superintendent of Scribner's Monthly, which in 1881 became Icnown as the Century Mag-
active practice as a homoeopathic physician, now in Denver, Col. In 1883 she married Rev.
Drake, Benjamin, journalist, author, was born in 1794 in Mason county, Ky. He was the author of Cincinnati in 1820; Tales and Sketches from the Queen City; Life of Black Hawk; Life of William Henry Harrison; and Life of Tecumseh. He died April 1,
tional clergyman. She
1841, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Drake, Benjamin M., clergyman, educator, college president, was born Sept. 11, 1800, in North Carolina. He was instrumental in building the first methodist church in New Orleans; was .president of Elizabeth female academy, the first methodist school established in that state; and was also president of Centenary college. He died in 1860 in Mississippi. Drake, Charles Daniel, lawyer, jurist, United States senator, author, was born April 11, 1811, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1859 he was elected to the Missouri legislature and in 1861-62 took an active part against the secession movement. In 1863 he was elected to the Missouri state convention; was a presidential elector in 1864; and in 1865 was a member and vice-president of the convention that formed the present constitution of Missouri. In 1867-71 he was United
Richmond Drake, an eminent congregais
the author of
Know; What a Oug:ht to Know; Ma-
Young Wife Ought
Woman of Forty-five ternity; Maternal Responsibilities;
and num.
erous missionary pamphlets and medical articles.
Drake, Sir Francis, explorer, soldier, was born about 1545 in England. He made several voyages to the West Indies; and in 1573 entered the harbor of Plymouth, Mass. He pillaged the Spanish ships and towns. In 1588 he was appointed vice-admiral. He died Dec. 27, 1595. Drake, Francis Marion, soldier, merchant,' lawyer, railroad president, banker, governor, philanthropist, was born Dec. 30, 1830; in Rushville, 111. In 1852 he crossed the plains to Sacramento, Cal. and while crossing Shell Creek, Neb., in command of twenty men, he had a severe
engagement with 300 Indians, which were defeated with a heavy loss. He subse-
States senator from Missouri; and in 1871 was appointed chief justice of the court of claims at Washington, D.C. He was the author of a Treatise on the Law of Suits by Attachment in the United States; and a Life of Daniel Drake. He died April 11, 1892, in Washington, D.C. Drake, Daniel, physician, author, was born Oct. 20, 1785, in Plainfield, N.J. He was a distinguished physician of Cincinnati and Philadelphia; and became known by his valuable work on The Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America. His other works include Pictures of Cincinnati and the Miami Country; History of the Prevention and Treatment of Epidemic Cholera; Essays on Medical Education; Discourses; and Pioneer Life in Kentucky. He died Nov. 6, 1852, in
quently was connected with his father, John Adams Drake, in the mercantile and milling business in Drakeville and Centerville, Iowa. In 1861 he enlisted and was commissioned captain of a company; served with distinction throughout the civil war, and was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. After the wai he became a noted lawyer, and subsequently was engaged in the railroad and banking business. He projected, constructed and put into operation five railroads; and has been
Cincinnati, Ohio. Drake, Elias Franklin, railroad president, capitalist, state senator, was bom Dec. 21, 1813, in Urbana, Ohio. He was president of the Dayton and Xenia railroad, and of the Dayton and Western railroad. He served in the state legislature; in 1838 became the president of the Columbus Insurance company; in 1864 he built the St. Paul and Sioux City railroad; and in 1873 he was elected to the state senate of Minnesota. He died Feb. 14, 1892, in San Diego, Cal. Frances Angell, phyDrake, Mrs. sician, author, was bom Sept. 15, 1849, in Angellville, N.Y. In 1874 she graduated from Olivet college of Michigan; and in 1882 grad-
in 1903 in Centerville, Iowa.
uated from the Boston university medical school. The following year she was principal and physician to the Moody seminary of Northfield, Mass.; and has since been in the
president of the Indiana, Illinois and Iowa railroad company; president of the Albia and Centerville railroad company; president of Centerville national bank. In 1896-98 he was the fifteenth governor of Iowa. He died
Drake, Francis Samuel, biographer, author,
was born Feb. 22, 1828, in Northwood, N.H. He was the author of Dictionary of American Biography; Memorial of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati; Life of Gen. Henry Knox; The Tovni of Roxbury;
Tea-Leaves; and Indian History for Young Folks. He edited Schoolcraft's History of the Indians; and contributed articles on Brighton, Watertown, and Roxbury to the Memorial History of Boston. He died Feb. 23, 1885, in Washington, D.C. Drake, George Bernard, soldier, was bom Massachusetts. In 1861 he was second lieutenant in the twelfth regiment Massachusetts volunteer infantry; and in 1865 brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. Drake, Harrie Beekman, antiquarian, genin
bom May
23, 1864, in
New Eng-