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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. years he was a professor of physiology in medical colleges. He is the author of The Crown of Sunday School Songs; The Psalm of Victory ; and other music books. Dowling, M. P., educator, clerijgrman, lecturer, college president, author, was born on


14, 1851, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

He was

Downes, Edward Texas.


souri; and at Woodstock college of Maryland. Since 1881 he has been an eminent clergyman of the Roman catholic church. In 1881 he was ordained a Roman catholic priest; taught rhetoric in colleges at Cincinnati, St. Louis and Detroit; and in 188994 was president of Detroit college. For four years, he was head pastor of the Holy family church of Chicago ; and for two years was head pastor of Gesu church of Milwaukee. In 1885-89 he was president of Creighton university of Omaha; and since 1898 has again been president of that institution. He has secured the erection of the valuable church and college buildings in

born Sept.

and has

Dowling, Michael John, banker, financier, 17, 1866, in Huntington, Mass. Since 1897 he has been a dealer in real estate and is now president of the state bank at Olivia, Minn. In 1900 he was a, special commissioner to the Philippine Islands; and in 1901 was speaker of the Minnesota house

was born Feb.

of representatives.

Dowling, Victor


man, was born July

lawyer, jurist, statesYork 20, 1866, in


Since 1887 he has practiced law in New York City. In 1888-94 he was state secretary of the Catholic benevolent legion; in 1894-99 was supreme representative of that society; and was its state president in 1899-1900. In 1900-04 he was a member of the New York state senate; and introduced and passed the constitutional amendment for the eight -hour day, prevailing rate of wages, and anti-gambling law. He is a noted lecturer, writer and speaker on historical and general subjects. He was a delegate to state and national democratic conventions. Since 1904 he has been justice of the supreme court of New York. Downer, Jason, lawyer, jurist. In 1854-67 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Wisconsin. Downer, Samuel, merchant, founder, was born March 8, 1807, in Boston, Mass. At the age of fourteen years he entered business life in the shipping house of Downer City.



war; and was killed June 23, 1901, in action. Downes, John, naval officer, was born in 1786 in Canton, Mass. He entered the navy as a midshipman in June, 1802; and was in the war with Tripoli. He died Aug. 11, 1855, in Charleston, S.C.

lectured extensively on religious and social subjects. He is the author of Grievance of the Wage Workers; Development of Character in Students; Private Schools and. Their Relation to the State; and numerous other learned Monographs.

was born

served in the Spanish-American

educated at St. Xavier college of Cincinnati, Ohio; at St. Stanislaus seminary of Mis-

Omaha, Detroit and Milwaukee;

E., soldier,


Downes, John, mathematician, author, was 4,

1799, in Brooklyn, N.Y.



moved to Washington, D.C., in 1856 and for more than twenty years was employed as a computer

for the United States coast survey. the author of Peter Parley's Almanacs for Old and Young; Logarithms and Logarithmic Lines and Tangents; and United States Almanac Complete, or Ephemeris. He died in 1882 in Washington, D.C. Downes, John A., naval officer, was born Aug. 25, 1822, in Massachusetts. During the civil war he commanded the iron-clad Nahant during the bombardment of Fort McAlister in 1863; and in the first attack upon Fort Sumter in the same year. He aided in the capture of the Confederate ironclad Atlanta. He died on Sept. 20, 1865, in New Orleans, La. Downes, Lewis T., insurance president, founder, was born July 9, 1824, in Waterbury, Conn. He studied law; and in 1855 entered the ofiice of Royal Chapin of Providence, R.I. In 1873 he organized the What Cheer mutual fire insurance; and is its

He was


Downes, William Howe, journalist, author, 1, 1854, in Derby, Conn. He is a Boston Journalist; and for many years was on the staflf of the Transcript. He is the author of Spanish Ways and By-Ways; and The Tin Army of the Potomac, or a Kindergarten of War. Downey, John, educator, author, was bom in 1770 in Germantown, Pa. In 1817 he was a member of the Pennsylvania legislature. He was the author of a series of humorous sketches under the signature of Simon the Wagoner. He compiled a work entitled The

was born March

Justice's Assistant.


died July 21, 1827,

in Harrisburg, Pa.

into partnership.

Downey, John Florin, educator, mathematician, lecturer, author, was born Jan. 10, Since 1880 he 1846, in Hiramsburg, Ohio. has been professor of mathematics in the university of Minnesota. He is a lecturer on popular and scientific subjects. He is the author of Elements of Differentiation and Integration and Higher Algebra. Downey, John G., governor, statesman. He was the seventh governor of California in 1860-62. He died March 1, 1894, in Los Angeles, Cal. Downey, S. W., soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born July 25, 1839, in WesternHe served in the union army durport, Md. ing the civil war. He removed to the terri-

Downer kerosene

tory of

and Baldwin; and six years later was taken



In 1861 he organized the oil company of Boston, died Sept. 20, 1881, in Dorchester,



in 1869 and was elected of the territorial council in 1871, He was treasurer of the ter1877.


1875 and