HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. De Peyster, Johnston W., soldier, was 3, 1841, in New York CSty. He served in the civil war; and rose to the rank
born Dec.
of colonel. De Peyster, J;ohn Watts, soldier, author, was bom March 9, 1821, in New York CSty. He is a general of the state militia in New York City. He is the author of Life of Torstenson; the Dutch at the North Pole and The Dutch in Maine; Decisive Conflicts of the Late Civil War; Personal and Military History of General Kearney; Life of Sir John Johnston; Mary, Queen of Scots, a Study; The Character of Mary and a Justification of Bothwell; Bothwell, a drama; The Thirty Years^ War; Before, At, and After Gettysburg; Life of Baron Cohom;
Caurausius, the Dutch Augustus; and The Real Napoleon Bonaparte. In fact he was the author of several hundred treatises on military, historical and scientific subjects, including an eighty-page treatise entitled The Earth Stands Fast. He died in 1907 in
N.Y. Depue, David Ayers, lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 27, 1826, in Northampton county. Pa. In 1866 he became associate justice of the Tivoli,
state supreme court of New Jersey. He died in 1902 in Newark, N.J. De Puy, E. Cora, journalist, author, was bom in Mount Morris, N.Y. In 1893 she founded and edited and published the Literary Century. She is the author of Temperance Work of the World; Pebbles and Pearls; and several novels. De Puy, Henry Walter, lawyer, journalist, author, was bom in 1820 in Pompey Hill, N.Y. In 1860 he was appointed secretary of Nebraska; he organized that territory, and served as the first speaker of the legislature. He was also Indian agent to the Pawnees. He is the author of Kossuth and his Generals; Louis Napoleon and his Times; and
Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys of '76.
Depuy, John J., soldier. He was a prominent confederate soldier in the civil war, and attained the rank of brigadier-general. He died Nov. 29, 1898, in Memphis, Tenn. De Puy, William Harrison, clergyman, author, was born Oct. 31, 1821, in New York City. He is a methodist clergyman of western New York. He was the author of Threescore Years and Beyond; Statistics of the Methodist Episcopal Church; Home and Health; and Home Economics, a very popular book. He died in 1901 in New York City. Derbigney, Pierre, governor. He served in the first Louisiana state legislature; judge of the supreme court; and was twice secretary of state. He was the sixth governor of Louisiana in 1828-29. He died Oct. 6, 1829, from injuries received by being thrown from his carriage.
Derby, EliaS Hasket, merchant, was born Aug. 16, 1739, in Salem, Mass. He opened trade with St. Petersburg in 1784, and with China in 1788; and from the latter year
until 1799 vigorously pushed the India trade, and has been called the father of American commerce with that country. He died Sept. 8, 1799, in Salem, Mass.
Derby, Elias Hasket, lawyer, author, was born Sept. 34, 1803, in Salem, Mass. He began the practice of law in Boston in 1827; and attained note as a railroad attorney. He was the author of Two Months Abroad; Catholic Letters; The Overland Route to the Pacific; and Position ajid Prospects of the United States with Respect to Finance, Commerce, and Prosperity. He died March 30, 1880, in Boston, Mass. Derby, George, physician, author, was born Feb. 13, 1819, in Salem, Mass. During the civil war he was medical inspector of the department of Virginia and North Carolina; and in 1872 was appointed to the new professorship of hygiene at Harvard medical college. He was the author of Anthracite and Health.
died in 1874.
Derby, George Horatio, civil engineer, author, was bom April 3, 1823, in Salem, Mass. He was a topographical engineer in the United States army; and popular as a humorist in his day. He was the author of Phoenixiana; and Squibob Papers. He died
15, 1861, in
New York
George McClellan, soldier, civil engineer, was born Nov. 1, 1856, at sea. In 1874 he joined the United States army; and in 1878 graduated from West Point. In 1898 he was appointed lieutenant -colonel and chief engineer in the United States volunteers. In 1907 he was retired as lieutenantcolonel in the corps of engineers United Derby,
States army at his own request after thirtythree years of service. Derby, James Cephas, publisher, author, was born July 20, 1818, in Little Falls, N.Y. He was a publisher of New York and San Francisco. He was the author of Fifty Years Among Authors, Books, and Publishers. He died in 1892. Derby, John Barton, poet, was bom Nov. 30, 1792, in Salem, Mass. He was the author of Musings of a Recluse; The Sea; and The Village. He died in 1867 in Boston, Mass. Derby, Orville Adelbert, educator, geologist, explorer, was born July 23, 1851, in Kelloggsville, N.Y. In 1873-75 he was instructor in geology in Cornell university; and resigned to serve on the geological commission to Brazil. In 1878 he was appointed curator of the national museum; and arranged the collection which he had gathered in Brazil. He has explored nearly every part of that country; and is regarded as the greatest living authority on the geology and physical geography of Brazil. Derby, Richard, merchant, was bom Sept. 12. 1712, in Salem, Mass. During the French war, 1756-63, he owned several ships and brigantines. He took a decided part in seeking redress from the British ministry for wrongs done to American shipping by Engli.sh privateers. In 1769-73 he was a member