HERRINGSHAWS LIBBART OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Frey, George H., lawyer, journalist, manufacturer, railroad president, was born Dec. Since 1847 19, 1825, in Philadelphia, Pa. he has practiced law in Springfield, Ohio. In
1856 he was one of the delegates t o t h e convention held at Pittsburg for the purpose of organizing the republican national party. For eight years he edited a republican newspaper. He was a
prime mover in
the the of
the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St. Louis railroad; and was for one year president of the Ohio southern railroad. Frey, Joseph, congressman, was born in Pennsylvania. He was a representative in congress from Pennsylvania in 1827-31. He died in Pennsylvania. Frey, Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick, clergyman, missionary, author, was born in 1773 in Germany. He was especially acHe was tive as a missionary to the Jews. the author of Narrative of My Life Hebrew Bible; Hebrew Grammar; Judah and Is;
Joseph and Benjamin; The Passover; and Scripture Types. He died June 5, 1850, rael;
in Pontiac,
Frick, Charles, physician, author, was born Aug. 8, 1823, in Baltimore, Md. In 18i7 he organized the Maryland medical institute; and filled chairs in various medical institutions. He was the author of a volume on Renal Diseases. He died March 25, 1860, in Baltimore,
Frick, Frank, mercTiant, business president, was born Jan. 3, 1828, in Baltimore, Md.; and is the son of Judge William F. He received a thorough education; Frick. and in 1854 graduated from Saint Mary's He engaged in college of Baltimore, Md. coinmercial life; and for twenty-five years was a member of the firm of C. Morton Stewart and company. He was president of
the Baltimore board of trade; was a director of the Merchant's national bank of Baltimore; was president of the Auditorium company music hall; and was president of various other financial, charitable and eduHe led in reorganizcational institutions. ing the sugar refining interests in Baltimore. He takes much interest in promoting the prosperity of his native city; and high-class in the development of art and music. He has retired from active business; and for the past fifteen years haa traveled extenslvelv in Europe, Asia and Africa. Henry, journalist, congressman, Frick, was born in 1795 in Northumberland counHe was editor of a newspaper at ty, Pa. the Milton; served for three sessions in 1843-45 he was state legislature; and in to the a representative from Pennsylvania
He died March 1, 1844, in Washington, D.C. Frick, Henry Clay, merchant, manufacturer, was born Dec. 19, 1849, in West Overton, Pa. He began business life as a, clerk for his grandfather, a flour mercjant and
twenty-eighth congress.
He later embarked in a small way coke business, which grew to be larger than all others in the United States combined. He is now president of the H. C. Frick coke company; also president of the Carnegie steel company. Fricke, William A., underwriter, author, was born May 15, 1857, in New York City. He was educated in the schools and academies of Wisconsin; and studied law and medicine. For years he was secretary of the state republican committee of Wisconsin; and in 1894-98 was state insurance commissioner of Wisconsin. He resigned that position to become superintendent of the Union central life insurance company of Ohio, with headquarters in New York City. In 1902 he was president of the Wisconsin society of New York; in 1897-98 was vicepresident of the national association of insurance commissioners; and in 1900 waa elected an honorary member of that body. He is the author of Insurance, a Text-Book; The Law and Distribution of Surplus of Life Insurance Companies; and is a contributor to various insurance journals. Friedenberg, Albert Marx, lawyer, author, was born Jan. 9, 1881, in New York City. distiller.
in a
practices law in
New York
City. Since
]902 he has been correspondent to the JewHe is the author of Zionist ish Comment. Studies.
Friedenwald, Herbert, litterateur, author, Sept. 20, 1870, in Baltimore, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been superintendent of the manuscript department in the library of congress. He is the author of The Continental Congress; and The Journal and Papers of the Continental Congress. Friedenwald, Julius, physician, author, was born Dec. 20, 1866, in" Baltimore, Md. Since 1890 he has practiced medicine in Baltimore, Md. He is the author of Diet in Health and Disease; and Dietetics for Nurses. Friedman, Isaac Kahn, educator, author, was born Nov. 3, 1870, in Chicago, 111. For three years he was in the florist business with his brother; and since then has been writer on Chicago newspapers. He is the author
was born
The Lucky Number; and Poor People. Emanuel Michael, lawyer, waa In 1, 1853, in New York City. 1879 he began the practice of law; and for a number of years was counsel to the liquor dealer excise association of New York counof
Friend, born Dec.
ty, N.Y. Fries, George,
congressman, was born in In 1845-49 he was a representative from Ohio to the twenty-ninth and thirtieth congresses. He died Nov. 13, Pennsylvania.
1866, in Ohio.