HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. the common pleas for thirty years. In 1795-99 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the fourth and fifth congi-esses. He died Sept. 30, 1837, in Sandwich, Mass. Freeman, Roland Godfrey, educator, scientist, was born June 11, 1858, in New York. He has made researches in dairy hygiene. Freeman, W. Winans, business president, was born June 8, 1873, in Ontario, Canada. He was educated in the grammar and high schools of Ontario
ness life as a stenographer. He became assistant secretary in the employ of the Edison electric and il-
luminating company Brooklyn City, N.Y. and gradually advan-
ced to secretary, secretary and treasurer,
ident and general manager of the company and of several allied companies. He is also vice-president and general manager of the Kings county elec-
and power company; vice-president and general manager of the Amsterdam electric light, heat and power com-
gress in 1775; of the Massachusetts house of representatives in 1776-78; and in 1775, was appointed clerk, and held that office forty-five years. He was register of probate until commissioned judge in 1804, continuing until 1820. He was postmaster of
and an
friend of the Bowdoin college. He was the author of The Town Officer; The Massachusetts Justice; and Probate Directory. He died Sept. 3, 1831, in Portland, Maine. Freeman, T. R., soldier. During the civil war he attained the rank of brigadier-general in the confederate service. He died March 1, 1893, in Neosho, Mo.
Freeman, William Grigsby, soldier, was born in 1815 in Virginia. He was chief of staff to General Scott, commanding the army headquarters at New York. He was brevetted major in 1847; and lieutenant-colonel He died Nov. 12, 1866, in Cornin 1848. wall, Pa. Freer, Charles H., elocutionist, author, poet, was born Jan. 14, 1849, in Washington
county. Wis.
a painter and decorator of Blue Earth, Minn.
of his writings are of an elocutionary style, composed purposely for recitations and character speak-
is president of the Edison construction company; and is treasurer and director in other corporations. He is president of the association of Edison illuminating companies of the United States; and also vicepresident of various societies and associa-
In 1892 appeared a volume of his poems from the press of the American publish-
Freeman, William, farmer, manufacturer, lawyer, was born Nov. 17, 1823, in Portland, Maine. During 1861-68 he was deputy collector for the port of Cherryfield, Maine; and was also inspector for measuring vessels. In 188085 he was a member of the Maine state legislature. He has held various offices of trust his town, county and state; and since 1891 has been a member of the Farmers' in
national congress, under appointments and commissions from the governors of Maine; and is the vice-president of that body for the state of Maine; and for two years was its treasurer. He has been a successful lawyer, manufacturer of lumber, and is now interested in agricultural pursuits. While deputy collector of customs he seized a blockade runner in the employ of the confederacy. He is the author of a work on the life and services of his grandfather, Samuel Freeman. Freeman, Samuel, lawyer, jurist, author, was born June 15, 1743, in Portland, Maine. He was a member of the provincial con-
The Missionary.
Charles H. Freer is often called the poetsoldier, and is a universal favorite of the old veterans down in Blue Earth county, Minn. Freer, Frederick Warren, painter, artist, was born June 16, 1849, in Kennicott'a Grove, 111. For five years he studied art at the royal academy in Munich. In 188693 he resided in Chicago, 111.; and was an instructor in the Chicago art institute. His painted works are The Woman in Black Nursery Rhymes; and Consolation. He died March 7, 1908, in Chicago, 111. Freer, Paul Caspar, chemist, director, scientist, author, was born March 21, 1862, in Chicago, 111. He received the degree of M.D. from Rush medical college of Chicago, 111.; and the degree of Ph.D. from the university of Munich, Germany. He is an eminent chemist; and for many years was professor of general chemistry in the university of Michigan. Since 1904 he has been director of the bureau of science, Philippine Islands; and dean of the Philippine medical school at Manila, P.I. He is the author of Descriptive Inorganic General Chemistry; and Elements of Chemistry. Freer, Romeo Hoyt, soldier, lawyer, diplomat, congressman, was born Nov. 9, 1847, in Bazetta, Ohio. In 1862-65 he served in the union army. In 1868 he was admitted to