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York. He is the author of Regimental Losses In the Civil War; iNew York at Gettysburg; and Short Talks on Forestry. Fox, William Joseph, entomologist, librarian, was bom Nov. 21, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1888 he has been assistant librarian in the academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, Pa. He has made original investigations in entomology. Fozcroft, Frank, journalist, author, was born Jan. 21, 1850, in Boston, Mass. Since 1895 he has been editorial writer and department editor the Youth's Companion. He Is the author of Transcript Pieces; and other works. Foxcroft, George Augustus, humorist, was bom in 1815 in Boston, Mass. He wrote many articles for the daily press on monetary topics, under the pen-name of Job Sasa. He may be regarded as the originator of what has been called phonetic humor. He died March 13, 1878. Foxcroft, Thomas, clergyman, author, was born Feb. 26, 1697, in Cambridge, Mass. In 1717-69 he was pastor of the First congregational church in Boston. He published thirty-two sermons, including Observations, Historical and Practical, on the Rise and Primitive State of New England, a, Century Sermon. He died June 18, 1769, in Boston, Mass. Foye, James Clark, educator, author, was bora- March 1, 1841, in Great Falls, N.H. He was professor of chemistry at Lawrence university during 1879-93; and in 1893-96 in Armour institute of technology. He is the author of Chemical Problems; Handbook of Mineralogy; and Tables for Determination of United States Minerals. He died July 3, 1896, in Chicago, 111. Fracker, Mrs. Cora Bobbins, musician, composer, was bom Aug. 11, 1849, in Iowa City, Iowa. She has taught music for a quarter of a century, principally the guitar. She is the author of a number of musical compositions for the guitar and piano. Fradenburgh, J. N., educator, clergyman, author, was born March 4, 1843, in Gouverneur, N.Y. He has filled the chair of mathematics in the Genesee Wesleyan seminary for four years taught ancient languages at the state normal school at Fre,^ ^^^HiKfe,.JL, (Jonia, N.Y.; and for two years was principal of the state nor;



mal school



Pa. He has filled various pastorates in the methodist episcopal church at Cleveland, Ohio, and other cities. For awhile he was president of the Red River valley university of North Dak. He is the author of The Bible Illustrated from the Monuments; field,

Beauty Religions; Old Heroes; Crowned; Departed Gods; Light from Egypt; Fire from Strange Altars; Life's Springtime; and Studies Upon the Life and Times of Abraham. Frackleton, Mrs. Susan Stuart, lecturer, artist, inventor, was born June 5, 1848, in Milwaukee, Wis. She has invented and patented a portable gas-kiln for firing artistic work. She is the author of Tried by Fire, a successful text-book on China Painting; and Talks on the Arts and Crafts. Frailey, James Madison, naval officer, was born May 6, 1809, in Maryland. He became Living

lieutenant in 183!), commander in 1861, captain in 1866, and a commodore in 1872. He died Sept. 26, 1877, in Philadelphia, Pa. Frailey, Leonard Auglist, naval officer, was 8, 1843, in Washington, D.C. During the civil war he was acting assistant

born Aug.

In in the United States navy. 1866 he was commissioned as a passed assistant paymaster; in 1869 he was promoted to paymaster; in 1894 was promoted to pay-inspector, with the rank of commander; and in 1899 was commissioned pay director, with the rank of captain. In 1905 he was retired, after forty years of service, with the rank of rear admiral.


Fraley, Frederick, merchant, founder, state senator, was born May 28, 1804, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1824 he was one of the founders of the Franklin institute; and was In 1837 he for many years its treasurer. was elected by the whigs to the state senate. He was active in the movement that culminated in 1854 in the consolidation of the city with all the districts within the bounds of the county. He was chosen as delegate to the commercial convention held in Boston for the establishment of a national board of trade; and was its president until 1887. He was one of the most active promoters and organizers of the centennial exposition of 1876; and in 1873 was elected treasurer of the centennial board of finance.

Frame, Andrew Jay, banker, was bom Feb. 19, 1844, in Waukesha, Wis. In 1865 he became teller in the Waukesha county bank.; and later at the age of twenty-one became cashier. He is now director and president of the gas, electric light and waterworks company of Waukesha, Wis. France, Lewis B., lawyer, author, was born in the District of Columbia. He is a noted lawyer of Denver, Col. He is the author of Over the Old Trail; Pine Valley, a volume of short stories; and Mountain Trails and Parks in Colorado. Franchot, Richard, civil engineer, railroad president, congressman, was born in 1816 in Morris, N.Y. He was president of the Al-

bany and Susquehanna railroad company; and in 1861-63 he was a representative from New York to the thirty-seventh congress.


died Nov. 23, 1875, in Schenectady, N.y".