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Famam, president,


Henry, philanthropist,

was born Nov.

He removed



railroad 1803, in Scipio,

New Haven



Farnham, Henry Philip, lawyer, author, was born April 5, 1863, in Palmyra, N.Y. He a well known lawyer of Rochester, N.Y. is associate editor of Lawyers' Reports. Farnham, Horace Putnam, physician, was born May 7, 1822, in Salem, Mass. In 186163 he was attending physician to the Northern dispensary of New York. He died June is


in 1846-48 built the railroad that took the place of the Farmington canal. He went to Illinois in 1850; and with Joseph E. SheflBeld built the Chicago and Rook Island road, of which he was president in 1854-63.


He died Oct. 4, 1883, in New Haven, Conn. Famam, Henry E., railroad manager, was born Dec. 5, 1863, in Niantic, 111. He en-

1886, in New York City. Farnham, John Marshall WiUoughby, clergyman, missionary, author, was born in

tered railroad business in 1881 as agent and operator on the Wabash railroad; has filled similar positions on various railroads; since 1899 has been secretary and general manager of the Pawnee railroad company. Farnam, Henry Walcott, educator, author, was born Nov. 6, 1853, in New Haven, Conn. Since 1880 he has been professor of political economy at Yale university; and has been president New Haven civil service board. He is the author of Die Innere Franz<)sische Gewerpolitik von Colbert bis Turget.

1839 in Maine. He is a presbyterian missionary to China. He was the author of

Farnham, Charles Haight, educator, auwas born May 25, 1841, in Poughkeep-


N.Y. In 1860-70 he taught music in Paris in New York City. In 1870-80 he was occupied with «iechanics and invention; and also wrote for the press. He is the author of sie,


Life of Francis Parkman. Farnham, Clarence H., soldier, in


was born York. In 1901 he attained the second lieutenant United States

rank of army. Farnham, Mrs. Eliza Woodson, philanthropist, author, was born Nov. 17, 1815, in

Kensselaerville, N.Y. In 1844-48 she was matron of the prison at Sing Sing, N.Y.; and later a. resident of California. She was the author of Woman and her Era, which is her most important work. Others are Life Early Days; The Ideal in Prairie Land; Attained; and California Indoors and Out. She died Dec. 15, 1864, in California.


Homeward; Farnham Genealogy; and The Missionary Complaint and Appeal. Farnham, Luther, clergyman, author, was born Feb. 5, 1816, in Concord, N.H. In 1862 he was chosen secretary of the General theological library of Boston. He is the author of A Glance at Private Libraries; and History of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Farnham, Noah Lane, soldier, was born June 4, 1829, in New Haven, Conn. In 1856 he was elected assistant engineer of the New York Fire department. In 1857 he joined the seventh regiment; and soon attained the rank of first lieutenant. He died Aug. 11, 1861, in Washington, D.C. Farnham, Ralph, soldier, was born July 7, 1756, in Lebanon, Maine. He was the last survivor of the battle of Bunker Hill. In 1780 he settled in Acton, being the first white inhabitant of that township. He died Dec. 26, 1861, in Acton, Maine. Farnham, Roswell, soldier, lawyer, state senator, governor, was born July 23, 1827, in Boston, Mass. In 1859-61 he was state's attorney for Orange county, Vt. He served in the union army in 1861-63, rising to the


rank of lieutenant-col-

He was state senator in 1868-69; and was a member of the state board of education in 1873-75. He was a delegate to the republican national


Farnham, George Loomis, educator, author, was born Jan. 9, 1824, in Richfield, N.Y. He has been superintendent of schools in Syracuse and Binghamton, N.Y.; Council Bluffs, Iowa and for 10 years was principal of the Nebraska state normal schools. In 1857 he was president of the New York state teach-



association. the author of


was The Thought and Sentence Method of Teaching, which he considers his most important work The system was first de-

in educational lines. veloped and applied during 1871-75 in the schools of Binghamton; and it has since received recognition and endorsement by the leading educators in America. He died Aug. 2, 1900, in Binghamton, N.Y.



and a presidential



year. He was governor of Verin 1880-82. He died in 1903 in Brad-

tor the


ford, Vt.

Farnham, Thomas Jefferson, lawyer, auwas born in 1804, in Boston, Mass. In 1839 he headed an expedition to Oregon. He was the author of Travels in Oregon Territory; Travels in California; Memorial of the Northwest Boundary Line; and Mexico, its Geography, People, and Institutions. He died thor,

in September, 1848, in California.

Farnsworth, Addison, soldier, was born in York. In 1861 he was lieutenant-colonel in the thirty-eighth regiment New York infantry; and in 1865 brevetted brigadier-gen-


eral of volunteers.


died April

