Farris, John W., soldier, lawyer, state senator, was born Jan. 20, 1846, in Marion
county. 111. He served during the civil war in the forty-eighth Illinois infantry; and attained the rank of second lieutenant and adjutant. He was a state senator in 1882; prosecuting attorney in 1890; and a member of the Missouri state legislature in 1896.
Farrow, Edward Samuel, soldier, civil engineer, author, was born April 20, 1855, in Snow Hill, ild. He was an army officer and engineer; and graduated from West Point '^^^.^
JUBnlh f -,
- '
military academy in He is an in1876.
and now eommanding the national rough riders. He is Point;
»^^ the author of West i -^^1 ^^^^|^M^^_^ Point and Military I^^^^^^^^^HH^ Academy; A Military -
Exercises Mountain Scouting; Pack Mules and Packing; Farrow's Military Encyclopsedia; American Sporting Arms; and Camping on the Trail, or Rough Riders' Manual. Farrow, Henry Pattillo, lawyer, was born Jan. 24, 1834, at Laurens, S.C. In 1868-72 he was attorney-general of Georgia. In 1868 he was at the head of the Grant and Colfax electoral ticket. In 1872-76 he was chairman of the republican state committee; and in 1876 was chairman of the Georgia delegation to the national republican convention. In 1872-81 he was United States attorney for both the northern and southern districts of Georgia. For four years he was collector of customs under President Arthur at Brunswick, Ga. Farrow, Miles, organist, choir master, author, was born Oct. 13, 1871, in Winnsboro, He is organist of the Hebrew congreS.C. gation of Baltimore, Md. He is the author of About the Training of Boys' Voices.
Farrow, Samuel, soldier, lawyer, congressin 1760 in Virginia. In 181315 he was a representative from South Car-
man, was born
olina to the thirteenth congress. He served in the state legislature in 1817-21. He died Nov. 18, 1824, in Columbia, S.C. Farry, Joseph Francis, soldier. He was killed Sept. 8, 1847, in the Mexican war.
Farson, John, lawyer, banker, was born Oct. 8, 1855, in Union City, Ind. He was admitted to the practice of law in 1880; in 1881 became a banker. In 1889 he organized the firm of Farson, Leach and company; which in 1906 was succeeded by Farson, son and company. He is president of the Calumet electric street railway company of Chicago, 111. Farwell, Arthur, musician, composer, was born April 23, 1872, in St. Paul, Minn. In 1899-1901 he lectured on music at Cornell university. He has composed Ballade for
Violin; others.
The Domain
Hurakan; and many
Farwell, Charles Benjamin, merchant, con-
o-ressman. United States senator, was bom July 1. 1823, in Painted Post, N.Y. He was elected county clerk in "^s^gS 1853, and re-elected in 1857. He was duly appointed' a member of the state board of equalization in 1867; chairman of board of supervisors in 1868;
and was appointed national bank examiner 1869. In 1871-77 and 1881-83 was a representative to the forty-second," forty-third, forty-fourth and forty-seventh congresses. In 1887-91 he was a member of the United States senate to fill a vacancy. He died in 1903 in Chicago, 111.
Farwell, John Villiers, merchant, capitalwas born July 29, 1825, in Mead's Creek, N.Y. For many years he was president of the Young men's christian association of Chicago, 111.; had been identified with the commercial life of Chicago about fifty years. He was Indian commissioner during GenIn eral Grant's first term as president. 1887, in company with his brother Charles he built the state house of Texas in exchange for three million acres of land. He died Aug. 20, 1908, in Lake Forest, 111. In 1851Farwell, Leonard J., governor. 53 he was governor of Wisconsin. ist,
Nathan Allen, United States senwas born in 1812 in Unity, Maine. He was a member of the state senate in 1853Farwell,
54 and 1861-62 presiding as president of that body during the latter year. He was elected to the state legislature in 1860, 1863 and 1864; and was a delegate to the Baltimore
In 1864-65 he was convention in 1864. United States senator from Maine to fill ft vacancy. He died Dec. 10, 1893, in Rockland, Maine. Farwell, Samuel, contractor, builder, was bom about 1800. He was a resident of and was known throughout Utica, N.Y. the United States for fifty years as a contractor for the building of public works. He constructed the Boston waterworks; and also the Brooklyn waterworks. He died Nov. 17, 1875, in Saginaw, Mich. Farwell, Sewall S., soldier, state senator, congressman, was born April 26, 1834, In Coshocton county, Ohio. He served as a captain in the union army in 1862-65. He
state senator in 1865-69; was assessor of internal revenue in 1869-73; and was collector of internal revenue in 1875-81. In
was a
1881-83 he was a representative from Iowa After leaving congress he became president of the Monticello state bank. to the forty-seventh congress.