twelfth regiment West Virginia volunteer infantry; and in 1865 waa brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. Curtis, William Edmund, lawyer, jurist,
was born in 1824 in Litchfield, Conn. In 1871 he was elected judge of the New York supreme court; and at the time of his death was chief justice of the superior court. He 6, 1880, in Watertown, Conn. William Eleroy, journalist, author, waa born Nov. 5, 1850, in Akron, Ohio. In 1871 he graduated from Western reaerve university. He was envoy extraordinary and
died July Curtis,
minister plenipotentiary to the republic of Central and South America in 1884-85; and executive officer international American conference in 1889-90; director bureau American republica in 1890-93; apecial envoy to the king of Spain in 1892; and special commissioner to the South American republics for the Pan American exposition in 1899. He is the author of The United States and Foreign Powers; Life of Zachariah Chandler; The Capitals of Spanish America; The Land of the Nihilist; Venezuela; The Yankees of the East; Between the Andes and the Ocean; and Handbook to the American Republics. Curtis, William Stanton, educator, clergycollege president, waa born Aug. 3, 1815, in Burlington, Vt. In 1842-55 he was pastor of the presbyterian church at Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1863-68 he was president of Knox college. In 1869-75 he was pastor of the Westminster church at Eoekford, 111. He died May 30, 1885, in Eoekford, 111. Curtis, William Woodside, educator, author, was born Dec. 22, 1858, in Freeport, Maine. He has been principal of high schools
in Maine and Massachusetts; and is now principal of the high school of Pawtucket, R.I. He is part author of the English Classics Series. Curtiss, Mrs. Abby Allin, poet, was born Sept. 15, 1820, in Pomfret, Conn. Her first piece, Take Me Home to Die, appeared in Neal'a Gazette in 1846. She has published
Ballads, and contributed to periodicals under the signature of Nil! a.
Frank Harrison, educator, college was born Oct. 2, 1857, in Coldwater, Mich. For two years he was president of the Brunson Military academy; and four Curtiss, president,
years of the Aiken institute. South Carolina. has taught in the city schoola of Kansas City, Mo.; and since 1898 superintendent of city schools of Mound City, N.C. Curtiss, George Houghton, lawyer, author, was born Sept. 16, 1853, in Mt. Morris, N.Y. In 1880 he began the practice of law; and in 1883-89 was district attorney of Broome county, N.Y. Since 1900 he has been United States district attorney of the northern district of New York. He is the author of Pro-
tection and Prosperity. Curtiss, George Lewis, educator, clergyman, author, was born Nov. 21, 1835, in Columbia, Ohio. For two years he filled the chair of mathematica in Moore'a Hill college;
for ten years filled the same chair in the Medical college of Indiana; for seven years was professor of historical theology in the De Pauw university; and for six years was professor of diseases of the nervous system in the medical college of the New Orleans university. During all this time he filled pastorates in the methodist episcopal church; and now fills a pastorate in Columbus, Ind. He is the author of Monograph on Methodism; Sketches from the Romances of American History; Manual of Methodist Episcopal Church History; Evolution of Christian Doctrine; Interrogatory Studies of the Bible; and A Study of the Constitution of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
James Edward,
Curtiss, in
New York
was bom
In 1862 he was captain
of the one hundred and fifty-second regiment New York infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died July 23, 1901, in New York City. Curtiss, Samuel Ives, clergyman, author, waa born Feb. 5, 1844, in Union, Conn. He is professor of biblical literature in the Chicago theological seminary. He was the author of The Name of Mackabee; The Levitical Priests; Ingersoll and Moses; and The Date of Our Gospels. He died in 1904 in Chicago, 111. Curwen, Samuel, loyalist, author, was bom in 1715 in Massachusetts. He was a loyalist
lived in
England during th^ American
revolution; but retur:ied after its close to his native town of Salem. While an exile he kept a journal which contains much valuable information concerning loyalist exiles. It was first published in 1842, with the title Journal and Letters of the Late Samuel Curwen, Judge of Admiralty, an American Refugee in England, 1775-84. He died in 1802 in
Salem, Mass. Cusack, Mary Frances, philanthropist, author, was born in 1830. She was known as The Nun of Kenmare. She is the author of Student's History of Ireland; A Woman's
in Modern Society; The Pilgrim's Way Heaven; and other works. She died June 7, 1899, in Leamington, England. Cusack, Thomas, business man, congressman, was born Oct. 5, 1858, in Ireland. He was a member of the Chicago board of education in 1891-98; and was colonel on Governor Altgeld's staff. In 1899-1901 he was a representative from Illinois to the fiftysixth congress as a democrat.
Thomas Francis, clergyman, auxbishop, was born Feb. 22, 1862, in New York City. In 1865 he was ordained priest; and in 1897-1904 he was supervisor of the New York diocesan mission society. Cusack,
was consecrated auxiliary bishop York. Cushing, Alonzo Hereford, soldier, was born Jan. 19, 1841. He was first lieutenant of artillery. He had command of battery A at Gettysburg, at which battle he was killed, July 3, 1863. In 1904 he of