Brain; and The Physiology of the Central
Nervous System. Donaldson, James Lowry, soldier, author, was bom March 17, 1814, in Baltimore, Md. He was a colonel and brevet major-general in the United States army. He was the author of Sergeant Atkins, a tale of the Florida war. He died Nov. 4, 1885, in Baltimore, Md. Donaldson, John M., designer, architect, was born Jan. 17, 1854 in Scotland. He graduated from the high school of Detroit, Mich.; studied architecture in the polytechnic and art academy of Munich; and in the Ecole des beaux arts of Paris. He is a trustee of the Detroit art museum. He has designed and supervised many of the leading buildings of Detroit, Mich. Donaldson, Thomas Corwin, soldier, lawyer, author, was horn Dec. 37, 1843, in Columbus, Ohio. He served as a private in the civil war and later as a lieutenant. He filled various government offices; and was offered the governorship of Idaho by President Hayes, which he declined. While residing in Idaho he was colonel of a regiment of the national guard. His collection of curios, autographs, and paintings contained in his Philadelphia residence was among the most important in that city. He was the author of The Public Domain, Its History, with Statistics; Some of the People I have met; and Experiences in Idaho Territory. He died Nov. 18, 1898, in Philadelphia, Pa. Donaldson, Washington H., aeronaut, was born in 1840 in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1857-7] he traveled through the United States and made ascensions about fifteen hundred times. He died July 15, 1875. Donalson, John Ernest, manufacturer, lawyer, founder, was born April 29, 1846, in Bainbridge, Ga. Since 1869 he has practiced law. In 1889-91 he owned several stores and mills. He founded the towns of Faeeville, Miriam and Donalsonville in Georgia. Donck, Adriaen Van Der, known as De Jonkheer, lawyer, author. The town of Yonkers was named after him. He was the probable author of Vertoogh Van Niew Nederlandt; and he was also the author of Description of New Netherlands. These two volumes are the sources from which all subsequent writers have derived their information about the early history of New York City. Donehoo, James de Quincey, clergyman, author, was born Aug. 10, 1864, in Pairview, West Va. In 1885 he graduated with the degree of B.A. from Washington and JefferBOn college. He has been rector of churches in Ohio, Missouri and Louisiana; and now fills a pastorate in Opelousas, La. In 1903 he was editor of the daily and weekly DemocratNews at Marshall, Mo. He is the author of
Apocryphal and Legendary Ljfe of Christ. Donehoo, James R., clergyman, author, was bom Nov. 27, 1867, in Allegheny, Pa. In 1895-98 he was pastor of the presbyterian church at Wells, Minn.; in 1898-1902 was pastor of churches in and about Pitts-
burg, Pa.; and since 1903 has been pastor of the presbyterian church of Austin, Pa. He is the author of the New Testament View of the Old Testament. Dondlinger, Peter Tracy, educator, scientist, author, was born Oct. 26, 1877, in Port
Washington, Wis. In 1899 he graduated with degree
from the national normal university at Lebanon, Ohio; and in 1904 received the dePh.D. from of university. In Yale 1899-1900 he was progree
mathematics Uraina normal of Glasgow, Ky.; and in 1901 was a teacher in the pubfessor of
in the college
ware county, Ind. In 1904-06 he was professor of mathematics at Pairmount college of Wichita, Kan. In 1906-07 he was engaged in banking with Fisk and Robinson of New York City. He is a member of the American association for the advancement of science; and of the American forestry association and various other societies. He is the author of Book of Wheat. .
Andrew Jackson, diplomat, jourlawyer, was born Aug. 35, near Nashville, Tenn. He was aid-de-
nalist, planter,
camp to General Jackson in 1830-31; and was his private secretary in 1829-37. He was charge d'affaires to Texas in 1844-45; envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Prussia in 1846-48 and to Germany in 1848-49. He was editor of the Washington Union in 1851-53; and candidate of the American party for vice-president in 1852. He died June 36, 1871, in Memphis, Tenn. Dongan, Thomas, colonial governor, was
born in 1634 in Ireland. In 1683-87 he wa!» governor of the colony of New York. In 1686 he gave to the city of New York a charter; and in 1688 resigned his office. He died Dec. 14, 1715, in London, England. Donges, Ralph W. E., lawyer, political economist, was born May 5, 1875, in Donald-
He was ediicated at Broad street of Philadelphia, Pa.; and at Rugby. He has attained success in the praotica of law at Camden, N.J. ; and is one of the vice-presidents of the anti-imperialist league for New Jersey. son, Pa.
Doniphan, Alexander William, soldier, wa» born July 9, 1808, in Mason county, Ky. In 1838 he had risen in the state militia to thb grade of brigadier-general. When war began with Mexico in 1846, he entered the United States service; and in 1846 was commander at Bracite; and in 1847 at Sacramento. In 1839-43 and 1855-56 he was a member of the Missouri state legislature. He died Aug. 8, 1887, in Richmond, Mo. Donlevy, Alice Heighes, educator, lecturer, arti.st. author, was born Jan. 7. 1847, in Man-