HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Kansas City; and in 1857 Colonel Coatea uniting his efforts with those of other enterprising citizens in establishing newspapers, projecting railroads, and important municipal improvements; the result of which was a stream of migration that speedily filled up Kansas City. He died April 34, 1887. Cobb, Albert Wheelwright, importer, manufacturer, was born May 31, 1853, in Brookline, Mass. He was educated in the public schools of his native city; and in 1873 graduated with the degree of A.B. from Harvard college. In 1872 he established himself in the East India importing business in Boston, Mass.; and in 1875-93 continued the same business in Chicago, 111. In 1893 he entered the Cobb ehooola,te company, which was originally established in 1875 in Dedham, Mass., and removed to Chicago in 1891, of which he is now president. He resides in Lake Forest, 111. Cobb, Amasa, soldier, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Sept. 27, 1833, in Crawford county, 111. During the civil war he was a colonel in the fifth regiment Wisconsin volunteer infantry; and became brevet brigadier-general United States volunteers. He led the troops which turned the enemy's left at Williamsburg in 1863; and commanded Hancock's brigade at the battle of Antietam. In 1863-71 he was a representative from Wisconsin to the thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth, fortieth and forty-first congresses. He was judge of the supreme court of Nebraska for fourteen years in 1878-92, four years of which he was chief justice. He died in 1905 in Lincoln, Neb. Cobb, Andrew Jackson, lawyer, jurist, was born April 12, 1857, in Athens, Ga. In 1887-91 he was city attorney of Athena, Ga. ; and was dean of Atlanta law school of Georgia in 1893-98. In 1896-1903 he was an associate justice of the state supreme court of Georgia. Cobb, Benjamin Franklin, journalist, author, was born Jan. 34, 1844, in Boston, Mass. In 1856-61 he was in the merchant marine service as seaman and mate; and in 1861-64 was in the United States navy. He then engaged in the lumber business in the Southern states and Mexico; and is now editor of the Lumber Review of Chicago, 111. He is the author of Yankee Mother Goose; Tom Clingstone's Letters; Richard Vaughn; and Realm of the Retail Lumberman. Cobb, Carlos, lawyer, merchant, geologist, was born Feb. 38, 1815, in Athens, Vt. He. was admitted to the bar in Rochester, N.Y., where he practiced law for several years. Becoming interested in geology, he made a large collection of fossils, some of which he gave to Yale college, and others to the Metropolitan museum. In 1847 he entered the produce commission business in Buffalo, N. Y. In 1863 he became a member of the produce exchange of New York City; and was the first chairman of its committee on
Many reforms were instituted in the exchange by his efforts. He died Sept. 16, 1877, in Tarrytown, N.Y.
Cobb,~Carolus Melville, physician, surgeon, 34, 1861, in Casoo, Maine. Since 1901 he has been professor of laryngology and otology in the college of physicians and surgeons of Boston, Mass. He is the author of a medical Monograph. Cobb, Clinton Levering, lawyer, congressman, was born Aug. 35, 1843, in Elizabeth City, N.C. In 1869-75 he was a representative from North Carolina to the forty-first, forty-second and forty-third congresses. He died in 1879 in Elizabeth City, N.C. Cobb, Collier, educator, scientist, was born March 21, 1862, in Wayne county, N.C. In 1886-92 he was an assistant to the United States geological survey. Since 1893 he has been professor of geology in the university of North Carolina. He is a member of the American association for the advancement
was born March
of science.
Cobb, Cyrus, soldier, sculptor, author, poet, 6, 1834, in Maiden, Mass. During the civil war he served, with his brother Darius, in the forty-fourth regiment Massachusetts volun-
was born Aug.
He was an artand sculptor of Boston who, besides
teers. ist
verse and a volume of sonnets to Masters, the Great has published Veterans of Grand Army, a well known noVel. sional
Among his
as sculptor are the Cambridge soldiers' monument; America; and Paul Revere's Ride. He died Jan. 39, 1903, in Allston, near Boston, Mass.
Cobb, Darius, soldier, artist, author, was born Aug. 6, 1834, in Maiden, Mass. During the civil war he served, with his brother Cyrus, in the fortyfourth regiment of the Massachusetts volunteeers. In 1879 he painted Christ Before Pilate, and the reputation gained by this painting was instantaneous. Mr. Cobb also painted the large pictures of French history for the Hotel Tuileries of Boston,
other works are For Their Sakes; Death of Judas; and King Lear. He lectured extensively on art; and was the author of several books. He died in 1905 in Boston, Mass. Cobb, David, soldier, jurist, congressman, was born Sept. 14, 1748, in Attleboro, Mass.