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Farenholt, Oscar Walter, naval oflacer, was born May 2, 1845, near San Antonio, Texas. In 1861 he entered the United States navy as a seaman; and became master in 1868.


attained the rank of rear-admiral in the United States navy in 1901; and was retired from active service after a continuous serv-

over forty years. Fargo, Charles, business president, founder, was born April 15, 1831, in Pompey, N.Y. In 1851 he entered the express business in Detroit, Mich.; and in 1853 took charge of the American express company's ofiBice in Toledo, Ohio. In 1866 he became assistant general superintendent, with the general management of the Chicago office; and in 1881 became second vice-president and general western manager. He died in 1900 in Chicago, III. Fargo, James Congdel, president Fargo express company, was born May 5, 1839, in Pompey, N.Y. In 1866 he came to New York City as the general superintendent and manager of the Fargo express company; and succeeded to the presidency in 1881. He is also the president of the Merchants' Despatch Transportation company; and director of several important railroad and express comice of


Fargo, William George, capitalist, founder,

was born May 20, 1818, in Pompey, N.Y. He was a founder of the American and Wells Fargo express companies. He was a director of various railroads; and in 1862-66 was mayor of Buffalo, N.Y. He died Aug. 3, 1881. Faris, George Washington, educator, lawyer, congressman, was born June 9, 1854, in Jasper county, Ind. In 1884 he was the republican nominee for the circuit judgeship,

but was defeated by a slender majority. In 1895-1901 he was a representative to the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth




gresses as a republican. Farlee, Isaac G., congressman, was born New Jersey. In 1843-45 he was a representative from New Jersey to the twentyeighth congress. He died in New Jersey. Farley, E. Wilder, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born in 1818 in Maine. He was in the state legislature in 1845, and 1851-53. In 1853-55 he was a representative from Maine to the thirty-third congress; and served in the state senate in 1856. in

Farley, Frederick Augustus, clergyman, author, was born in 1800 in Massachusetts. He was a unitarian clergyman of Brooklyn, N.Y. He was the author of Unitarianism in the United States; and Unitarianism Defined. He died in 1902 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Farley,





born in 1815 in Claremont, N.H. She was a factory operative of Lowell; and in 1841 became editor of The Lowell Offering. A selection from its pages. Mind among the Spindles, was published in London in 1849. Shells from the Strand of Genius is partly original and partly selected. Fancy's Frolics, a juvenile work, appeared many years later.

Farley, James Thompson, congressman, United States senator, was born Aug. 6, 1829, in Virginia. He was a member of the California assembly in 1855'-56, and the latter year speaker of the house; and was a state senator in 1860-68. In 1879-87 he was United States senator from California.


died Jan. 23, 1886, in Jackson, Cal. Farley, John Murphy, clergyman, bishop, was born April 20, 1842, in Ireland. In 1896 he was appointed auxiliary Roman catholic bishop of New York. He assists Archbishop Corrigan in episcopal labors and acts as his vicar-general.

Farley, Joseph Pearson, soldier, was born 2, 1830, in Washington, D.C. In 1861 he graduated from West Point military academy; served throughout the civil war; and in 1865 was brevetted captain. In 1903 he was appointed brigadier-general United States army; and is now commandant of the Watervleit arsenal and gun factory. He is the author of West Point in the Early Six-



Farley, Michael, patriot,

was born

in 1719 delegate to the provincial congress of Massachusetts in 177475; and was afterward a member of the house of representatives, July, 1775. He died June 20, 1789, in Ipswich, Mass. Farlin, Dudley, congressman. In 1835-37 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-fourth congress. He died Sept. 26, 1837, in Warrensburg, N.Y. Farlow, William Gilson, educator, botanist, author, was born Dec. 17, 1844, in Boston, Mass. He has been a professor of botany in Harvard university since 1879 and is the foremost American authority on cryptogamic botany. He is the author of Marine AlgEe of New England; The Black Knot The Gymnosporangia of th= United States Index of Fungi; The Potato Eot; and Dis eases of the Orange and Olive Trees. Farman, Elbert Eli, lawyer, jurist, diplomat, author, was born April 23, 1831, in New Haven, N.Y, In 1855 he graduated from in Ipswich,


He was a


college ;


subsequently received the degrees of A.M. and LL.D, from that institution of learning. Since 1858 he has practiced law;

was one

in 1859-61 of the pub-

lishers of the



Yorker; and in 1865-67 he traveled in Europe and studied languages and international law in the universities of Berlin and Heidelberg. In 1868-75 he was district attorney of Wyoming county, N.Y.; and 1876-81 was American diplomat agent and consul-general at Cairo. Grant' on his voyage up the Nile. In 188184 he was judge of the mixed tribunal of


to revise the judicial code of
