the San Francisco Daily Times, with which he was connected until 1861. In 1861 he was elected to the state legislature; spent two years in the United States branch mint; and in 1862 was appointed register of the Humboldt bay land office, which office he resigned. He then removed to Washington territory; and in 1867-69 he was a territorial delegate to the fortieth congress; and in 3869-70 was governor. Flanders, Benjamin Flanders, journalist, congressman, governor, was born Jan. 26, 1816, in Bristol, N.H. In 1861-63 he was a representative from Louisiana to the thirty-seventh congress, taking his seat within a fortnight of its final adjournment; and in 1867-68 he was the nineteenth governor of Louisiana by military authority. In 1870-73 he was mayor of New Orleans; and in 1873-85 was United States treasurer of that city. He died March 13, 1896, in New Orleans, La. Flanders, Henry, lawver, author, was born Feb. 13, 1826, in Plainfield, N.H. In 1850 he moved to Philadelphia, where he has since practiced law. He is the author of Maritime Law; The Law of Shipping; Lives of the United States Chief Justices; Memoirs of Cumberland; Exposition of the United States Constitution; The Law of Fire In.surance; and Adventures of a Virginian. Flanders, James Greeley, lawyer, statesman, was born Dec. 13, 1844, in New London, N.H. In 1861 he graduated from Phillips Exeter academy; in 1867 from Yale university; and in 1869 from Columbia law school. In 1875-77 he was a member of the school board of Milwaukee, Wis.; and in ]877 was a representative in the Wisconsin state legislature. In 1896 he was a delegate at large to the national democratic convention. In 1899-1904 he was president of the Wisconsin Yale alumni association; and in 1902 was president of the university club. He is a member of the Milwaukee,
Wisconsin and American bar associations; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Flandrau, Charles Eugene, lawyer, jurist, was bom July 15, 1828, in New York City.
He was
a member of the territorial council of Minnesota in 1856; was United States Indian agent for the Sioux tribe in 1856-57; and a member of the constitutional convention of Minnesota in 1857. He was associate justice of the supreme court of the territory and state of Minnesota in 1858-64. first board of trade of Minneapolis, Minn. In 1867 he was elected president of the He died in 1903 in St. Paul, Minn. Flandrau, Charles Macomb, educator, au-
was born in 1862 in Pennsylvania. He was a former instructor of Harvard university. He is the author of Harvard Episodes; and The Diary of a Freshman. Flandrau, Thomas Macomb, physician, surgeon, was born July 8, 1826, in New York. In 1853 he settled in Rome, N.Y., making thor,
specialties of surgery. In 1866 he was appointed United States pension examining surgeon. Flandraw, Charles E., lawyer, jurist, was born in New York. He removed to Minnesota territory; and was appointed an associate justice of the United States court for He died in Minnesota. that district. Flanigan, Mark, soldier, was born in Ireland. In 1862 he was lieutenant-colonel in the twenty-fourth Michigan infantry; and in 1863 attained the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers. He died Oct. 4, 1886. soldier, Walker, William in November, 1843, in He served throughout Charlottesville, Va. the civil war in the confederate army. He
was born
was for ten years cashier of the People's He was the first to sugnational bank. gest the utilization of silver bullion as a He was presibasis for bank circulation. dent of the Southern national bank of New He also organized the fruit York City. auction of New York Qty. Flannery, John, soldier, merchant, banker, was born Nov. 24, 1835, in Ireland. He served in the civil war; and attained the rank of captain. He has been president of the Savannah cotton exchange; and is president of the Southern bank of the state of Georgia. Flannigan, Harris, legislator, governor. He was for many years a leading man in the state of Ai;kansas; a member of the last constitutional convention; and was the eleventh governor of the state in 1873-74. He died Oct. 23, 1874, in Arkadelphia, Ark. Flasch,
was born July 16, 1831, 1859 he was ordained a then
church. In 1875 he was rector and professor of He died Aug. 3, 1891, in
educator, bishop, in Germany. In priest; and was of St. Stephen's made spiritual di-
theology. Crosse, Wis.
Flash, Henry Lynden, soldier, poet, was born Jan. 20, 1835, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He served in the confederate service during the civil war as a volunteer aide on the staffs At the of Generals Hardee and Wheeler. close of the war he edited The Confederate During 1866-86 he was enof Macon, Ga. gaged in business in New Orleans; and since 1887 has resided in Los Angeles, Cal. He is the author of a volume of poems. Flather, John Joseph, educator, author, was born June 9, 1862, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1898 he has been professor of mechanical engineering in the university of Minnesota. He is the author of Dynamometers and the Measurement of Power; Rope Driving; and Steam Boilers. Fleeger, George W., soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born March 13, 1839, in But-
county, Pa. He served in the union in the Pennsylvania legislature in army as a. lieutenant. He was a represen1871-72; and in 1885-87 he was a repre-