242 Civil
in Virginia; Pre-Historic
The Mound Builders; and Eeminiscenoes
Half a Century.
De Hart, John, lawyer, jurist. In 1776-77 he was chief justice of the supreme court of
De Hart, John Richard in Ohio. In 1861 he was
P., soldier, first
was bom
lieutenant and
adjutant in the forty-sixth regiment Indiana volunteer infantry; and in 1865 was hrevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. De Hart, William, soldier, lawyer, was bom Deo. 7, 1746, in Elizabethtown, N.J. He was appointed major of the first New Jersey battalion in 1775; and lieutenant-colonel in 3 776. He was eminent as a, lawyer, and possessed much wit and humor. He was president of the St. Tammany society. He died June 16, 1801, in Morristown, N.J. De Hart, William Chetwood, soldier, author, was born in 1800 in New York state. He was an officer in the United States army. He was the author of Observations on Military Law and Constitution and Practice of Courts Martial. He died April 2, 1848, in Elizabethto^vn, N.J.
De Hart, William Henry, clergyman, theowas born March 21, 1837, in New
Brunswick, N.J. In 1865 he graduated from Rutgers college; and subsequently received the
South Carolina. He was the author of Ninety Sermons on the Public Means of Grace. He died Aug. 6, 1817, in Charleston, S.C. De Haven, John Jefferson, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born March 12, 1845, in St. Joseph, Mo. In 1849 he moved to California; and in 1867 was
from that
of A.M. institution.
In 1868 he graduated from the theological seminary located New Brunswick, N.J.; and received the degree of D.D. from Rutgers college. He has filled pastorates in Bucks county. Pa.; for six years in New York City; for ten years in Jamaica, N.Y.; for two years in Bethleham; and since 1880 has been pas-
tor of the Third reformed church at Raritan, N.J. For several years he has been treasurer of the Somerset county bible society; and from 1894 has been stated clerk of the general synod of the reformed church of America.
De Haven, Edwin J., arctic explorer, was born in 1819 in Philadelphia, Pa. He served in Wilkes' exploring expedition in 1839-43; and commanded the first expedition fitted out, at the expense of Henry Grinnell of New York, to search for Sir John Franklin. He died Oct. 2, 1865, In Philadelphia, Pa. De Haven, Frank, painter, artist, was bom Dee. 17, 1856, in Bluffton, Ind. In 1903 he received a silver medal from the Charleston exposition; and in 1904 received a medal from the St. Louis exposition. He is a, landscape painter; and is an associate of the national academy of design.
Dehon, Theodore, bishop, author, was born Dec. 18, 1776, in Boston, Mass. He wag the second protestant episcopal bishop of
elected district attorney for the Humboldt county. He was elected a member of the state
assembly during 1869; .md was a state senator in 1871-75. For two years he was city attorney for Eureka;
was republican candidate for congress in 1882; and in 1884 was elected judge of the superior court of Humboldt county for a six years. In 1888 he was elected to congress; and in 1890-94 was associate justice of the supreme court of the state of California. In 1897-1909 he was United States district judge for the northern district of Cal-
term of
ifornia. Deiler,
John Hanno, educator, founder, author was born Aug. 8, 1849, in Germany. In 1872-79 he was principal of a German school in New Orleans, La.; and since 1879 has been professor of German in the university of Louisiana and in T^ulane university. He was the founder of the German archives and of German singing societies in New Orleans, La.; since 1896 has been president of the nationunion of North- American Ssengerbund; is also president of the New Orleans Quartette club. He is the author of several works on the history of German Immigration into the United States. Deitz, William, state senator, congressman, was born in Schoharie county, N.Y. He was a member of the New York assembly in 181415; and in 1825-27 he was a representative from New York to the nineteenth congtess; and a state senator in 1830-33. He died in Schoharie, N.Y. Deitzler, George Washington, soldier, statesman, was born Nov. 30, 1826, in Pine al
Grove, Pa. He was a member of the Kansas house of representatives in 1857-60. During the civil war he became brigadier- general; and in 1864 was commissioned major-general of the Kansas militia. He died April 11, 1884, near Tucson, Ariz. De Jarnette, Daniel C, farmer, congressman, was born in 1822 in Caroline county, Va. He served many years in the state legislature of Virginia; and in 1859-61 he was a representative from Virginia to the thirtysixth congress. He withdrew in 1861. De Kalb, John Baron, soldier, was bom in Bavaria. In 1777 he became major general in the continental army. He died Auer. 19.
De Kay, Charles, journalist, author, poet, was born July 25, 1848, in Washington, D.C.