43 and 1847-49 he was representative from Rhode Island to the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh and thirtieth congresses. He bequeathed seventy-five thousand dollars to those poor of Newport who are too honest to steal and too proud to beg. He died Jan. 27, 1873, in Newport, R.I. Cranston, Samuel, colonial governor. Was a son of John Cranston. In 1698-1727 he was