HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. at Xufta college of Massachusetts. He is the author of The Truth in Christian Science Cushman, John Paine, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in 1784, in Pomfret, Conn. In 1817-19 he was a representative from New York to the fifteenth congress; and in 1838 was appointed judge of the circuit court.. Died Sept. 16, 1848, in Troy, N.Y. Cushman, Joshua, state senator, congress-
man, was born in Plymouth, Mass. He was a state senator in 1809, 1810, 1819 and 1820; and a member of the assembly in 1811 and 1834. In 1819-25 he was a representative from Massachusetts and Maine to the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth congresses. He died in 1834 in Winslow, Maine. Cushman, Pauline, actress, spy, was born June 10, 1833, in New Orleans, La. She was employed by the government as a detective to discover the southern sympathizers and spies in Louisville, and their methods of conveying information and medical supplies across the lines; and frequently also as a scout. She died Dec. 2, 1893, in San Francisco, Cal.
Cushman, S. D., inventor, was born in 1819 in Virginia. He is said to have invented the first telephone ; and his voice was the first to ever send a message over the wires. The fact that such a thing could be accomplished was brought to his astonished senses by the croaking of a bullfrog over a telegraph wire. He was associated in the early pioneer days with S. F. B. Morse, the discoverer of the telegraph. He died March 1, 1908, in Minneapolis, Minn. Cushman, Samuel, jurist, congressman, was born in 1783. He was judge of the police court of Portsmouth, N.H.; was councilor in 1833-35; county treasurer in 182328; and navy agent at Portsmouth in 184549. In 1835-39 he was a representative from New Hampshire to the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth congresses. He died May 20, 1851, in Portsmouth, N.H.
Cushman, Seth Leonard, banker, president, was born Aug. 13, 1849, in Taunton, Mass. For several years he served as a bookkeeper in a large mercantile house; and since 1887 has been president of the Bristol county national bank of Taunton, Mass. Cushman, Thomas, colonist, was born in 1608 in England. He married Mary, third daughter of Isaac AUertou, about 1635. His wife survived him and was the last of the Mayflower passengers, dying in 1699 at the age of ninety years. A large granite monument to the memory of the first Cushmans
was erected at Plymouth by their descendants in 1858.
died Dec. 11,
1692, in
Plymouth, Mass. Cushny, Arthur Robertson, physician, author, was born March 6, 1866, in Scotland. Since 1893 he has been professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the university of Michigan. He is the author of The Action of Drugs in Health and Disease. Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon, author, was born in Monroe, Mich.; and was the wife of
the late General George A. Custer. She is the author of Boots and Saddles, or Life in Dakota with General Custer; Tenting on the Plains, or General Custer in Kansas and Texas; and Following the Guidon. Cussons, John, explorer, journalist, author, was born April 6, 1837, in Horncastle, England. He came to Virginia in 1861 as lieutenant in the governor's guard, fourth Alabama regiment. He scouted for General Bernard until the death of that officer. He was then assigned to scouting by General
till he was appointed on the staff of General Law, at the battle of Seven Pines; and served with dis-
tinction throughout an honored member of the Richmond chamber of commerce; member of the history committee; and grand command-
the war.
er of the confederate veterans of Virginia. the founder of Glen Allen, near Richmond, Va., where he has a beautiful country seat called Forest Lodge. He is the author of Glance at Current History. Custer, George Armstrong, soldier, author, was born Dec. 5, 1839, in New Rumley, Ohio. He was a famous general in the federal army
He was
during the civil war; and he afterward became noted in campaigns against the Indians.
He was
killed entire comin a battle with
with his
the Sioux in the Black Hills. He was the author of My Life on
the Plains. He was massacred with two hundred and seventysix of his men by the Indians under Sitting Bull, near Little Big Horn river, Montana, June 25, 1876. Mrs. Elizabeth Custer, his wife, is a noted author.
Thomas Ward,
1845, in New Rumley, Ohio. He enlisted as a private in an Ohio regiment; and served in the west until he was made aide-de-camp on his brother's staff, then with the army of the Potomac. He died June 35, 1876, in Montana. Custis, George Washington Parke, artist, author, was born April 30, 1781, in Mount Airy, Md.; and was an adopted son of General Washington. He wrote orations, and plays and during his latter years executed a, number of large paintings of revolutionary battles. He was the author of Recollections of Washington. He died Oct. 10, 1857, in Arlington House, Va. Cutbush, James, chemist, educator, author,
was born
in Pennsylvania.
of chemistry at
He was professor He was the