Devlin, Robert Thomas, lawyer, state senator, author, was born June 13, 1859, in Sacramento, Cal. In 1900-04 he was a member of the California state senate; and since 1905 he has been United States attorney for
the northern district of California. He the author of a Treatise on the Law of Deeds. Devoe, Frederick William, merchant, manufacturer, was born Jan. 26, 1828, in New York City. He was educated in the public and private schools of his native city. His product, called Devoe's Brilliant Oil, enjoyed a very extended sale; and the present company, of which he is president and treasurer, is one of the leading in concerns the country. He has been president board of education and of the Greater New York commission; also president New York juvenile asylum.
De Voe, Thomas Farrington, S9ldier, author, was born March 15, 1811, in Yonkers, N.Y. He was for ten years a manager of the American institute, and took much interest in historical research. He Avas colonel of a regiment that volunteered for the Mexican war; and later became colonel. He was the author of The Market Book; The Mar-
ket Assistant; and The De Veaux Genealogy. He died Feb. 1, 1892, in New York City.
De Voe, Walter,
Devol, Gilbert, lawyer, jurist. In 1786-87 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island.
known as Mrs. Walden, auSept. 16, 1872, in New York the author of Oliver Iverson,
Devoore, Ann, thor, City.
was born
She is His Adventures During Four Days and Nights in the City of New York; The Whip Hand; The Kentucky Heiress; and On the Trail of a Go-Cart. De Vries, Marion, lawyer, congressman, was born Aug. 15, 1865, in Woodbridge, Cal. He was educated in the public schools; he graduated from San ifoaquin college, and he
^^k m MIII^ I^^K j^_ ^H^H ^^B^^^^^H^I
received the degree of Ph.D.; and also graduated from the university Michigan of with the degree of LL.B. In 1889 he began the practice of law in Stockton, Cal. ^" 1893-97 he was as^'^^^"'^
San Joaquin
county, Cal. He is a important committees; and always takes an active part in all debates tending to the industrial advancement of the United States. In 1897-1901 he was a representative from California to the fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth congresses as a democrat. Since 1900 he has been United
States general appraiser.
Dew, Thomas Roderick, educator, college
was born Dec. 5, 1802, in president of William and Mary college in 1836-46. He was author of History and Laws of Ancient and Modern Nations; The Policy of the Government; Lectures on History; Usury; and Essay in Favour of Slavery. He died Aug. 6, 1864, in Paris, France. president, author,
He was
educator, author, was born in 1874 in Cedar Kapids, la. He is a teacher and lecturer on psychology of Chicago, 111. He is the author of Healing Currents from the Battery of Life; Mystic Words of Mighty Power; Sacred Science of Regeneration; and other works.
Devol, William Stowe, educator, scientist, 34, 1860, near Marietta, Ohio. He is the director of the Arizona experiment station, proS^SM^r:^ fessor of agriculture, horticulture and veterinary science in the university of Arizona. He is the president of the Arizona agricultural association. He is a member of various horticultural, pomologieal and scientific associations. In
De Waele, Charles Leonard, lawyer, poet, was born Oet. 24, 1839, in Belgium. For a number of years he was in the lumber busi-
1896 he became a ter-
amongst the literary and legal fraterMichigan. He is the author of a volpoems published in his native lanHe is a linguist, and speaks the German and French languages, and
was born March
ness in northern Mich-
In 1876-90 he served as a justice of the peace; and for two terms was superintendent of schools. He is now circuit court commissioner for the igan.
county of Roscommon, Mich. As an author and lawyer Mr. De Waele occupies a high
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veterinarian, stamping out an extensive outbreak of swine plague. Devol, Carroll Augustine, soldier, was born in Ohio. In 1879 he became second lieutenant in the twenty-fifth regiment United States infantry; and is now a major.
nity of
guage. Dutch, has done service as interpreter in several prominent trials in the state.