was born
he was a representative from Virginia to the
33, 1810, in Hartland, N.Y. In 1837 he moved with his parents to Michigan. In
thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty-third, thir-
1839 he was elected to the state senate; and He was the in 1846 to the lower house. whig candidate for governor; and in 1850 was chosen a member of the council for the first revision of the constitution of the state of Michigan. In 1857-61 he was comptroller of Detroit, which office he resigned to become the commissioner of the general land In 1869 he became oflice in Washington. postmaster of Washington city. In 1855-61 was chairman of the republican state central committee of Michigan; and president of the Michigan Soldiers' Relief association in
Edmunds, James
Washington in 1861. ton, D.C.
M., statesman,
from its first organization died Dec. 13, 1879, in Washing-
Edmunds, Newton, banker, governor, was born May 31, 1819, in Hartland, N.Y. In 1837 he moved with his parents to Michigan; and in 1861 went to Dakota as chief clerk in the surveyor general's office. In 1863-66 he was governor and ex-ofiieio superintendent of Indian affairs of Dakota ter-
he was chairman of a board commissioners to of
ritory. In 1865
negotiate a treaty or treaties with the hostile Indians of the upper Missouri. Lone Horn, chief of the tribe of the Mlnneconjues of the Sioux Indians,
you (Governor Edmunds) the man that makes peace with the Indians, the Peacemaker. In 1876 it became said:
necessary to negotiate another treaty for Authority the cession of the Black Hills. was given by congress and Governor Edmunds was one of the men chosen for the work. He was by this time known to all the tribes and many of the head men personally. In 1882 it became desirable again to negotiate a treaty with all the tribes of the Dakotas. He again was one to begin the work of breaking up their tribal relations. This accomplished just began the work; time will accomplish the rest. He Is now president of Yankton national bank. Edmunids, Paul Carrington, lawyer, farmer, congressman, was born Nov. 1, 1836, in Halifax county, Va. He was a member of the senate of Virginia in 1881-89. He was a delegate from the sixth district to the democratic national convention at Chicago in 1884; and in 1889-95 he was a representative from Virginia to the fifty-first, fiftysecond and fifty-third congresses as a democrat. He died March 12, 1899, in Richmond,
Edmundson, Henry A., lawyer, congressman, was born in Virginia. He began the In 1849-61 practice of law in Salem, Va.
ty-fourth, thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth conEdsall, Joseph E., state legislator, congressman, was born in Sussex county, N.J. In 1845-49 he was a representative from New Jersey to the twenty-ninth and thirtieth congresses; was a member of the state legislature; and the convention which framed the last state constitution. He died in Sussex county, N.J.
Edsall, Samuel Cook, clergyman, bishop, was born March 4, 1860, in Dixon, 111. He was admitted to the priesthood in 1889; and the following year took charge of St. Peter's parish of Chicago, where he met with much success and remained until elected missionary bishop^ of North Dakota in 1898. In 1901 he was consecrated protestant episcopal bishop of Minnesota.
Edson, Cyrus, physician, author, was bom In 1882 he 8, 1857, in Albany, N.Y. was appointed on the medical staff of the health department of the city of New York Sept.
sanitary inspector; and proall the different grades to his present position as chief inspector. He was the author of Poisons in iFood and Drink; Disinfection; and Defenses against ContaHe died In 1903 in New gious Diseases. as assistant
moted through
Edson, Franklin, merchant, statesman, was born April 5, 1832, in Chester, Vt. He was three times president of the Produce exchange of New York City. In 1883 he elected mayor of New York City. died Sept. 24, 1904, In New York City.
Edson, Jarvis Bonestreet,
engineer, inventor, genealogist, was born April 30, 1845, In Janesville, Wis. In 1863 he enlisted in the civil war; and in 1864 entered the United States navy as He subsequently third assistant engineer. served three years as an officer in South ical
America under Admiral Kirkland. He is the inventor of Edson's pressure recording gauge and other devices. He organized the navy league of the United States. He is the author of Edsons in England and America.
Edson, John Joy, lawyer, banker, was born May 17, 1846, in Jefferson, Ohio. In In 1861-63 he served in the civil war. 1875-81 he was a patent attorney. In 188995 he was president of the National homoeoSince 1894 he has been pathic hospital. president of the Washington loan and trust
company. Edson, Lewis, musician, composer, was born Jan. 22, 1748, In Bridgewater, Mass. compiled The New York Collection of He composed the hymnSacred Music. tunes, Bridgewater, Lenox, Greenfield, and others. He died in 1820 in Woodstock, N.Y. Edson, Theodore, soldier, was born In He served with 1838 in Massachusetts.