Thomas J., merchant, state senacongressnsrin. was born May 26, 1843, in Ireland, ho was a member of the York state legislature in 1864-66; and the state senate in 1867-70. He was tax commissioner for New York City in 1869-73. He was president of the yoimg democrats'
Creelman, James, journalist, author, was born Nov. 12, 1859, in Canada. In 1894 he was war correspondent to the New York World in the Japanese war; in the Cuban
general committee in 1870; delegate to the Baltimore national convention in 1872; and in 1873-75 and 1901-03 he was a representative to the forty-third and flfty-seventh congress as a democrat.
Creely, John V., soldier, congressman, was born Nov. 14, 1839, in Philadelphia, Pa. He served in the army as an officer of light artillery throughout the civil war. He was a member of the councils of Philadelphia for four years; and in 1871-73 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the fortysecond congress as a republican. Creery, William Sufus, educator, college president, author, was born May 9, 1824, in Baltimore, Md. He was city superintendent of public instruction of Baltimore. In conjunction with Professor M. A. Newell, he prepared the Maryland series of schoolbooks, which includes The Primary-School SpellingBook; Grammar-School Spelling -Book a series of six Readers ; and Catechism of United States History. He died May 1, 1875,
attained the
rank of general in the United States army. He died July 29, 1899, in Washington, D.C. Crebs,
John M.,
soldier, lawyer, congress-
7, 1832, in Loudoun coimty, Va. In 1862 he entered the volimteer army as lieutenant-colonel; participated in all the Mississippi movements until the capture of Vicksburg; and was also in the Arkansas campaign, commanding a brigade of cavalry in the department of the gulf. In 1869-73 he was a representative from Illinois to the forty-first and forty- second
man, was born April
Creede, Nicholas C, gold miner, founder, was bom April 4, 1842, in Fort Wayne, Ind. In 1862 he went to Colorado in search of adventure, and found it in seven years of service as a United States scout, holding the rank of first lieutenant. He later became famous as the founder of the Creede mining camp in Colorado. He died in 1897.
Creegan, Charles
C, clergyman, author,
29, 1850, in Brighton, Iowa. He graduated from Oberlin college; and in 1875-80 preached in Ohio. In 1880-82 he was superintendent of home missions in Colorado; in 1882-88 was secretary of the home missions in York; and in 1888-93 was field secretary of the American board of
was born
commissioners for foreign missions. Since 1893 he has been district secretary of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions at New York City. He is the author of Great Missionaries of the Church.
Heber Mansfield, soldier, statesman, was born on Nov. 30, 1856, in La Fayette county, Mo. He attended the United Creel,
of 1898;
and in the Philippine War of the author of On the Great High-
in Baltimore,
Crehore, William Williams, civil engineer, author, was bom Feb. 3, 1864, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1890 he has been a practicing civil engineer of New York City. He is the author of Tables and Diagrams for Use of Engineers and Architects. Creigh, Thomas A, soldier, business man, genealogist, was born Oct. 6, 1840, in Mercersburg, Pa. During the civil war he served in the one hundred and twenty-sixth regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, army
He is president of Creigh, sons and company, an incorporated firm of real estate dealers and loan brokers of Omaha, Neb. He has been past grand recorder of the knights templars of Nebraska; and past president of the Nebraska sons of American revolution. He is the author of The Creigh Genealogy. Creighton, Hugh L., soldier, educator, business man, was born Jan. 37, 1837, in Louisa county, Iowa. During the civil war he served as a soldier in company of the Potomac.
A, thirtieth regiment Iowa volunteer infantry, and was promoted to captain. He served with distinction in the battles of Wilson's
States military acadat West Point, N.Y. He was second lieutenant of the sevUnited States enth
Creek, Chicasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Siege of at Lookout Mountain,
has been and judge advocate general of the North Dakota National guard; and president of the state military board. He served as state senator of the cavalry. inspector
twenty-first district of
North Dakota in 1897-1901. He founded the city of Devils Lake. N.D.: and received the nomination for congress in 1898.
Missionary Ridge and other battles. Arid for many years he was a public school teacher; and is now engaged in business in Oakville, Iowa, where he takes a prominent part in the public affairs of his
county and state. Creighton, author,
James Edwin, educator, scienwas born in 1861 in Picton,