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1814 was promoted to second lieutenant. In 1817 he became first lieutenant in the first regiment United States infantry; attained the rank of captain in 1819; and in 1838 became major of the fifth regiment United States infantry. In 1839 he was brevetted major for ten years' faithful service in one grade. In 1845 he was major in the fourth

regiment infantry.


died Jan.



Cobham, George Ashworth, soldier, was born in England. In 1863 he was lieutenantcolonel in the one hundred and eleventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; and

was brevetted brigadier-general volunteers. He was killed July 20, 1864, in 1864

of at

the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Ga. Hammer, clergyman, Nicholas Cobbs, bishop, was born Feb. 5, 1796, in Bedford county, Va. In 1844 he was elected bishop of Alabama, being the first to preside over the diocese; and was consecrated in 1844. He died Jan. 11, 1861, in Montgomery, Ala. Cobbs, Thomas, lawyer, jurist, was born In 1880 he 5, 1836, in Raleigh, N.C. was chosen one of the chancellors of the chancery court of Ala-


bama; was re-elected in 1886, and again in 1893, both times withHis opposition. 1895 until division comprised full sixteen counties. In the years


he has been upon the bench he has had to every decide almost description of question known to equity jurisprudence. His written opinions are clear and logical; and his style is terse and vigorous. His contributions to law literature have been extensive, and are conceded to be valuable acquisitions to judicial literature.


clergyman, author, Uniontown, Pa. In 1876 he graduated from Allegheny college with the degree of A. Jl.; in 1883 graduated Cobern,

was born April


19, 1855, in

from the theological school of Boston university with the degree of S.T.B.; and received the degree of Ph.D. from Grant university and also the degree of D.D. from Allegheny college. In 1889-90 he studied in

England and Germany. Ever since 1876 he has been in the methodi&t episcopal ministry; and has held pastorates in the Erie, Detroit, Colorado and Rock River conferences. In 1896 he was a delegate to the general conference. Since 1906 he has been professor of English bible and philosophy of religion at Alleghany

college of Meadville, Pa. He is the author of DisAncient Egypt in the Light of


covery; Critical Commentary on the Books of Ezekiel and Daniel; Star and the Book; Bible Etchings of Immortality; and other Coblentz, Virgil, educator, chemist, author, in March, 1862, in Springfield, Ohio. Since 1891 he has been professor of chemistry and physics at New York college of pharmacy. He is the author of Medical

was born

and Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Handbook of Pharmacy; The Newer Remedies; and

Volunteer AJnalyses. Cobum, Abner, merchant, governor, philanthropist, was born March 22, 1803, in Skowhegan, Maine. In 1839-42 he was a member of the Maine state legislature. In 1860 he was an elector on the Lincoln ticket; and was the twentieth governor of Maine in 1862-63. He died Jan. 4, 1885, in Skowhegan, Maine. Coburn, Charles Rittenhouse, educator, lecturer, was born June 5, 1809, in Bradford, county,Pa. In 1848-50 he was president of the New York teachers' association and in 185253 was one of the editors of the New York Teacher. In 1854 he took charge of the normal and mathematical department of Susquehanna collegiate institute of Bradford county, Pa.; and in 1857-63 was superintendent of schools for the same county. He was state superintendent of schools for Pennsylvania in 1863-66. In 1866-69 he was superintendent of schools at Harrisburg. He died March 9, 1869, in Harrisburg, Pa. Cobum, Edward Bernard, physician, ophthalmologist. He studied in the Albany medical college; and the universities of Paris, Heidelberg, Vienna, Berlin and London. He practices his profession in New York City. Coburn, Foster Dwight, soldier, farmer, stockman, statesman, author, was born May 7, 1846, in Jefferson county, Wis. He served in the civil war in the hundred and thirtyfifth and subsequently in the sixty-second regiment Illinois infantry. Since 1867 he has lived in Kansas became a successful farmer

and stockman; and since 1894 has been secretary of the department of agriculture for Kansas. In 1906 he. was appointed United States senator to fill a vacancy, but declined the office. He is the author of Swine Husbandry; Alfalfa, The Book of Alfalfa; and about twenty volumes on agriculture published by the state of Kansas. Coburn, Frank Potter, farmer, congressman, was born Dec. 6, 1858, in Hamilton,

He was the democratic candidate for congress in 1888, but was defeated. In 189193 he was a representative from Wisconsin to the fifty-second congress as a democrat. Coburn, Frederick William, educator, author, was born Aug. 6, 1870, in Nashua, N.H. Since 1903 he has been art writer on the Boston Herald. He is the author of Plans for Rural School-houses; and How to Decorate the School-room.

