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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. fourth congresses. He died Dec. 26, 1860, in Philadelphia, Pa. Fuller, Henry William, soldier, was born in New Hampshire. In 1861 he became first lieutenant in the first regiment New Hampshire infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died April 7, 1885. Fuller, Hiram, journalist, author, was born about 1815 in Halifax, Mass. He was a, journalist of New York City; supported the confederate cause; and emigrated to England on that account. Subsequently he became an adventurer in Paris. He was the author of The Groton Letters; Belle Brittan on a Tour; Sparks from a Locomotive; and Grand Transformation Scenes in the United States. He died in 1880 in New


City. Fuller, Homer Taylor, educator, college president, was born Nov. 15, 1838, in Lempster,






graduated from from the Union 1869. During 1870St. Johnsbury acad-



theological seminary in 82 he was principal of

emy, Vermont; president of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, during 1882-94; and since that time has been president of


college of Springfield,



educator, jurist, was born Jan. 5, 1851, in Warren county, N.Y. He has been county superintendent of schools of Hardin county, Iowa. He has been judge of the sixth judicial circuit of South Dakota; and is now an associate justice of the supreme court of South Dakota. Fuller, Hubert Bruce, lawyer, author, was born June 15, 1880, in Derby, Conn. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the author of The Purchase of Florida; and Tax Histories in Ohio. Fuller, Hulbert, physician, author, was born Dec. 22, 1865, In Baldwinsville, N.Y. He practiced medicine in Tustin and Los Angeles, Cal.; and in Chicago, 111. He is the author of Vivian of Virginia; and God's Rebel. Fuller, James Edward, contractor, was horn Oct. 28, 1865, in Athol, Mass. He is a director of the George A. Fuller company. Fuller, Jerome, lawyer, jurist. He was an early emigrant to Minnesota; and in 1851 was appointed chief justice of the United States court for that territory. He died in Fuller,


Minnesota. Fuller, Jesse Franklin, educator, genealowas born March 4, 1832, in Middleton,


Mass. For five years he was superintendent of schools in Appleton, Wis. He is the author of Fuller's Genealogy. Fuller,

John Wallace,


was bom

He was

brevetted major-general of volunteers in 1865. In 1874 he was appointed collector of the port of Toledo, Ohio; and reappointed in 1878. He died March 12, 1891, in Toledo, Ohio. Fuller, Myron Leslie, educator, geologist, was born April 19, 1873, in Brockon, Mass.


28, 1827, in



In 1903 he organized the Eastern section of the division of hydrology; and since 1907 has been in charge of coastal plain investigations. He is a member of the American association for the advancement of science. Fuller, Levi Knight, manufacturer, governor, was born Feb. 34, 1841, in Westmoreland, N.H. He organized in 1874, and until


governor, the Fuller light battery of the Vermont state nationguard. He has held various town and village ofiices. He was elected to the Vermont state senate in ISSO; and was lieutenant-governor in 1886. He was president of trustees at the Vermont academy at Saxton's River, Vt., an educational institution he had largely supported. He was the thirty-ninth governor of Vermont in 1893-94. He died Oct. 10, 1896, in Brattleboro, Vt. Fuller, Melville Weston, chief justice of the United States, was born Feb. 11, 1833, In 1856 he removed to in Augusta, Maine. Chicago, he practiced law until



appointed chief justice in 1888. In 1863 he was a member of the i

state constitutional convention; and was a member of the state legislature from 1863

1865. He became chief justice of the


United States supreme in 1888. In 1899 he was a member of the arbitration commission on the Anglo-Venezuelan boundary question.


Fuller, Mrs.

Olive Beatrice Muir,

tionist, author, poet,

elocu1874, In 1890-1902 she was given illustrated lec-

was born Nov.


in Kansas City, Mo. an elocutionist; has tures on the French Revolution; and made In 1900 she trips to Alaska and Europe. married Dr. David J. Fuller of Brooklyn, N. Y. She is the author of Thy Name is Woman; and With Malice Toward None.






born Oct. 19, 1829, in Sherman, Conn. In 1853 he entered the drug business in Chicago, 111.; and in 1871 took into partnership Henry W. Fuller of Maine, and continued the business under the firm name of Fuller and Fuller. At the great Chicago fire of 1871 his large store on Market street was the only wholesale building of any kind left standing in the city. Fuller, Philo C, state legislator, congressman, was born Aug. 13, 1787, in New Marlborough, Mass. He was a member of the