Evans, William Gray, railroad president, 1865, in Evanston, 111. of the organizers of the
was born Dec. 16, In 1885 he was one Denver electric and
cable railroad company; since then has been identified with street railways. He is the president of the Denver city tramway com'pany; and vicepresident of the Denver, Northwestern and Pacific railway company.
Evarts, Jeremiah, educator, lawyer, philanthropist, was born Feb. 3, 1781, in SunHe taught school; practiced derland, Vt. law; and in 1820 edited the Missionary HerHe wrote twenty-four essays on the ald. Rights of Indians, which appeared under He died the signature of William Penn. May 10, 1831, in Charleston, S.C. Evarts, William Maxwell, lawyer, United States senator, cabinet officer, was bom Feb. 6, 1818, in Boston, Mass. He was the leading counsel employed to defend President Johnson in his trial before the senate; in 1868-69 he was attorney-general of the United States. He was one of the three lawyers appointed to defend the interests of the United States before the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva in 1871 to settle tht Alabama claims; and was one of the counsel
who defended Henry Ward Beecher
1875. In 1875 he was invited by the centennial commission to deliver the opening oration at the exposition in 1876. In 187781 he was secretary of state. In 1885-91 he was United States senator and has since been re-elected twice to the same office. He died Feb. 28, 1901, in New York City.
Eve, Duncan, physician. He is professor surgery and dental surgery at Vanderbilt university of Nashville; and a fellow of the American surgical association. of
Eve, Joseph Adams, physician, founder, was born Aug. 1, 1805, in Charleston counHe was one of the founders in 1832 ty. of the medical college of Georgia.
Eve, Maria Lon, author, poet, was born about 1848 near Augusta, Ga. In 1879 she wrote a prize poem entitled Conquered at Last, expressing gratitude for northern aid during the yellow-fever epidemic of 1878. Eve, Paul Fitzsimmons, physician, surgeon, author, was born June 27, 1806, near Augusta, Ga. He was surgeon-general of the confederate army of Tennessee. He was the author of Collection of Remarkable
Cases in Surgery; One Hundred Cases of Lithotomy; and The Inhumanity of Capital Punishment by Hanging. He died Nov. 2, 1877, in Nashville, Tenn. Eve, Robert Campbell, educator, physician, author, was born May 15, 1843, in Augusta, Ga. He became professor of materia medica and medical jurisprudence in the Georgia medical college. He is the author of Influence of the Ovaria in Uterine Disorders; Epilepsy; and Tonic Properties of
Minute Doses.
Eveleigh, Nicholas, congressman. In 178182 he was a delegate from South Carolina to the continental congress. He died in S.C. Everard, Richard, colonial governor, was born in England. He was colonial governor of North Carolina in 1727-34. He died Feb. 17, 1733, in London, England. Everest, Charles William, clergyman, educator, author, poet, was born May 87, For many 1814, in East Windsor, Conn. years he had charge of the Rectory School of Haraden, Conn. He published The Poets of Connecticut; The Vision of Death; Babylon, a Poem; The Hare Bell; The Moss Rose; and The Snow Drop. Everest, Harvey William, educator, clergyman, author, was born in 1831 in New He is the author of The Divine York.
Demonstration; and a Text-Book of Christian Evidence. Everett, Alexander Hill, journalist, diplomat, author, was born March 19, 1792, in
Boston, Mass.
He became ^
charge d'affaires Brussels in 1818; and in 1825-29 was minister. In 1829 he at
editor and principal proprietor of the
view, to which he had long been a contributor. In 1830-35 he was a member of the state legislature and 1845-47 he was in commissioner to China. He published Europe; America; New Views on Population. He died June 29, 1847, in Canton, China. Everett, Ambrose Sprague, soldier, physlsian, surgeon, was born May 17, 1841, in West Almond, N.Y. He served as a union soldier during the civil war. He has been president of the Western academy of homoeopathy; and has been surgeon-general of the grand army of the republic. Everett, Charles, soldier, was born in Massachusetts. In 1862 he became captain in the sixth regiment Massachusetts battery; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died May 3, 1879. Everett, Charles Carroll, clergyman, author, was born in June, 1829, in Brunswick, Maine. Since 1878 he has been dean of the theological faculty of Harvard university. He is the author of The Science of Thought; Religions before Christianity; Fichte's Science of Knowledge, a Critical Exposition; Poetry, Comedy and Duty; Ethics for Young People; and The Gospel of Paul. He died
in 1900 in
Cambridge, Mass. Everett, David, journalist, author, was born March 29, 1770, in Princeton, Mass. In 1812 he was editor of the Boston Pilot. He was the author of Common Sense in Deshabille, or the Farmer's Monitor; and Daranzel, or the Persian Poet, a tragedy. He died Dec. 21, 1813, in Marietta, Ohio.