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the United States military academy. He is the author of Life of David Glasgow Farragut. First Admiral of the United States


his father.

Farragut, David Glasgow, was born July 1801, near Knoxville, Tenn. He was 5, America's great admiral. In 1863 he was in command at Vicks~] burg. Miss. His capture of New Orleans and Mobile during the civil war created for him a, name equal in fearless bravery to Nelson; and in grandeur of character to the illustrious Collingwood. He died Aug. l*, 1870,

N.H. his

Madison square of Farrand, Jacob



New York






to in


manufacturer, founder,

was born May 7, 1815, in Mentz, N.Y. In 1841 he was appointed deputy collector ot the port of Detroit, Mich. He was one of the founders of the Wayne county saving bank. He died April 3, 1891, in Detroit, Mich. Ferrand, Max, educator, author, was born March 29, 1869, in Newark, N.J. Since 1908 he has been professor of history at Yale university. He is the author of Legislation of Congress for the Government of the Organized Territories of the United States. Farrand, Samuel Ashbel, educator, was. bom June 4, 1830, in Bridgeport, Vt. For thirty-two years he has been head master of the Newark academy, Newark, N.J.; and is one of the foremost educators of the east. Farrar, Charles A. J., litterateur, author. He was the author of Moosehead Lake and the North Maine Wilderness; Camp Life in the Wilderness; The Lake and Forest Series; Wild- Woods Life; and From Lake to Lake. He died in 1893 in New England. Farrar, Edgar Howard, lawyer, founder, was born June 20, 1849, in Concordia parish. La, In 1871 he graduated with the degree of A.M. from the university of Charlottesville; and studied law in the Louisiana state university. Since 1873 he has practiced law in New Orleans, La.; has been city corporation counsel; and in 1896 was one of the organizers of the national democracy. Farrar, Mrs. Eliza Ware, litterateur, author, was born in 1791 in Flanders. She was the wife of a professor of mathematics in Harvard university. She was the author of Congo in Search of his Master; The Children's Eobinson Crusoe; The Young Lady's Friend; Life of Howard; The Story of Lafayette; Youth's Love-Letters; and Recollections of Seventy Years. She died April 22, 1870, in Springfield, Mass. Farrar, Ferdinando R., lawyer, jurist, lecturer, was born Jan. 7, 1828, in Prince Edward county, Va. He served as a judge for twenty-seven years; and for thirty years at

He began his professional career as lecturer in 1866 with the famous Johnny Reb as his only subject, to which he has added since Lights and Shadows; Rip Van Winkle; and The American Eagle. a lecturer.

Farrar, Henry, soldier, artist, was bom March 23, 1843, in London, England. He came to New York City in 1858; attained success as an instructor in art; and served in the Union army during the civil war. His principal paintings are

Hot Day;

On the East River



Calm Afternoon; Sunset, Coast of Maine; The Silent Tongue; The Old Homestead at Twilight; and a November

Day. Farrar, John, educator, author, was born 1, 1779, in Lincoln, Mass. He published for the use of his pupils a translation of Lacroix's Elements of Algebra which he followed by selections from Legendre, Biot, Bezant, and others. These works were at once adopted as text books by Harvard, the United States Military academy, and other institutions. He died May 8, 1858, in Cam-


bridge, Mass.

Farrar, Samuel, lawyer, banker,



in 1784 in Lincoln, Mass. He was one of the chief founders of the Andover Theological seminary; and for thirty-eight years was treasurer of that institution and of Phillips

academy. He was the first president of the Andover bank, and held the ofiice thirty years.





1864, in Andover,

Mass. Farrar,


Charles, soldier, artist, 16, 1838, in London. He came in 1858; and attained success instructor in his art. served in the

was born Dee. to New York as an


union army during the 1869 returned to London. ings




war; and in

Among Ms


and Twilight on the

Hudson; and Beach at Hastings. He died June 16, 1891, in London, England. Farrar, Timothy, soldier, lawyer, jurist,

was born July 11, 1747, in Concord, Mass. He was a major in the revolutionary armyj and after the war became a justice of the court of common pleas of New Hampshire. died Feb. 21, 1849, in HoUis, N.H.


Farrar, Timothy, jurist, author,

was bom

March 17, 1788, in New Ipswich, N.H. He was law partner of Daniel Webster in 181316; and in 1824-33 was judge of the New Hampshire court of common pleas. He was the author of Report of Dartmouth College Case; Reviews of the Dred Scott Decision; and Manual of the United States Constitution.


died Oct. 27, 1874, in Boston, Mass.

Farrard, Livingston, educator, anthropolocist, was born June 14, 1867, in Newark, N.J. In 1893-1901 he was instructor in psychology in Columbia university and in 1903 he became professor of anthropology. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science.