HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, Dyer, Mrs. Catherine Cornelia, author, was born in Ludlowville, N.Y. She was the author of Henry and the Bird's Nest; Sunny Days Abroad; Brief History of the Joy Family; and Records of the Dyer Family. She died in 1903 in New York City. Dyer, Charles E., lawyer, state legislator, jurist, was born Oct. 5, 1824, in Cicero, N.Y. In 1859-61 he was city attorney of Racine, Wis. In 1866-68 he was a representative in the state legislature. In 1875-88 he was United States district judge for the eastern district of Wisconsin. He died in 1905 in Milwaukee, Wis. Dyer, Charles Gifford, painter, artist, was born in 1846 in Chicago, 111. He has spent
pal church in 1888-94; and was a member ot the general conference in 1898. He is the author of Manual for Ofiicial Members; and History of the Christian Church. Dyer, Elisha, soldier, governor, was born Nov. 28, 1839, in Providence, R.I. He was educated in Brown university; and graduated from the university of Giessen with the degree of Ph.D. In 1861 he enlisted as a sergeant in the first regiment Rhode Island light battery; and was severely injured on the
way to Washington. In 1863-66 he was a colonel on the staff of
his professional life in Munich and in Paris. Among his more important works
most of
are On Linden When the Sun was Low; Historical Still Life of the Seventeenth Century; and Among the Domes of St. Mark's. Dyer, Charles Volney, abolitionist, surgeon, was born June 12, 1808, in Clarendon, Vt. He removed in 1835 to Chicago, 111.; ana soon became acting surgeon in Fort Dearborn. He became agent for the underground railroad in Chicago. He died April 24, 1878, in
Lake View,
Dyer, Mrs. D. D., donor, author, was born in Illinois. She presented to the board of education of Kansas City a valuable collection of Indian curios. She is the author of Fort Reno, 111. Dyer, David Patterson, soldier, lawyer, legislator, congressman, was born Feb. 12, 1838, in Henry coimty, Va. He was elected to the Missouri state legislature in 1862 and 1865. He had command of the forty-ninth Missouri volunteers during a part of the civil war. He was elected secretary of the Missouri state senate in 1866; was a delegate to the Chicago convention of 1868; and in 1869-71 he was a representative from Missouri to the forty-first congress. In 1875 was appointed United States attorney. He was republican candidate for governor in 1880.
lives in St. Louis,
Dyer, Eliphalet, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Sept. 28, 1721, in Windham, Conn. He had command of a Connecticut regiment during the French war in 1755. He was elected a member of the council in 1762; and was a delegate to the stamp act congress of 1765. In 1774-79 and 1780-83 was a delegate to the continental congress, and held a seat in that body during the war, excepting 1779. He was appointed judge of the supreme court in 1766; and was chief justice
1807, in
Windham, Conn. Dyer, Elisha, governor. In 1857-59 he was the twenty-first governor of Rhode Island. He died in Rhode Island. Dyer, George Herbert, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 15, 1849, in Mendon, N.Y. He was presiding elder of the methodist episco-
served in the marine corps of artillery as assistant commissary; in 1869 became lieutenant-colonel; and in 1871 resigned. In 1875 he was placed in command of the combined artillery of Rhode Island. In 1878 he was a member of the Rhode Island state senate; and in 1881 was a member of the general assembly. In 1882-95 he was adjutant general of Rhode Island; and in 1895 was retired with the rank of brigadier-general. In 1897-1900 he was the fortieth governor of the state of Rhode Island. He died in 1906.
Dyer, Heman, clergyman, author, was born Sept. 24, 1810, in Shaftsburg, Vt. He is an episcopal clergyman of New York City. In 1844-49 he was president of the Western university of Pennsylvania. He became editor of the Episcopal Quarterly Review in 1S54. He retired from active work in 1880. He was the author of Voice of the Lord upon the Waters and Records of an Active Life, an autobiography. He died in 1900 in New York City.
Dj'er, Isaac, soldier,
was born
in Maine.
served in the civil war; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. Dyer, John J., lawyer, jurist. Prior to the year 1850 he was appointed United States district judge for the three districts of Iowa. He died in Iowa.
Dyer, Louis, lecturer, author, was Sept. 30, 1851, in Chicago, 111. Since he has lectured at Oxford college and
bom 1890
other college; and in 1895-96 he was acting professor of Greek at Cornell university. He is the author of The Green Question and Answer; Oxford As It Is; and other works.
Dyer, Mary, quaker, martyr, was born in England. In 1635 she came to Boston, Mass., and being a conspicuous disciple of Mrs. Hutchinson, took refuge in Rhode Island. In 1657 she reappeared in Boston, and was found guilty under the act of returning to the colony after she had been expelled, and
was hanged June