master of the school afterward called college. He died in 1660 in Eng-
Harvard land.
Eaton, Samuel John Mills, clergyman, auwas born April 15, 1820, in Fairview, Pa. In 1848-82 he was pastor of a church in Franklin, Pa.; and has held the office of stated clerk of the presbjrtery of Erie from 1853. In 1871 he visited Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Turkey. He is the author ol History of the Presbytery of Erie; Lakeside; Jerusalem; and PaJestine. He died July 16, 1889, in Franklin, Pa. Eaton, Seymour, educator, founder, author, was born May 7, 1859, in Canada. For five years he has been professor in Drexel thor,
institute of Philadelphia, Pa. He was editor of the Home Study Library; and founder of the Booklovers' Library. He is the author of How to Do Business; and The New
Arithmetic. Eaton, Theophilus,
governor of
was born about 1591 in England. In 1643 he was chosen the first governor of the New Haven colony. He died June 7, 1658, in Columbia, S.C. colony,
Eaton, Thomas Treadwell, clergyman, author, was born Nov. 16, 1845, in Murfreesboro, Tenn. He is a Baptist minister of Louisville, Ky.; and in 1887 he became editor of the Western Recorder. He was the author of Angels; Talks to Children;
Marriage and Law; Talks on Getting Married; Wives and Husbands; and How to Behave as a Church Member. He died in 1907 in Louisville, Ky. Eaton, Walter Prichard, dramatic critic, author, was bom Aug. 24, 1878, in Maiden, Mass. Since 1907 he has been dramatic He is the critic on the New York Sun. author of The American Stage of To-day. Eaton, William, soldier, diplomat, was bom Feb. 23, 1764, in Woodstock, Conn. In 1799 he became consul to Tunis. He died June 1, 1811, in Brimfield, Mass. Eaton, William Wallace, lawyer, United States senator, congressman, was bom October, 1816, in Tolland, Conn. He was elected a member of the house of representatives of Connecticut in 1847, 1848, 1853, 1863, 1868, 1870, 1871, 1873 and 1874; and was speaker in 1853 and 1873. He was elected state senator in 1850; in 1875-78 he was United States senator; and in 1883-85 he was a representative from Connecticut to the He forty-eighth congress as a democrat. died Sept. 21, 1887, in Hartford, Conn.
Eaton, Wyatt, painter, artist, was born He painted por6, 1849, in Canada. traits of the poets Bryant, Whittier, Long-
Emerson and Holmes; a portrait of Garfield for the Union League club; and a portrait of Bishop Horatio Potter, and of other eminent men. He was one fellow,
of the organizers of the Society of American artists, of which he was president. He died June 7, 1896, in Newport, R.I.
Eberhard, Ernst G., musician, organist, was born May 30, 1839, in Germany. In 1859-63 he was organist of St. Ann's church of Brooklyn, N.Y.; in 1864-76 was organist of St. Paul's church of New 5fork City; and in 1874 he founded the grand conservatory of music, of which he is the president. He is the author of Harmony and Counterpoint Simplified; and a course of studies for the piano in twelve books; and also a method in two books; and miscellaneous works. Eberhard, Gilbert L., soldier, lawyer, legislator, poet, was bom in Beaver county. Pa. He served four years in the union army during the civil war. He has served as county superintendent of the public schools; two terms as a member of the legislature of Pennsylvania; and was twice mayor of New Brighton. Eberhart, John Frederick, educator, busifounder,
ness man, founder, was bom Jan. 21, 1829, in Mercer county, Pa. In 1859 he was county school superintendent for Cook county, 111.; and organized the Cook county normal school, now the Chicago teachers college. He was one of the founders of the state normal university at Normal, 111. He is now a successful real estate dealer of Chicago, 111.; and president of the People's church of
America. Eberhart, Noble Murray, physician, surgeon, author, was born April 21, 1870, in Benton Harbor, Mich. Since 1894 he has practiced medicine in Chicago, 111. He is the author of a series of text books on ento-
mology and zoology. Eberle, John, physician, author, was born Dee. 10, 1787, in Lancaster county. Pa. He was a noted physician of Philadelphia, and later of Cincinnati, Ohio. He was the author of Botanical Terminology; Diseases and Physical Education of Children; Therapeutics and Materia Mediea; and Notes on Theory and Practice of Medicine. He died Feb. 2, 1838, in Lexington, Ky.
Ebersole, Ezra C, educator, college president, lawyer, was born Oct. 18, 1840, in Mt. Pleasant, Pa. He was professor of mathematics; and became president of the Western college of Iowa. For several years he was supreme court reporter of Iowa. He is the author of Iowa People's Law Book. Eccles, Robert Gibson, physician, ehemist, He was 1, 1848, in Scotland. the first in this country to investigate the inhibiting of drugs on peptic digestion. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. He is the author of Food Preservatives; and many scientific and philosophical papers.
was bom Jan.
Eccleson, Samuel, college president, archbishop, was born in 1801 in Maryland. He was president of St. Mary's college. In 1834 he was consecrated coadjutor archHe died in 1851 in bishop of Baltimore. Georgetown, D.C.