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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. phy of a Shaker; Second Appearing or Christ and Test of Divine Inspiration, which are his chief works. He died March 6, 1893, in Lebanon, N.Y. Evans, George, lawyer, congressman. United States senator, was born Jan. 13, 1797, in Hallowell, Maine. In 1825-29 he was a

member state


of the Maine legislature. In

1829-41 he was a representative to the twenty-first, twenty second, twenty-third,

twentwentysixth congresses and 1841-47 ill he was United States senator.

twenty-fourth, ty-fifth,


He was a candidate for the vie e-presidency when G eneral Taylor in nomination for president. After eighteen years of service in congress he returned to his own state and his profession; and was attorney-general of Maine for three years. He was the first president of the Portland and Kennebec railway ; and was a trustee and a member of the board of overseers of Bowdoin college. He died April 6, 1867, in Portland, Maine. Evans, Henry Clay, soldier, manufacturer, diplomat, congressman, was born June 18, He was edu1843, in Juniata county, Pa. cated in the public schools; at the acad-

was put




also attended Wis.; the academy of Lancaster, Wis.; and gradBryant uated from and Stratton commercial college of Chicago, 111. He became regimental quartermaster and sergeant of the regiment forty-first of Wisconsin infantry war. He was alderman;

during the civil twice served as mayor of the city of Chattanooga, Tenn. was president of the board of school commissioners of Chattanooga; Tenn.; and filled various other positions of trust and honor. In 1889-91 he was a representative from Tennessee to the fifty-first congress as a republican. In 1889-93 he was assistant postmaster general at Washington, D.C. In 1895 he was the twenty-sixth governor of Tennessee. In 1897-99 he was commissioner of pensions; and served as consulgeneral of the United States to Great Britain at London. He is a successful iron manufacturer; and proprietor of the Chattanooga car and foundry company. Evans, Henry G., journalist, publisher, was born in 1812. He was co-editor and proprietor of the New York Evening Mirror almost from the beginning of its career to its close. He died Aug. 14, 1869, in Brooklyn, N.Y.



Evans, Henry Ridgely, lawyer, journalist, was born Nov. 7, 1861, in Baltimore, Md. He practiced law for a short time in Baltimore, Md. At one time he was dramatic editor of the Baltimore News. He is the author of Hours with the Ghosts; or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft. Evans, Hugh Davy, lawyer, author, was born April 26, 1792, in Baltimore, Md. He was conspicuous for loyalty to the union during the civil war. He was the author ol Essay on Pleading; Maryland Common Law Practice; Essay on the Episcopate; Treatise on the Christian Doctrine of Marriage; Essays on the Validity of Anglican Ordination; and Theophilus Americanus. He died July 16, 1868, in Baltimore, Md. Evans, I. Newton, physician, banker, congressman, was born July 29, 1827, in Chester county, Pa. He was president of the Hatboro national bank; and in 1877-79 and 1883-87 he was a representative from Pennlibrarian, author,

sylvania to the forty-fifth, forty-eighth and forty-ninth congresses as a republican. He died in 1901 in Hatboro, Pa. Evans, James, physician, scientist, was born Sept. 13, 1831, in Marion, S.C. He attended the South Carolina military academy for nearly four years; and in 1861 received the degree of M.D. from the university of Pennsylvania. For five years he was state civil engineer; and in 1861-65 was surgeon of the third South Carolina regiment. He has been president of the South Carolina medical association. Evans, James Lafayette, merchant, congressman, was born March 37, 1825, in Harrison county, Ky. In 1875-79 he was a representative from Indiana to the forty-fourth and forty-fifth congresses as a republican. Evans, Jephthah Hughes, educator, lawyer, jurist, was born Feb. 8, 1860, in Farmerville, La. In 1881 he was the first graduate from the Fort Smith district high school of Booneville, Ark. He then taught school for awhile; and in 1883 was admitted to the bar. He has served as alderman of his city; and since 1893 he has been judge of the fifteenth judicial circuit court of Arkansas. Evans, Jervice Gaylord, clergyman, educator, college president, was born Dec. 19, 1833, in Marshall county. 111. In 1873-76 he was president of Hed_ ding college of Abingdon, 111. In 1889 he accepted for the second time the presidency

Hedding college, which position he held of

for nine years. He is author of The



Question; ToLiquor The Traffic Indicted; Pleas for License; The Sources of Culture; Genesis and Geology; and the Divine Foreknowl-

