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graphic Determination of Longitudes; and Life of Rear Admiral C. H. Davis, his father. Davis, Charles Henry Stanley, physician, legislator, author, was horn March 2, 1840, in Goshen, Conn. In 1865 he graduated from the medical school of the New York university;

and was a


dent in the hospitals of New York, Boston, Paris and London. In 1873, 1885 and 1888 he was a member of the general assembly of Connecticut. During 1887-88 he was mayor of Meriden, where he practices medicine. In 1898-99 he was city treasurer. He is well known as a Egyptologist. He is the author of History of Wallingford and Meriden; The Voice of a Musical Instrument; Classiiication, Education and Training of Feeble Minded, Imbecile and Idiotic Children; The Egyptian Book of the Dead; History of Egypt in the Light of Modern Discoveries; Grammar of the Old Persian Language; and other works. Davis, Charles Howard, painter, artist, was born Feb. 2, 1857, in East Cambridge, Mass. He acquired a knowledge of painting; and since 1879 has been a professional artist. He is now connected with Howard Athenaeum of Boston, Mass. Davis, Charles Lukens, soldier, was bom Feb. 27, 1839, in New Brighton, Pa. For several years he was a civil engineer on railroads and during the civil war became chief signal officer of the army of the Potomac with the rank of captain. In 1865 he was brevetted major in the United States volunteers. In 1866 he was commissioned in the regular army; and after forty-one years' service upon the active list he attained the

Wisconsin infantry in 1862-64. He was a member of the Minnesota legislature in 1867; was United States district attorney for Minnesota in 1868-73; and was the sixth governor of Minnesota in 1874-76. In 18871901 he was United States Senator. He is the author of The Law in Shakespeare. He died Nov. 27, 1900, in St. Paul, Minn. Davis, Daniel, soldier. He was appointed lieutenant-colonel of New York volunteers in 1812; and brigadier-general in 1814. He was killed at the head of his brigade in the sortie from Fort Brie Sept. 17; 1814. Davis, Daniel, lawyer, jurist, author, was born May 8, 1763, in Barnstable, Mass. He was solicitor-general of Massachusetts in 1800-32. He is the author of Criminal Practice; and Precedents of Indictments. He died in Massachusetts. Davis, Daniel Franklin, lawyer, state senator, governor, was bom in 1843, in Freedom, Maine. He was a lawyer of high standing; served in both branches of the Maine state legislature; and as governor of the state was widely known as one of Maine's famous governors. He subsequently became collector of customs of the port of Bangor. He died Jan. 9, 1897, in Bangor, Maine. Davis, David, lawyer, jurist. United States senator, was born March 9, 1815, in Cecil county, Md. He was elected to the Illinois state- legislature and in 1848 was elected judge of the eighth judicial circuit of the state; re-elected in 1855 and also in 1861. He was an associate Justice of the supreme court of the United States in 1863-77. He was vice-president of the United States. In 1877-81 he was United States senator from Illinois. He died June 36, 1886, in Bloomington, 111. Davis, David, vocalist, composer, was born May 3, 1855, in South Wales. He became a skilled mechanical artisan of Cleveland, Ohio.

About 1875 he began

rank of brigadier-general. He was retired in 1903; and resides in Schenectady, N.Y.

the study of vocalism; and in 1877 returned to his native country and entered into the university of

Davis, Charles Russell, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born Sept. 17, 1849, in Pittsfield, 111. Since 1873 he has practiced law in St. Peter, Minn.; was county attorney for ten years; and was city attorney for eighteen years. In 1888-90 he was a member of the Minnesota state legislature; in 1890-94 was a senate. In 1903-11 he



of the state

was a representative

Wales, where he studied

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from Minnesota to the fifty-eighth, fiftyninth, sixtieth and sixty-first congresses as a republican.


Davis, Charles Wilder, soldier, was bom in Concord, Mass., Oct. 11, 1833. In 1861 he was living in Chicago; and was commissioned adjutant of the fifty-first regiment Illinois; and attained the rank of colonel. He died Dec. 16, 1898, in Chicago, 111. Davis, Cushman Kellogg, soldier, lawyer, governor. United States senator, author, was born June 16, 1838, in Henderson, N.Y. He was first lieutenant in the twenty-eighth

He makes



for three years. In 1880 he established himself as a, teacher of singing and har-



select schools of its character in the west.

a specialty of preparing pupils for church choirs, concerts and oratories. He is a director of the Cincinnati Welsh choral society; and for nearly twenty years has been a tenor in the Plum street Jewish tem-

Since 1900 he has been tenor and choirmaster in the Grace protestant episcopal church of Avondale. He has appeared in ple.

numerous concerts

in London; and in many of the principal cities of the United States.