was its president; and in 1871-91 of the editors of the American Journal of Numismatics. He died Dec. 30, 1891, in Boston, Mass.
of ton, D.C. In 1895-1900 he was professor economics at New York university. He was on the editorial staff of Johnson's Cyclo-p^dia. He is the author of Outlines of Gen-
Colburn, Waldo, lawyer, jurist. In 1882-85 he was a, justice of the supreme court of Massachusetts. He died in 1885. Colburn, Warren, mathematician, author, was born March 1, 1793, in Dedham, Mass. He was the author of First Lessons in Intellectual Arithmetic; which has been translated into many languages; First Lessons; and Algebra. He died Sept. 13, 1833, in Lowell, Mass. Colburn, Warren, civil engineer, was born Aug. 18, 1824, in Waltham, Mass. In 1849 he was chief engineer of the Ashuelot railroad; and in 1857 constructed the Rochester and Niagara Falls railroad. In 1853 he was chief engineer of the Wabash system; and in 1868 was chief engineer of the Decatur and East St. Louis railroad. He died Sept. 15, 1879, in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Colburn, Zerah, engineer, author, was born Sept. 1, 1804, in Cabot, Vt. He was the author of The Locomotive Engine; Steam Boiler Explosions; Nature of Heat and Its Mode of Action in the Phenomena of Combustion; and Treatise on the Principles of the Locomotive Engine. He died May 4, 1870, in Mas-
eral History.
ic society,
was one
Colburn, Zerah,
civil engineer,
born in 1832 in Saratoga, N.Y. He was considered a high authority on all subjects connected with mechanical engineering. He was the author of The Locomotive Engine. He died May 4, 1876, in Massachusetts. Colby, Albert Ladd, metallurgist, author, was born June 26, 1860, in New York City. Since 1886 he has been engaged in steel metallurgy in Bethlehem, Pa. In 1904 he was iron and steel commissioner for the Louisiana purchase exposition. He is the author of American Standard Specifications for Steel.
Colby, Anthony, state legislator, governor, philanthropist, was born in 17,93 in New London, N.H. In 1828 he was elected to the state legislature, and served through twelve terms. In 1846-47 he was the nineteenth governor of New Hampshire. In 1861 he was made adjutant-general of the state; and
was subsequently a provost-marshal. He founded an academy at New London; and also endowed a baptist literary and theological institution in that town. He died London, N.H. 13, 1873, in
Galusha, journalist, au1830 in Rochester, N.Y. He was assistant editor of Hunt's merchants magazine. He wrote the descriptive and statistical letter-press for Morse's Geography of the World; Morse's Diamond Atlas; and several smaller works. He died Oct. 30, 18'66, Colby,
was born
New York
Colby, Frank Moore, journalist, educator, author, was born Feb. 10, 1865, in Washing-
Colby, Charles Lewis, capitalist, was bom 23, 1839, in Roxbury, now part of Bosshipton. Until 1870 he was engaged in the ping and warehouse business in New York City; after that was interested in railroad construction and minmg. In 1876 he served as a member of the Wisconsin state legis-
has been
president of Wisconsin central railroad; Chicago and great western railroad; and various other corporations. He died Feb. 26, 1896, in New York City. Colby, Franklin Green, merchant, exporter, was born Aug. 10, 1858, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He received his education in the public schools; and at the academy of Phillipsburg, N.J. For many years he was engaged in foreign business and then became largely engaged in foreign business as an exporter and importer. He is at the head of a large Philippine company, developing its products; is also head of New York and Liverpool corporations; and executive head and president of various other corporations in foreign trade. For seventeen years he was a member of the art club of New York City; is a member of the National sculpture society; and is also identified with various patriotic
scientific societies.
journalist, au1848, in Warner, N. H. He is the author of The Daughter of Pharaoh, a Tale of the Exodus; and Brave Lads and Bonnie Lassies, a juvenile. Colby, Gardner, railroad president, philanthropist, was born Sept. 2, 1810, in Bowdoin-
was born Dec.
ham, Maine. During the
war he was a
large contractor for the supply of clothing to the rational army; and in 1870 became president of the Wisconsin central railroad. gift from him of fifty thousand dollars to
Waterville college, Maine, caused the name of that institution to be changed to Colby university. He also contributed to various other institutions. He died April 2, 1879, in Newton Centre, Mass. Colby, Henry Francis, clergyman, author, was born Nov. 25, 1842, in Boston, Mass. Since 1868 has been pastor of the First baptist church of Dayton, Ohio; and in 18831903 was p^resident of the Ohio baptist convention. He has published sermons, poems and sketches of Gardner Colby, Caleb Parker, E. E. Barney, and Ebenezer Thresher. Colby, J. Rose, educator, author, was bom in 1856 in Cherry Valley, Ohio. She began teaching in 1878; and since 1892 she has