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third, fifty-fourth, fifty-sixth



enth congresses as a republican. Flynn, John, soldier, was born in Ireland. In 1861 he_became first lieutenant and adjutant in ±h'e twenty-eighth regiment Pennsylvania infantry; and in 1865 was breHe vetted brigadier-general of volunteers. died Dec. 25, 1875. Fl3mn, Joseph Michael, clergyman, author, was born Jan. 7, 1848, in Springfield, Mass. In 1864 he served as a corporal in company B, thirty-seventh regiment New Jersey volunteers. In 1874 he was ordained a priest of the Eoman catholic church; and is now pastor of St. Mary's church of Morristown, N.J. He is the author of Story of a Parish; Mass-server's Guide; and History of Catholicity in New Jersey. Flynn, Patrick, soldier, business man, was born May 11, 1834, in Ireland. In 1861-63 he recruited and raised two full companies for the nineteenth

regiment Illinois volunteer infantry. He was the original captain of the Mulligan guards served under General Sherman; and

was severely wounded in 1854; and was promoted to major. He has




Winnebago county, III., for two terms;


and for twenty-eight years has been connected with the Eockford Insurance company. Flynt, Josiah, journalist, author, was born in 1869 in Appleton, Wis. He is the author of

Tramping with Tramps; and Notes


Itinerant Policeman. Fobes, Perez, educator, clergyman, author, was born Sept. 21, 1742, in Bridgewater, Mass. He was the author of Topographical Description of Raynham, Mass.; and other historical works. He died Feb. 23, 1812, in Bridgewater, Mass. Focht, Benjamin K., journalist, statesman, congressman, was born March 12, 1863. He was educated at Bucknell university, Pennsylvania state college and also at the Susquehanna university. He established the Saturday News in 1881,

with business headquarters in In 1907-11 he was a representative from PeimBylvania to the sixtieth and sixty-first congresses as a republioperations

New York



Foelker, Otto Godfrey, lawyer,


in 1875 in Germany. 1895 he has lived in Brooklyn, N.Y.

man, was born



tended the public schools; studied law; and was subsequently admitted to practice. In 1904-05 he was a member of the New York state assembly; and in 1906-08 he was a member of the state senate. While in the state senate he was chairman of the committee on canals; and was also a member of the committees of affairs on cities, taxation, retrenchment and state prisons. In 190811 he was a representative from New York to the sixtieth congress to fill a vacancy and to the sixty-first congress as a republican. Foerderer, Robert Hermann, manufacturer, congressman, was born May 16, 1860, in Germany, while his parents were sojourning in Europe. He was educated in the public schools of Philadelphia, Pa.;

and also


tended a private academy and business college of that city. He mastered his father's business of leather manufacture; and early in life entered business on his own account. After much experimental study he succeeded in perfecting a process of tanning goat skins, known as Chrome tannage. He adopted the word Vici as a trade name for his glazed kid so made, and the lucky horseshoe as his trade-mark; and his Vici Kid is

now known


over the world.



and sustained the largest leather plant of its kind in the world; using upward of ten million skins per annum; and covering over twenty acres of buildings. It gives employment to about three thousand people in conjunction with its by-products' plants which manufacture glue and hair. In 1901-03 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the fifty-seventh congress. He died July 36, 1903" in Torresdale, Pa.

Adolph Martin, musician, comwas born Feb. 2, 1854, in Pittsburg,

Foerester, p6ser,

Pa. He studied music at the Leipsio conservatory of music of Germany. He has been conductor of the Symphonic society; and is a noted and successful teacher of music at Pittsburg, Pa. He is the author of compositions for orchestra, songs and piano




He has been an


Fogg, George Gilman, lawyer, diplomat. United States senator, was born May 28, 1815, in Meredith, N.H. In 1846 he was

which he

republican for over twenty years; and a delegate to many conventions and party councils. He was a member of Pennsylvania assembly three sessions; and served one term in the senate, retiring from that body in 1905. He formulated the present ballot law of Pennsylvania. He is interested in a number of railroad

elected to the New Hampshire state legislature and soon afterward was secretary of state. In 1861-65 he was minister resident to Switzerland; and in 1865-67 was

United States senator to died Oct.



a vacancy.


1881, in Concord, N.H.

Fogg, Lawrence Daniel, journalist, author,

was born April land.

9, 1879, in Sheffield, EngSince 1907 he has been on the staff of