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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Fawcett, M. Edward, clergyman, bishop, was born Nov. 1, 1865, in New Hartford, Iowa. In 1897-1901 he was rector of the church of the redeemer of Elgin, 111.; and in 1901-03 was rector of St. Bartholomew's church of Chicago, III. In 1903 he became third bishop of Quincy, 111. Fawcett, Mary Huestis, litterateur, poet, was born in May, 1843, in Chesterhill, Ohio. She is the author of Ernestine and Other

Posms. Faxon, Charles Edward, botanist, artist, was born Jan 21, 1846, in Roxbury, JIass. In 1867 he graduated with the degree of B.S from Lawrence scientific school of Harvard university. He has been instructor in botany at Harvard; and is now assistant director of the Arnold arboretum. He has

made drawings, botanical works

for plates for the foremost and publications of America.

Faxon, Edgar Wade, lawyer, journalist, was born Jan. 22, 1857, near

statesman, Piano, 111.


served as a


of the

thirty-fifth general

assembly of Illinois. In 1879-81 he was the owner and editor of the Journal of Amboy, 111. He is now the owner and editor of the Kendall County News of Piano,


William Bailey, prominent artist States; and has a studio City. He is an associate




21, 1844, in



died Sept. 11, 1864, in


ington, D.C.

author, was born Miss. She is a She is the author of

Bayou Goula,


Music Study in Germany. Fay, Charles Norman, manufacturer, founder, was born Aug. 13, 1848, in Burlington, Vt. In 1879-87 he was general manager and vice-president of the Chicago telephono company; and in 1887-89 was president of the Chicago gas trust company. He was the founder of the Chicago arc-light and power company in 1887; and was its president until 1893,


was consolidated


with the Chicago Edison company. Since 1897 he has been president of the Remington Sholes company. Fay, Edward Allen, educator, author, was born Nov. 22, 1843, in Morristown, N.J. He graduated from the university of Michigan; received the degree of

A.M.; and in 1881 ceived



degree of Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins university. In 1862-65 he was an instructor in t^e. New institution for the deaf; and since 1886 has been a professor in that institution. Since 1885 he


itor of the Bulletin of Bibliography of Bos-


at New York national acade-

Fay, Amy, musician,



Faxon, Henry W., journalist, author, was born about 1830 in Buffalo, N.Y. In 1861 he became an army correspondent for New York papers. He was the author of Silver Lake Snake Story; and the A. P. L. Parin

painter, artist. of the United


Faxon, Frederick Winthrop, bibliographer, author, was born Aug. 24, 1866, in West Roxbury, Mass. Since 1897 he has been edton, Mass. In 1900-03 he was secretary of the American library association. He is the author of Bibliography of Literary Annuals and Gift Books; and other works.



been vice-president of Gallaudet college. Since 1870 he has been editor of the American Annals of the Deaf. He is a


of the literary society of WashingDante society of Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of the Alpha delta phi. He


the author of Concordance of the Divina Histories of the American Schools for the Deaf; Marriages of the Deaf in America; and other works. is

Faxon, Walter, educator, naturalist, curator, was born Feb. 4, 1848, in Roxbury, Mass. He was educated at the Jamaica Plain schools; in 1871 graduated from Harvard college; and has received the degrees of A.B. and D.Sc. He has been assistant professor of zoology at the museum of comparative zoology at Harvard university and in charge of mollusca and Crustacea; and is now curator in the Agassiz museum at Cambridge, Mass. He is a member of the


Fay, Edwin Whitfield, educator, author, Since 1, 1865, in Minden, La. 1899 he has been professor of latin at the university of Texas. He is the author of

was born Jan.

The Mostellaria

of Plautus.

Fay, Eliphaz,




Washington academy

lege president. In 1841-43 he was the fourth In president of the Waterville college. 1821 he studied law; and later became a



of sciences and other associations of learning; and a valued contributor to zoological and scientific publica-

Faxon, ford,


publisher, journalist, 27, 1822, in Hartof the editors and

was born April Conn. He was one


proprietors of the Hartford Courant; and in 1856 established the Hartford Press, the He first republican paper in Connecticut. was chief clerk of the navy department in 1861-66; and assistant secretary of the navy in 1866-69. He died in Hartford, Conn.


of the





19, 1854.

Fay, Francis Ball, merchant, state senawas born June. 12, 1793, Mass. He was a member of the Massachusetts senate in 1842 and tor, congressman, in Southborough,

1845; mayor of Chelsea in 1857; and in 1852-53 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the thirty-second congress. He died Oct. 6, 1876, in South Lancaster, Mass.