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employ of his father; and upon the death of his father in 1892 he became senior partner of Marc Eidlitz and son. His firm has built many fine buildings. He is president of the United States mortar supply company and other corporations. Eigenbrodt, William Ernest, was bom June 10, 1813, in Jamaica, N.Y. In 1846 he became rector of All Saints' church of New York City. In 1858 he became associate mini.ster of Calvary church; and in 1862 was made professor of pastoral theology in the General theological seminary. In 1854-83 he was secretary of the convention of the diocese of New York. He died Nov. 4, 1894, in

New York


Eigenmann, Carl


educator, zoologist,

was born in 1863 in Germany. In 1891 he became professor of zoology in the university of Indiana. He has founded biological stations at Turkey lake and Winona lake. He has made a special study of the blind animals living in the North American caves. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science.

Eighmey, Charles Henry, lawyer, banker,

was born Nov. 28, 1834, in Saratoga, N.Y. He was educated at Cornell college of Mt. Vernon, N.Y. In 1861-71 he practiced law with success. He has been vice-president, cashier, and president of the First national bank of Dubuque since 1871. He has been prominently identified with religious institutions; and has been a member of the methodist episcopal church of Dubuque for

half a century. He is a trustee and chairman of the building committee of the new St. Luke's methodist church of Dubuque, to the construction of which he was a liberal donor. Eilers, Frederic Anton, mining engineer, metallurgist, was born Jan. 14, 1839, in

Germany. He is considered one of the foremost experts in the United States in metallurgy.

Einhorn, Max, physician, surgeon, invenwas born Jan. 10, 1862, in Russia. He received the degree of M.D. from the unitor,


of Berlin.


has been professor of medicine in the New post-graduate York medical school and hospital and was visiting physician to the

German hospital. He is a member of the New York academy of mediMedical association of the state of

cine, the


York, the American medical association, and corresponding member of the medical society of Munich, Bavaria. He has innumerous medical instruments; vented among which are the fermentation saccharometer, stomach bucket, gastric spray, stomach powder blower and the radiodiaphane. He is the author of Diseases of the Stomach;

of the Intestines; and Practical Problems of Diet and Nutrition. Einstein, Edwin, merchant, congressman, was born Nov. 18, 1842, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated in the college of the city of New York and at union college. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits. In 1879-81 he was a representative from New York to the forty-sixth congress as a republican.


Einstein, Lewis, author, was bom March New York City. He is the author of The Italian Renaissance in England. 13, 1877, in

Eis, Frederick, clergyman, bishop, was born Jan. 20, 1843, in Arbach, near Coblentz. In 1899 he became Roman catholic bishop of Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette, Mich.

Eisen, Gustav, biologist, scientist, author, 2, 1850, in Stockholm, Sweden. He is specially known for his researches in the oligochseta or earthworms of America the plasmocytes of the human blood and the parasitic amoebse of carcinoma. In 1880-81 he made explorations in Mexico and Guatemala; in 1892-99 in Lower California and Mexico; and in 1902 in Guatemala. In 18931900 he was curator of the California academy of sciences; and since 1900 has been curator at Lloyd-Tevis aquarium and biological station in San Francisco, Cal. He is the author of the Raisin Industry; The Fig, Its History, Culture and Curing; and seventy papers in zoology, geography, archaeology

was born Aug.

and horticulture. Eisendrath, Daniel Nathan, physician, author, was born Nov. 8, 1867 in Chicago, 111. He is attending surgeon to the Cook county hospital of Illinois. He is the author of a Text Book of Clinical Anatomy; and Surgical Diagnosis. Ekin, James Adams, soldier, was born Aug. 31, 1819. in Pittsburg, Pa. He was advanced to colonel and given charge of the first division of the quartermaster-general's oflfice in Washington, where he continued till 1870, holding various appointments in the office. He received the brevet of brigadier-general in the volunteer army; and those of major to brigadier- general in the regular army for his' services during the civil war. He died March 27, 1891, in Louisville, Ky.

congressman, N.H. established and edited the Herald of



was born July




18, 1820, in Rochester,

Freedom; and also participated in establishing the Independent Democrat. In 1857-58 he was a member of the New Hampshire state legislature; and in 1861-66 was a United States marshal for his state. In 1867-71 he he was a representative from New Hampshire to the fortieth and forty-first congresses. In 1872 was appointed fifth auditor of the United States treasury; and in 1881

was appointed

sixth auditor of the treasury.

Elam, Joseph B., lawyer, congressman, was born June 12, 1821, in Hempstead county. Ark. He served two terms in the Louis-