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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. he entered the employ of tie Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway company; and in 1899 became its president. Earll, Jonas, state legislator, congressman, was born in 1786. He was at one time a state senator in the New York legislature; and in 1827-31 he was a representative to the twentieth and twenty-first congresses. He was a canal commissioner at the time of his death. He died in October, 1846, in Syracuse, N.Y. Earll, Nehemiah H., congressman, was born in New York. In 1839-41 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-sixth congress. He died in New York. Earll, Warner, lawyer, jurist. Sometime between 1865-99 he was associate justice of the supreme court of Nevada. He died in

Nevada. Early, John, clergyman, bishop, was born He Jan. 1, 1786, in Bedford county, Va. was elected bishop in 1854; and served his church with great zeal and fidelity for nineteen years. He died Nov. 5, 1873, in Lynphburg, Va. Early, John, clergyman, college president, was born in 1814, in Ireland. He was for several years president of Worcester college, Mass.; and was subsequently the president of Georgetown college. He died in 1874 in Georgetown, D.C. Early, Jubal Anderson, soldier, author, was bom Nov. 3, 1816, in Franklin county, Va.; was a general in the confederate army; and settled in New Orleans after the close of the civil war. He was confederate general at Monocracy, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, and Waynesboro. He was author of Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States; Campaigns of General Lee; and Jackson's Campaign against Pope. He died March 2, 1894, in Lynchburg, Va. Early, Lewis Johnson, educator, journalist, author, was born on Feb. 2, 1865, in Ohio county, Ky. He is editor and proprietor of The Telephone of Cannelton, Ind.; and author of a book of selections entitled The Elocutionist's Favorite. Early, Peter, lawyer, jurist, congressman, governor, was born June 20, 1773, in Madison county, Va. In 1801-07 he was a representative to the seventh, eighth and ninth congresses from Georgia. On his return to Georgia he was made a judge of the supreme court of the state; in 1813-15 was the tenth governor; and was subsequently a state senator. He died Aug. 15, 1817, in Greene county, Ga. In 1879Earnshaw, William, soldier. 80, he was the commander-in-chief of the Grand army of the republic. Easby-Smith, James S., lawyer, author, was born May 17, 1870, in Tuskaloosa, Ala. In 1891 he became editor of the Georgetown College Journal. In 1894 he was admitted to the practice of law; and in 190406 he was assistant United States attorney Since 1904 -for the District of Columbia.


he has been quiz master of the Georgetown university law school. He is the author of The Law of Pardons; The Department of Justice, its History and Functions; and other works. Eason, James Henry, educator, clergyman, editor, was born Oct. 24, 1866, in Sumterville, Ala. He attended the Selma university, and the Richmond theological seminary, Virginia, from which institution he received the degree of B.D. in 1890. He was principal of the Auburn academy, Alabama; missionary of the American baptist home mission society of New York City; and professor of mathematics and metaphysics

Selma university. He reads Greek and fluently; and has made some original investigations in ancient history; and is the author of a work on that subject enHe is titled The March of Civilization. in


also the editor of the Baptist Leader. Eastburn, George, %oldier, educator, lecturer, was born Nov. 25, 1838, in Bucks In 1863 he enlisted in the county. Pa. eleventh regiment of



teer infantry,

and he


left the military service on account of sickness. In

1868 he founded an English and classical



on Broad school street of Philadelphia, known as the East-


burn academy, which

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he has since conducted with great success. He was ofi'ered the vice-presidency of Girard college. He has lectured extensively on the metric' system, and other subjects. In 1871 Yale college gave him the degree of M.A. and in 1890 the degree of Ph.D. was conferred on him by Princeton college. Eastburn, James Wallis, clergyman, author, poet, was born Sept. 36, 1797, in London, England. At the age of eighteen he wrote the hymn Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! He published in conjunction with Robert C. Sands, Yamoyden, a romantic poem, founded on the history of King Philip. He died i

at sea Dec.



Eastburn, Manton, clergyman, bishop, author, was born Feb. 1, 1801, in England. He was fourth protestant episcopal bishop of Massachusetts. He was the author of Lectures on Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.' Poetry; Lectures on the Epistles to the Philippians and Essays and Dissertations on Biblical Literature. He died Sept. 11, 1872, in Boston, Mass. Easter, Mrs. Marguerite Elizabeth, litterateur, author, was born in 1839 in Virginia. She was a verse writer of Baltimore. She was the author of Clytie and Other Poems. She died in 1894 in Baltimore, Md. Easterbrook, Experience, lawyer, congressman, was born April 30, 1813, in Lebanon, N.H. He was a member of the con-