He has delivered several lectures upon his observations in foreign lands. He is the author of East-
Independent Democrat.
man's White Mountain Guide Book; and other works. Eastman, Sanford, physician, was born in 1831 in Lodi, N.Y. He began to practice in Buffalo; and in 1858-70 was professor of
in the university. 8, 1874, in Riverside, Cal.
died Jan.
Eastman, Seth, soldier, author, was born Jan. 24, 1808, in Brunswick, Maine. He was stationed at Fort Snelling and other places on the western frontier; and was afterward a lieutenant-colonel and brevet brigadiergeneral. He was the author of History, Condition and Future Prospects of the Indians of the United States; and Topographical Dramng. He died Aug. 31, 1875, in Washington, D.C. Easton, Carroll F., banker, financier, was born Aug. 31, 1857, in Lowville, N.Y. For many years he lived in Minnesota, and is now a prominent banker of Aberdeen, S.D., and general financial agent of the western department of the Fidelity and deposit company of Maryland. Easton, James, soldier, builder, was born Hartford, Conn. He was a builder by trade. He raised a Berkshire regiment in 1775, served at Ticonderoga; and was the bearer of the news of that contest and its results to the Provincial congress. He died in Pittsiield, Mass. Easton, John, colonial governor. He was colonial governor of Rhode Island in 169095. He was the author of a Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip's Indian War of in
died in
Easton, Morton William, educator, philologist, author, was born Aug. 18, 1841, in He was educated at the Hartford, Conn. Hartford high school; and received the degrees of B.A. and Ph. D. from Yale and the degree of M.D. from
university. He practiced medicine for a short time in
was afterward sor
parative philology at the state university of Tennessee; and is now professor of English and comparative philology at the university of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the American oriental society; and a member of the Modern language society. He is the author' of numerous articles and Monographs on Sanskrit, Iranian and English subjects.
Easton, Langdon Cheves, soldier, was Aug. 10, 1814, in St. Louis, Mo. He was brevetted brigadier-general in 1864 for distinguished and important service in the
quartermaster's department in the campaign terminating in the capture of Atlanta, Ga.; and major-general in 1865, for meritorious He was promoted service during the war. to be colonel and assistant quartermastergeneral in 1873, retiring from active service in 1881. He died April 29, 1884, in New
Easton, Nicholas, colonial governor, was He was born in 1593 in Rhode Island. colonial governor of Rhode Island in 165055 and 1672-74. Newport, R.I.
died Aug. 15, 1675, in
Easton, Nicholas, lawyer, jurist. In 1762was an associate justice of the su-
63 he
preme court of Rhode Island. Rhode Island.
died in
Easton, Rufus, lawyer, jurist, congressHe was appointed United States judge and for the territory of Louisiana in 1805 in 1813-17 he was a delegate from Missouri territory to the thirteenth and fourteenth
died in Missouri.
Eastwood, Alice, botanist, author, was born Jan. 19, 1859, in Toronto, Canada. In 1879-89 she taught in the high school at Denver, Col. Since 1892 she has been curator of the. herbarium in the California academy of sciences. She is the author of Popular Flora of Denver, Col.; Hand-book of Trees of California; and other works.
Eastwood, Benjamin, clergyman, author, in 1835 in England. He was an episcopal clergj'man of Pawtucket, R.I. He was the author of Trials and Triumphs among the Lowly; and Cranberry Culture. He died in 1899 in Pawtucket, R.I. Eaton, A. K., soldier, politician. During the civil war he attained the rank of brigadier-general. He became prominent in the public afifairs of Iowa. He died July 15,
was born
1896, in Osage, Iowa.
Amasa Mason,
legislator, jurist, author, 1841. in Providence, R.I.
was born ilay 31, was educated by
private America
attended the schools of Paris and Rome; in 1861 graduated with the degree of
A.M. from Brown
university; and subsequently received the degree of LL.B. from
Harvard law school. During the civil war he served in the first regiment of the Rhode Island volunteers under Colonel Burnside. He then engaged in business, from which he has now retired. In 1863-65 he was a member and president of the town Council of North Providence; in 1874-75 was a member of the common council of Providence; and a member of the board of aldermen. In 1865-66 and 1872-74 he served as a member of the Rhode Island