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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. John, congressman, was born in New In 1778-80 he was a delegate from Jersey to the continental congress. He




died in



Sarah Moore, educator, genealogist, was born May 30, 1824. Her life work has been teaching in the public schools of Delaware. She is the author of The Fell FamFell,


and Indian war; and was a member of the Massachusetts provincial congress in 1775. After the war he was sheriff of Berkshiro county, Mass. He died Aug. 1, 1808, in Sheffield, Mass. Fellows, George Emory, educator, college president, was born June 9, 1858, in Beaver Dam. Wis. He was educated in the Northwestern university; at

Fell, Thomas, educator, college president, was born July 15, 1851, in Liverpool, England. He was educated at King's college

of London; in graduated from



Lawrence university and at the universities of Munich and Berne.

He received the degree of Ph.D. from the university of Berne; the same degree from



London university; degree



LL.D. from HampdenSidney college and the degree of Ph.D. from St. John's college of Maryland. In 1S84-86 he was pro-


college ; and of L.H.D. from Lawrence university. For ten years he taught in the high

the degree

ancient and modern languages in the new Windsor college of Maryland; and fessor of

since 1886 has been president of Saint John's college at Annapolis, Md. In 1897 he was vice-chancellor of the university of Maryland. He has made valuable contributions to educational and scientific literature.


Abraham Lincoln, civil engineer, was born Nov. 1, 1864, in

explorer, author,

Kennebuek, Maine.

In 1882 he graduated with the degree of A.B. from the Norwich free academy; and in 1886 from Yale college. In 1887-97 he served as assistant engineer and as chief engineer of the

Montezuma valley rigation company


o f 18971902 was deputy state engineer of Colorado



uydrographer of the United States geoIn 1901 he made a notable logical survey. exploration of the grand canyon of the Gunnison, laying plans for the great Gunnison tunnel. In 1905-07 he was state engineer of North Dakota; and since 1907 has been a consulting engineer of Denver, Col. He is the author of Water Resources of Colorado;


Measurement entific reports

Water; and numerous and essays.



Fellows, Isaiah, lawyer, jurist, was bom Aug. 20, 1860, in England. Since 1868 he has lived in Cohoes, N.Y. In 1891 he was elected school commissioner; and the same year was appointed a member of the hospiIn 1896 he was appointed tal commission. for a term of four years judge of the recorder's court of his city, with criminal jurisdiction.

Fellows, John, soldier, was born in 1733 He served in the French

in Pomfret, Conn.


school at Appleton, Wis., New Orleans and Aurora, 111. In 189195 he was professor of European history at the Indiana university; and in 1895-1902 was assistant professor of history at the university of Chicago. Since 1902 he has been president of the university of Maine. He is a member of the national historical association and the New Orleans academy of sciences. He is the author of Outlines of the Sixteenth Century; and Recent European History. Fellows, John, author, was born in 1760 in Sheffield, Mass. He was the author of The Veil Removed; and Mysteries of Free Masonry. He died in 1844. Fellows, John R., soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born July 29, 1832, in Troy, N.Y. He was elected to the Arkansas state senHe settled in New York City in 1868; was appointed assistant district attorney in 1869; and was elected district attorney In 1891-93 he was a representain 1887. ate.

tive to the fiftv-second congress as a demoDied Dec. 7, 1896, in York City. crat.


Fellows, Samuel M., educator, college pres-

was born Nov. 23, 1818, in North Sandwich, N.H. In 1859-63 he was president of Cornell college of Mt. Vernon, Iowa. He died June 26, 1863, in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Felmley, David, educator, college president, was born April 24, 1857, near SomerSince 1900 he has been president ville, N.J. of the Illinois normal university at Normal, 111. In 1901 he was president of the Illiident,

nois state teachers association. Felt, Ephraim Porter, scientist, author, was born Jan. 7, 1868, in Salem, Mass. Since 1895 he has been state entomologist. He is the author of Elm Leaf Beetle in New

York; The Country Gentlemen; and other works. He is the founder and president of Entomological society of Albany. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. Felt, Joseph Barlow, clergyman, antiquarian, author, was born Dec. 22, 1789, in