troller of the treasury. in Washington, D.C.
died April
Cutt, Richard Dominicus, surveyor, was born Sept. 21, 1817, in Washington, D.C. He entered the coast survey in 1843, remaining in its service for over forty years. His first efforts were directed toward raising the standard of topographical work, which he accomplished with eminent success. The shores of the Chesapeake, the coasts of the Pacific, the plains of Texas, and the mountains of New England equally bear testi-
mony to his professional ability. To him the navigators of the Pacific are indebted for the first surveys of San Francisco, San Diego, and Monterey bays. In the civil war he was on the staff of General Henry W. Halleck; and received the brevet rank of brigadiergeneral in 1865. He died Dec. 13, 1883, in Washington, D.C. Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah, physician, was born March 4, 1735, in N. Yarmouth, Maine. In 1758 he was surgeon of the New Hampshire troops in the successful expedition against Louisburg. He was a delegate to the New Hampshire constitutional conventions and long president of the New Hampshire medical society. He died Dec. 8, 1819, in Portsmouth, N.H. Cutter, Benjamin, musician, composer, author,
1857, in
Mass. In 1882 he became a teacher of the violin; since 1888 he has been a teacher of harmony; and siiice 1898 has been a teacher of harmonic analysis at the New England conservatory of music. He is the author of Exercises in Harmony; Harmonic Analysis;
Study Kreutzer.
since 1894 has been librarian of Forbes library of Northampton,
Mass. He has prepared a new classification for libraries; and has written Rules for a Printed Dictionary and Catalogue. He was also the author of BosHow ton Athenseum
Get Books, with an
the explanation of new way of marking books ; has edited Catalogue of the Library of the Boston Athenaeum, in five volumes; and during 1881-93 edited
Cutter, Charles Frederic, business president, financier, was born July 23, 1841, in
Ashland, Middlesex county, Mass. He has organized some of the first local companies operating lines in New England. In 1883 he was elected president of the New York and New Jersey telephone company; and in 1889 was elected president of the Metropolitan telephone and telegraph company. He died in 1907. Cutter, Ephraim, physician, inventor, was born Sept. 1, 1832, in Woburn, Mass. He practiced his profession in his native city for many years; and is now in New York City, and in 1887 the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the faculty of Iowa college for his inventions, improvements and contributions to medical science. Cutter, George F., naval officer, was born about 1823 in Massachusetts. In 1838 he entered the United States navy. In 1881 he was made pay-director on the retired list, with the rank of commodore after forty five years' service Aug. 20, 1881. Cutter, George Washington, poet, was born in 1801 in Massachusetts. He was the author of B'uena Vista and Other Poems; Song of Steam; and Poems National and Patriotic. He died Dec. 24, 1865, in Washington, D.C. Cutter, John Ashburton, physician, author, was bom June 27, 1863, in Woburn, Mass. Since 1886 he has practiced medicine in New York City. He is the joint author with his father, Dr. Ephraim Cutter, of Fatty lUs and Their Masquerades and Food.
Parker, librarian, author, Washington, D.C. In 1888 he graduated from Cornell university. In 1893-1900 he was librarian in the department of agriculture; and in 1901-04 was chief of the order division in the library of congress at Washington, D.C. Since 1904 he has been librarian of Forbes library at Northampton, Mass. He is the author of Rare Books and Their Prices. Cutter,
Cutter, Calvin, physician, surgeon, author, was born May 1, 1807, in Jaffrey, N.H. He commanded forces in Kansas in 1856; and was president of the military council of that state. In 1861-64 he was surgeon of the twenty-first regiment Massachusetts volunteer infantry. He was the author of Cutter's Physiology. He died March 25, 1880, in Greene, Maine. Cutter, Charles Ammi, librarian, author, was born March 14, 1837, in Boston, Mass. During 1869-93 he was librarian of the Bos-
the Library Journal of New York City. died in 1903 in Northampton, Mass.
was bom Dec.
19, 1867, in
Cutting, Francis Brockholst, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in 1805, in New York City. In 1836-37 he was a member of the New York legislature; and in 1853-55 he was a representative from New York to the thirty -third congress; and was leading counsel in almost all important commercial questions in New York in 1840-55. 26, 1870, in New York City.
died June
Hiram Adolphus, geologist, auwas born Deo. 23, 1832, in Concord, Vt. He was state geologist of Vermont. He was the author of Mining in Vermont; Climatology of Vermont; Microscopic Revelations; Cutting,
Pests ; Notes on Building Stones Lectures on Plants and Fertilization; Lectures on Milk; Farm Lectures; and Vermont Agricultural Reports. He died April 18, 1892, in Lunenburg, Vt.