Dustin, Owen, soldier, financier. He attained the rank of brigadier-general during the civil war. He was subsequently connected with the United States sub-treasury at Chicago. He died March 30, 1892, in Chi-
Geology of the Hi^h Plateaus of Utah; Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District; Hawaiian Volcanoes; Mount Taylor and the Zuni Plateau; The Charleston Earthquake of
Dutton, Everell Fletcher, soldier, banker, 4, 1838, in Charlestown, N.H. During the civil war he served as first lieutenant and captain of the thirteenth Illinois volunteers; was major and colonel in the one hundred and fifth Illinois infantry; and brevet brigadier-general United States volunteers. He was president of the National bank of Sycamore, 111. He died June 9, 1900, in Sycamore, 111. Dutton, George Washington, soldier, physician, author, was born Dec. 18, 1826, in Sheldon, Vt. He served during the Mexican war in the commissary and medical departments. His paper on Treatment of Fracture of the Femur was printed in the Transactions of the California Medical society for
Dustin, William
G., editor, publisher,
was born June 7, 1850, in Corinth, He received his education in the public schools; and has attained success as writer and editor of several publications. He served as a captain in the Illinois state guard; and for about ten years served as congressional committeeman from the eleventh district of Illinois. He is the publisher of the Banner of Dwight, 111., the official organ of lie oifioial,
the national organization sons of veterans. also publishes the Dwight Star and Herald, the Dwight Journal, the Campus Journal, and the Cardiff Journal. He is now serving his second term as postmaster of Dwight, 111.; and the business of that office has nearly doubled during his eight years' administration of its aflfairs. He has been commander of the sons of veterans; and head consul of the Modern Woodmen of America,
of Illinois.
Dutcher, Addison Porter, physician,
was born Oct. 11, 1818,' in Durham, N.Y. He was the author of Selections from My Portfolio, essays on Popular and Scienthor,
Subjects; also Pulmonary Tuberculosis:
Sparks from the Forge of a Rough Thinker; and Two Voyages to Europe. He died Jan. 30, 1884, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Dutcher, Jacob C, clergyman, author, was born about 1820. He is a clergyman of the Dutch reformed church. He is the author of Requisites of National Greatness The Prodigal Son; Our Fallen Heroes; The Old Home by the River; and Frank Lyttleton, or Winning His Way. He died about 1900 in New
Dutcher, Silas B., banker, financier, was born July 12, 1829, in Springfield, Ohio. In 1884 he was elected president of the Union Dime Savings institution of New York and in 1891 became president of the Hamilton's Trust company of Brooklyn, N.Y. Dutton, Arthur Henry, soldier, was born Nov. 15, 1838, in Wallingford, Conn. While on duty in North Carolina with his regiment, he served as chief of staff to Major-General Peck; and susequently held a similar position upon the staff of Major-General W. F. Smith. After the battle of Drury's Bluff, in which he greatly distinguished himself, he was placed in command of the third brigade. He was mortally wounded in the beginning of an engagement in 1864. He died July 2, 1864, in Baltimore, Md.
1886; and other geological papers.
was born Jan.
Dutton, Henry, educator, lawyer, jurist, governor, author, was born Feb. 13, 1796, in Plyniouth, Conn. He was attorney for the state; professor of law in Yale college; and served five years in the legislature, and one year in the state senate. He was the twentieth governor of Connecticut in 1854-55; in 1861 was judge of the superior court, and of the supreme court of errors. He died April 12, 1869, in New Haven, Conn. Dutton,
Henry Worthington,
Eaton school; and
Dutton, Clarence Edward, soldier, geologist, was born May 15, 1841, in Wallingford, Conn. In 1875-90 he was an officer in the United States army and associated with the geological survey. He is the author of
1883-90 he was su-perintendent of schools at New Haven, Conn.
Lebanon, Conn. For twenty-five years, in 1827-52, the firm of Dutton and Wentworth were state printers. He died April 15, 1875, in Boston, Mass. Dutton, Samuel Train, educator, author, was born Oct. 16, 1849, in Hillsboro, N. H. In 1873-78 he was in charge of the schools of South Norwalk, Conn. In 1878-82 he was principal of the boi-n April 17, 1796, in
In 1890-1900 he was superintendent of the schools at Brookline, Mass. Since 1900 he has been professor of school administration and superintendent of the Teachers' college schools. In 1895-97 he lectured on pedagogy at Harvard college. He is the author of Morse Speller; Social Phases of Education; and School Management. Dutton, Samuel William Southmayd, clergyman, author, was born March 14, 1814, in Guilford, Conn. In 1843 upon the establishment of the New Englander, he became one of the associate editors. He was the author of a History of the North Church during the