ture; and a justice of the peace for many years; was postmaster at Hanover in 186164; when he was appointed additional paymaster of volunteers. In 1867 he was commissioned paymaster in the regular army, with rank of major, and was placed on the retired list in 1888. He died May 12, 1888, in Boston, Mass.
Dewey, Henry Sweetser, lawyer, legislawas born Nov. 9, 1856, in Hanover, N.H. In 1878 he graduated from Dartmouth college. Soon
tor, jurist,
after he
was appoint-
paymaster's clerk in the United States army. In 1879 he began the study of law at the Boston university law school; and since 1882 has practiced his profession in Boston, Mass. In 1885-
87 he was a of the Boston
member common
council; and in 188991 served three terms in the house of representatives. In 1891 he was appointed one of the board of bar examiners for Suffolk county; and in 1897 was made chairman of the state board of bar examiners. Since 1893 he has been master in chancery for his county; in 1896 was appointed special justice of the municipal court of Boston; and in 1899 was made an associate justice of that court. Since 1880 he has been in the state militia; in 1889 became judge advocate, with rank of captain, which position he held until 1900, when he was made judge advocate general.
Dewey, James Alfred, educator, reformer, was born Nov. 10, 1860, in Armenia, Pa. He is a noted educator and reformer; and is now superintendent of schools at Wanamie, Pa. Dewey, Jedediah, clergyman, was born on April 11, 1714, at Westfield, Mass. During the revolution he preached such vigorous war sermons, especially at the time of Baum's invasion of Vermont and the battle of Bennington, that he earned the title of the fighting parson. His tombstone at Bennington bears the following inscription: Rev. Mr. Jedediah Dewey, First Pastor of the Church in Bennington, who after a laborious life in the Gospel Ministry resigned his ofiice in God's Temple for the sublime employment of Immortality Dee. 21, 1778. In the 65 year of his Age. He died Dec. 21, 1778, at Bennington, Vt.
Dewey, Joel Allen,
lawyer, was
born Sept. 20, 1840, in Georgia, Vt. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers in 1865. In 1869 he was elected attorney-general of New York. He died June 17, ] 873, in Knoxville, Tenn.
Dewey, John, educator, author, was born Oct. 20, 1859, in Burlington, Vt. He is professor of philosophy at the university of
the author of Psychology;
Theory and Psychology Dewey, John
of Ethics; Study of Ethics; of Number. J., railroad president, was born April 8, 1846, in Queohee, Vt. In 1894 he became president of the Woodstock railway of Vermont. Dewey, Louis Marinus, genealogist, was born Aug. 27, 1865, in Westfield, Mass. He is the author of a genealogy of the Dewey family. Dewey, Lyster Hoxie, botanist, scientist, was born March 14, 1865, in Cambridge, Critical
Mich. In 1890 he was appointed assistant botanist in the United States department of agriculture. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. Dewey, Mary Elizabeth, author, was born Oct. 27, 1821, in Sheffield, Mass. She translated George Sand's Miller of Angibault, and edited The Life and Letters of Catherine M. Sedgwick. She also wrote a memoir of her father, Orville Dewey. Dewey, Melvil, educator, librarian, founder, author, was born on Deo. 10, 1851, in .Idams Center, N.Y. In 1874 and 1877 he
from Am-
herst college with the degrees of B.A. and
M.A. and subsequent;
ly received the degree of LL.D. from Syra-
and Alfred uni-
was acting librarian of Amherst college; in 1883-88 was chief librarian and lie
economy at Columbia college; in 1888-1906 was director of the iew York state library; in 1888-1900 was secretary and executive officer of the university City of New York; in 1887-1906 he was founder and director of the New York state library school; and in 1904-06 was state director of libraries for New York. He now president of Lake Placid club of Essex
county, N.Y. He founded and was the prime mover in organizing the American library association in 1876; and also the Spelling reform association and the electric bureau in the same year. He advocated and secured the establishment in 1887 at Columbia university of the first library school of which he was organizer and director in 1887-1906. He is the author of Library School Rules; and a Decimal Classification and Relative Index. Dewey, Nelson, governor. He was the first governor of Wisconsin in 1848-51. He died in Wisconsin.
bom March
clergyman, author, was Mass. He
28, 1794, in Shefiield,
was a unitarian clergyman of New York and Boston. He was the author of Unitarian Belief; Discourses on Human Life; The Old World and the New; Letters on Revivals; Problems of Human Life and Destiny; and