parts of the country. in
New York
died April 30, 1888,
D'Invilliers, Edward Vincent, geologist, author, was born Aug. 2, 1857, in Germantown,
Pa. In 1878-85 he was assistant geologist of the second geological survey of Pennsylvania, and is now a consulting geologist of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the author of The Geology of Berks County, Pa.; and other works. Dinwiddle, Edwin Cortland, clergyman, was born Sept. 29, 1867, in Springfield, Ohio. He has charge of a successful effort to prohibit army canteen for sale of intoxicating liquors; and secured appropriations by congress of nearly two million dollars for buildings at army posts for recreative and social
purposes of enlisted men. IHnwiddie, Robert, colonial governor. In 1752-58 he was colonial governor of Virginia.
Dinwiddie, William, journalist, photogra. pher, author, was born Aug. 23, 1867, in Charlottesville, Va. Since 1895 he has been illustrator and correspondent of the New York Herald. He is the author of War Sketches in Truth; and Our New Possessions.
Dirck, Cornelius Lansing, clergyman, auwas bom March 3, 1785, in Lansingburg, N.Y.; and was many years connected with Auburn theological seminary. He was the author of Sermons on Important Subjects. He died March 19, 1857, in New York. Disney, David Tieman, state legislator, congressman, was born in 1803, in Baltimore, Md. In 1820 he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio; was frequently a member of the state legislature of Ohio, and three times elected speaker. In 1849-55 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirty-first, thirty-second and thirty- third congresses. He died March 14, 1857, in Washington, D.C. Disosway, Gabriel Poillon, antiquarian, author, was born Dec. 6, 1799, in New York City. He was an antiquary of New York City; and was one of the founders of Randolph-Macon college, established in 1832 at Ashland, Va. He was the author of The Children's Book of Sermons; and The Earliest Churches of New York and its Vicinity. He died July 9, 1868, on Staten Island, N.Y. Disston, Henry, manufacturer, inventor, was born May 21, 1819, in England. He inthor,
vented more than twenty improvements in
saw manufacture, among them the movable or inserted teeth. He was the inventor and manufacturer of the Disston saw.
16, 1878, in Philadelphia,
Distumell, John, journalist, author,
Disston, William, merchant, manufacturer,
was born June 24, 1859, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and is the fourth son of the late Henry Disston of England, who came to America, and in 1840 established the Disston saw manufactory. He is president of the Henry Disston and sons saw works; and president of the German-American title and trust company of Philadelphia, Pa.
1801, in New York City. He was a map publisher of New York City; and an industrious compiler of guide books and similar- literature. He was the author of New York as it Was and Is, 1876; Infiuence of
born Oct.
Climate in North and South America; The Great Lakes of America; and Traveller's Guide to Hudson River; Tourist's Guide to the Upper Mississippi; and other works. He 1877, in
New York
City. journalist, author, was born May 22, 1854, in New York City. Since 1871 he has been on the staff of
died Oct.
the Evening Post and the New York Times. He is the author of John Drew, a biographical sketch.
Ditmars, Rajonond Lee, journalist, zoolo-
was born June 20, 1876, in Newark, N.J. For five years he was assistant curator of entomology at the American museum of natural history. He is the author of Snakes Found Within Fifty Miles of New York City. Ditson, Charles Healy, publisher,,was born Aug. 11, 1845. He is treasurer of the now incorporated firm of the Oliver Ditson company of Boston, which owns the branch house in Philadelphia; and is also part owner of Lyon and Healy company of Chicago, 111. Ditson, George Leighton, journalist, author, was born Aug. 5, 1813, in Westford, Mass. He was a noted traveler; and the author of Circassia, or a Tour to the Caucasus; Orimora; The Para Papers, or Prance, Egypt, gist, author,
and Ethiopia; The Crescent and the French Crusaders; and The Fedariti of Italy, a Romance of Circassian Captivity. He died in Boston, Mass. Ditson, Oliver, music publisher, was born Oct. 20, 1811, in Boston, Mass. He established the publishing firm of Oliver Ditson and company, which has become known throughout the United States. For twenty-five yeats he was president of the Continental bank of his city. He died Dec. 21, 1888, in Boston. Dittenhoefer, Abram Jesse, lawyer, jurist, was born March 17, 1836, in Charleston, S.C. In 1863 he was appointed judge of the city court of Columbia. He was presidential elector for Lincoln and Johnson. He is now a noted lawyer of New York City and counsel for a number of banks and companies. Diven, Alexander S., soldier, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born Feb. 15, 1809, in Catharine, N.Y. He was a state senator in the New York legislature in 1858. In 1861-63 he was a representative from New York to the thirty-seventh congress. He served in the civil war and was made brevet
brigadier-general dent of the Erie June 11, 1896, in Diven, Charles
in 1864.
He was
railway company. Elmira, N.Y.
was born
in Pennsylvania. In 1861 he was captain in the twelfth regiment Pennsylvania volunteer cavalry; and in 1865 was brevetted briga-