under his instruction. Since 1875 he has been a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science; and a life
since 1898.
Emerson, Charles Noble, lawyer, author, was born Feb. 6, 1821, in Massachusetts. He was commissioner of revenue. He was the author of Internal Revenue for Popular Use.
died April 15, 1869, in
New York
Emerson, Charles Phillips, physican, author, was born Sept. 4, 1872, in Methuen, Mass. In 1894 he received the degree of A. B. from Amherst college; in 1899 received the degree of M.D. from the Johns Hopkins university; and studied in the universities of Strassburg, Basel and Paris. He was an associate in medicine in the Johns Hopki;is university; and resident physician of the Johns Hopkins hospital. He is now superintendent of the Clifton Springs sanitarium of New York. He is the author of Pneumothorax; Clinical Diagnosis; Hospitals for Children; and Essentials of Medicine. Emerson, Charles Wesley, educator, clergyman, founder, was born Nov. 30, 1837, in Pittsfield. Vt. He was educated in the public schools; at a private academy in his native state; and later took special courses in theology, law and medicine in Boston and Philadelphia. In 1856 he began ministerial
Vermont and
Massachusetts; in 1880 he founded the Emerson college of oratory in Boston, Mass.; and in 1903 resigned his presidency of that institution. He died in Millis, Mass. Emerson, Edward Randolph, merchant, author, was born Oct. 32, 1856, in New York City. Since 1885 he has been president of the Brotherhood wine company; and is president of the American wine growers association. He is the author of Story of the Vine; and Lay Thesis on Bible Wines.
Emerson, Edward Waldo, educator, auwas born in July, 1844, in Massachusetts. He is an instructor in art anatomy of Concord, Mass. He is author of Emerson in thor,
Emerson, Edwin, soldier, journalist, auwas born in Dresden, Saxony. During the Spanish-American war he went to the thor,
war correspondent
Weekly. He was engaged in a successful exploration of Puerto Rico; and was secret agent in the United States military information. He joined Roosevelt's rough riders in Cuba; and served through the regiment's engagement at San Juan and in the trenches before Santiago. He is the author of College Yell Book; Pepy's Ghost; In War, In Peace; and Tales Drolatick.
Emerson, Mrs. Ellen Kussell, author, waa born Jan. 16, 1837, in New Sharon, Maine. She is the author of Indian Myths; and Masks, Heads, and Faces, with Some Considerations Respecting the Rise and Develop-
of Art.
Emerson, Mrs. Florence Brooks, litterateur, author, poet, was born in Michigan. She is the author of Destiny and Other Poems; Vagaries; and Prose Episodes. Emerson, Frederick, educator, author, wag bom Nov. 28, 1788, in Hampstead, N.H. He
was superintendent of schools of Boston, He was the author of the North Amer-
He died in 1857 in Boston, Mass. Emerson, George Barrell, educator, author, was born Sept. 12, 1797, in Kennebunk, Maine. He was an educator of Boston; and for twenty-five years principal of a private school for girls. He was one of the founders ican Arithmetic.
American Institute of Instruction. He was the author of Lectures on Education; The School and the Schoolmaster with A. Potter; Manual of Agriculture with C. L. Flint; Report on the Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts; and Reminiscences of an Old Teacher. He died March 14, 1881, in Newton, Mass. Emerson, George Homer, clergyman, journalist, author, was born in 1823 in Massachusetts. He was a universalist clergyman; and editor of the Christian Leader. He was the author of Memoir of Ebenezer Fisher; The Doctrine of Probation; The Bible and Modern Thought; and Life of Alonzo Ames of the
died in 1898.
Emerson, Gouvemeur, physician, scientist, was born in 1796 in Kent county, Del. He wrote extensively on the subject of vital statistics and in 1827-48 contributed to the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, of the mortality of Philadelphia in 1807-48 showing the excessive mortality of males during childhood. He was the author of a translation of Le Play's treatise on the Organization of Labor. He died July 2, 1874, in Philadelphia, Pa. Emerson, Henry P., educator, author, was born Jan. 11, 1847, in Lynnfield, Mass. Since 1893 he has been superintendent of education of Buffalo, N.Y. He is the author of Latin in High Schools; and A Summer in Europe. Emerson, Irving, musician, composer, was born Nov. 4, 1842, in Bridgton, Maine. He is chorus director and supervisor of music in the public schools of Hartford, Conn. He is the author of a number of anthems; a few songs and piano pieces; and several singing books for public schools.
Emerson, James Ezekiel, machinist, inwas bom Nov. 2, 1823, in Maine, For many years he manufactured edge tools in Trenton, N.J.; and received large contracts for swords and sabres from the govventor,