HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. the Antique Coins in the United States Mint. He died July 14, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa.
Du Bois, William Henry, banker, financier, state senator, was born March 34, 1835, in Randolph, Vt. In 1875 he organized the Randolph national bank, and has been its president since. In 1876 he was a member of the Vermont general assembly; and of the state senate in 1893. In 1883-90 he was state treasurer of Vermont. Du Bose, Mrs. Catherine Anne, author, poet, was born Sept. 19, 1836, in England. She is the author of The Pastor's Household, or Lessons on the Eleventh Commandment, a juvenile tale; and the Elliot Family. Du Bose, Dudley Mclver, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born on Oct. 38, 1834, in Shelby county, Tenn. At the beginning of the civil war he entered the confederate army; and rose to the rank of brigadier-general. In 1871-73 he was a representative from Georgia to the forty-second congress as a democrat.
Bose, Horace Mellard, clergyman, poet, 7, 1858, near Mobile, Ala. He has been the chief editor of the Pacific Methodist Advocate, the leading religious newspaper on the Pacific coast. He is the author of Rupert Wise, a, poetic romance in eight cantos and Psyche, a symbolic poem. Du Bose, Joel Campbell, educator, author, was born Dec. 17, 1855, in Gaston, Ala. He is the author of Sketches of Alabama His-
was born Nov.
Dubose, John Witherspoon, soldier, planter, was born March 5, 1836, in Darlington, S.C. During the civil war he served in the confederate states army. He is a successauthor,
Birmingham, Ala. He the author of Life and Times of Yancey; Mineral Wealth of Alabama; and other works. Du Bose, William Porcher, educator, clergyman, author, was born in 1836 in WinnsHe graduated from the univerboro, S.C. sity of Virginia; and received the degree of S.C. and S.T.D. from Columbia university. He served as adjutant and later as chaplain in the confederate states army. In 1865 he entered the presbyterian ministry and filled pastorates in ful cotton planter of
Winnsboro and Abbeville,
He was
chaplain, professor and dean in the theological department of the university of the South; and now emeritus. He is the author of The Soteriology of the New Testament; The Ecumenical Councils; The Gospel in the Gospels; and The Gospel According to St. Paul. Dubourg, Louis Guillaume Valentin, clergyman, bishop, was born Feb. 14, 1766. In 1815 he was appointed the first Roman cath-
bishop of New Orleans. He died Feb. 13, 1833, in France. Dubreul, Joseph Paul, clergyman, was
born in 1814 in France. He entered the society of St. Sulpice in 1836; and was ordained
He was the pioneer of his order in the United States; -and filled in succession the ofiices of master of novices, rector, cousultor and provincial. He died in 1878 in Baltimore, Md. Dubuis, Claude Marie, Roman catholic bishop, was born in 1817 in France. In 1863 he was appointed bishop of Galveston, Texas. He resigned his see in 1880. He died May 1, 1895, in Vermaison, France. in 1841.
Dubuque, Julian, pioneer, merchant, was born Jan. 10, 1763, in Canada. He was a fur trader. In 1788 he obtained possession of the territory belonging to the Fox Indiana. He was engaged in the mining of lead in Iowa. He died in Dubuque, Iowa, which city
was named
in his honor. Ducachet, Henry William, clergyman and founder, was born Feb. 17, 1796, in Charleston, S.C. He filled the oflaee of rector of the Burd Orphan asylum, an institution which
its origin to his exertions. He died Deo. 1865, in Philadelphia, Pa. Ducat, Arthur Charles, soldier, was bom in Ireland. In 1861 he was second lieutenant in the twelfth regiment Illinois volunteer infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted briga dier-general of volunteers. He died Jan. 39, 1896. Ducatel, Julius Timoleon, chemist, educator, author, was born June 6, 1796, in Baltimore, Md. He was professor in the university of Maryland. He was the author of Manual of Toxicology. He died April 33, 1849, in Baltimore, Md. Ducey, Thomas James, Roman catholic clergyman, was born on Feb. 4, 1843, in Ire-
land. In 1880 he founded in New York City the church of St. Leo at a cost of two hundred thousand dollars. Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni, author, was born July 31, 1835, in France. He was a noted French traveler who was a naturalized citzen of the United States. He was the author of Ivar the Viking; Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa A Journey to
Ashango Land; My Apingi Kingdom; Wild Life Under the Equator Lost in the Jungle The Country of the Dwarfs; Land of the Midnight Sun; Age of the Vikings; Stories of the Gorilla Country; The Viking Age; Iver, the Viking; The People of the Great African Forest; and The Land of the Long Night. He died in 1903 in New York City. Duche, Jacob, clergyman, was born in 1737 in Philadelphia, Pa. He was an episcopal clergyman of Philadelphia and the author ol Caspipina's Letters and Discourses on Var;
ious Subjects. delphia, Pa.
died Jan.
1798, in Phila-
Duchesne, Philippa Rose, was born in 1769 in France. She was the founder of the first houses of the society of the Sacred Heart in