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HBREINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. 1886 he has been In active practice as a civil engineer; and was the designer and chief engineer of construction of the Knoxville arched cantilever bridge. He is president of the Puget Sound bridge and dredging company; president of the Madrona Heights improvement company; is a member of the American society of civil engineers; is a member of the board of park commissioners; and a director in the Pacific northwest society of engineers. He is the author of Cofferdam Process for Piers; General Specifications for Steel Roofs and Buildings; and Engineering Studies, in twelve parts.

general. lyn, N.Y.

Fowler, Charles Henry, clergyman, bishop, In 1859 11, 1837, in Canada. he graduated from Genesee college; in 1861 from Garrett biblical


was born Aug.



and received




and LL.D. He studied law in Chicago, but never practiced. For eleven years he filled a pastorate in Chicago; and in 1872-76 was the president of the Northwestern university. In 1872, 1876, 1880 and 1884 he was sent to the general conference; and in 1876 became editor of the New York Christian Advocate. In 1880 he was elected bishop of the Methodist episcopal church; visited South America in 1885; visited Japan, Corea and China in 1888; organized the Pekin university and the Nankin university; and organized the First methodist episcopal church in St. Petersburg, Russia. He made a trip around the world visiting missions; and worked eight years on the Pacific coast. He died March 20, 1908, in New York City.



died Jan. 16, 1896, in Brook-

Edward Payson, physician, auwas born Nov. 30, 1834, in Coshocton,

Fowler, thor,

N.Y. Since 1855 he has been in the active practice of medicine. He has been president of the New York medico -ehirurgical society. He is the author of Certain Maladies of the Heart; and other medical works. Fowler, Edwin, educator, founder, was born Dec. 15, 1847, in England. In 1876 he moved to New York City, where he established a semi-military school; and in 1878 he founded the Columbian institute of New City.

Fowler, Mrs. Fannie H., litterateur, poet, was born Jan. 19, 1838, in Will county. 111. She has edited for several years the woman's department of one of the leading newspapers of Manistee, Mich. She is the author of a volume of Society Poems. Fowler, Frank, artist, author, was born July 12, 1852, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1900 he became a member of the national academy of design. He painted the portraits of Governors Samuel J. Tilden and Roswell P. Fowler, now hanging in the executive chambers in Albany, N.Y. He is the author of Portrait and Figure Paintings. Fowler, George Bingham, physician, author, was born Oct. 23, 1847, in Macon county, Ala. He was a professor of physiology in the college of physicians and surgeons; established The Dietetic Gazette; and for six years was associate editor of The American Journal of Obstetrics. He is the author of Detection of Sugar in Urine Use and Value of Artificially Digested Food; and other works. Fowler, George Ryerson, surgeon, author, was born Dec. 25, 1848, in New York City. He filled the highest positions in medical col;


and hospitals


Brooklyn and


He was

Fowler, Charles Newell, lawyer, congressman, was born Nov. 2, 1852, in Lena, 111. He is a successful lawyer of Elizabeth, N. J.; and in 1895-1911 he was a representative to the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth and sixty-first congresses as a republican. Fowler, Charles Wesley, educator, founder, author, was born May 22, 1858, in Beverly, Ohio. In 1890 he established the Key training school, now located at Lyndon, Ky. He is the author of Inductive Geometry. Fowler, David, lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 21, 1836, in Washington county, Md. In 1861-82 he practiced law in Baltimore, Md. In 1882-89 he was associate judge for the third judicial district of Maryland; and in 1889-1903 was associate-justice of the court of appeals of Maryland.

the author of several medical works on Diseases and Surgery. He died in 1906 in New York City. Fowler, Harold North, educator, author, was born Feb. 25, 1859, in Westfield, Mass. In 1880 he graduated from Harvard university; and received the degree of Ph.D. from the university of Bonn, Germany. In 1882-83 he studied American

Fowler, David, lawyer, jurist. He is an associate-justice of the court of appeals of



Edward B., soldier. war he attained the rank

Fowler, civil 38

During the of brigadier-



school classical studies in Athens; and also in 1883-85 in the universities of Bonn and Berlin. He has been an instructor and professor in Harvard university; also in Phillips



in the university of Texas; and since 1893 has been professor of Greek in the college for women at the Western reserve university of Cleveland, Ohio. He is editor-inchief of the American Journal of Archaeol-