HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Forbes, Stephen Alfred, soldier, naturalist, founder, author, was born May 29, 1844, in Silver Creek, 111. He was educated at the Eeloit academy and at the Rush medical college. He served in the civil war. In 1877 he founded the Illinois state labratory of natural history. Since 1S83 he has been state entomologist of Illinois; and since 1884 has been a professor at the university of Illinois. Since 1888 he has been dean of the college of science at the university of Illinois; and has had charge of the natural history survey of Illinois. In 1894 he founded the Illinois biological station. He is the author of Studies of the Food of Birds, Fishes and Insects; Contagious Diseases of Insects; Biennial Reports as State Entomologist; and Papers on the Entomostraca of
North America.
Theodore Frelinghuysen, soldier, July 13, 1840, in Hawaii. He served in the civil war; and attained the rank of second lieutenant. In 1903 he was retired as brigadier-general of the United States army. Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt, soldier, journalist, author, was born Aug. 27, 1860, in Calcutta. He was educated at the Chiswiek and Rugby schools of England. In 1879-87 he was in the British army in Great Britain, India and Africa; since 1887 has been engaged in journalism on New York and Chicago dailies;
and a continuous contributor to American newspapers and magazines.
has written
under the pen-names of Leonard Leigh and Charles Harcourt. He is the author of India, Past and Present; America's Insular Possessions; Panama, the Isthmus and the Canal; and a score of other
works. Forbush, Erward Howe, naturalist, curator, author, was born on April 34, 1858. He is the author of The Gypsy Moth. Forbush, William Byron, clergyman, author, was born Feb. SO, 1868, in Springfield, Vt. Since 1892 he has been a clergyman of the congregational church; and since 1906 has been pastor of the Woodward avenue congregational church of Detroit, Mich. He is the author of The Boy Problem; and several religious works. Force,
ington; and in 1833 began a documentary history of the American colonies. Thirty years' labor was spent upon the task, and nine volumes completed, entitled American Archives. His other works include Tracts and Other Papers relating to the Origin of the North American Colonies; and Grinnell Land. His immense and valuable library was purchased by congress in 1867. He died Jan. 23, 1868, in Washington, D.C. Force, Manning Ferguson, soldier, jurist, author, was born Deo. 17, 1824, in Washington, D.C. In 1861 he was appointed major of the twentieth Ohio regiment, promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and was engaged at Port Donelson and Shiloh. He was then made colonel, took part in the siege of Vicksburg, and was made brigadier-general of volun-
He was with Sherman on his march to Meridian in his Atlanta campaign, his march to the sea, and across the Carolinas; and was brevetteers.
born Nov. 26, 1790, near Little Falls, N.J. He was a journalist and historian of Wash-
volunteers in 1865.
During 1867-77 he was judge of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county, Ohio; and in 1877-87 was judge of the superior Cincinnati. In 1888-99 he was of the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' home. He was the author of Prom Fort Henry to Corinth; Marching Across Carolina; The Mound Builders; Prehistoric Man; and Recollections of the Vicksburg Campaign. He died May 8, 1899, in Sandusky. Force, William Quereau, meteorologist, author, was born March 7, 1820, in Washington, D.C. He assisted his father in pre-
paring American Archives; and was the author of Builder's Guide; and The Picture of Washington. He died Dec. 15, 1880, in
Washington, D.C. Ford, Charles Walter Randolph, merchant, was born Oct. 15, 1847, in Randolph, Mass. In 1874 he opened an establishment in San Francisco of silks and tailors trimmings, which became one of the most prominent and successful in the city. In 1893 he was made president of the Boston dry goods store; and was a director of the chamber of commerce; Los Angeles board of trade; and of a saving bank in Southern California.
died April 2, 1896, in California. Ford, Corydon La, physician, author, was born Aug. 29, 1813, in Lexington, N.Y. He held several medical professorships. He was the author of Questions on Anatomy; Questions on the Structure and Development of the Human Teeth; and Syllabus of Lectures on Odontology, Human and Comparative. He died April 14, 1894, in Ann Arbor. Ford, Daniel Sharp, journalist, philanthropist, was born April 15, 1823, in Cambridge-