born Oct. 4, 1840, in Washington, Ga. In 1888 he was ordained bishop at Indianapolis. He was the founder of Morrison-Brown college of Atlanta, Ga. He is the author of African Methodism in the South; and The Negro and the White Man. Gaines, banlcer,
William Embre, congressman, was
born Aug. 30. 1844, in Charlotte county, Va. In April, 1861, he enlisted as a
private in company eighteenth Virginia infantry and was engaged in all the principal battles fought by the army of northern 'irginia.
He was
elected to the Virginia senate in 1883 and was the leader oi
his party in that branch three years later when he resigned to accept a seat in the fiftieth congress, to which he was elected in November, 1886. At present (1909) a lawyer in Wa,shington, D.C. Colonel Gaines enjoys the distinction of being one of the youngest soldiers actively engaged in the field, every day, of the four years of the civil war. Gaither, Burgess Sidney, lawyer, congressbom March 16, 1807, in Iredell county, N.C. He was superintendent of the mint at Charlotte, N.C; and was a member of the state senate in 1840-44. He was also a member of both sessions of the confederate congress. He died Feb. 23, 1892, in Morgantown, N.C. Gaither, Henry, soldier, was born in 1751 in Montgomery county, Md. He was a captain in the revolutionary army; and took part in nearly every battle of the war. He died June 22, 1811, in Georgetown, D.C.
man, was
Henry Chew, patriot, state legiswas born in 1777 in Maryland. He
Gaither, lator,
represented his county in the legislature for many years; but is chiefly remembered for his heroic conduct in defense of free speech during the disgraceful assault by a mob on the ofiice of the Baltimore Federalist, July 26, 1812. He died Feb. 12, 1845, in Locust Grove, Md. Gaither, Nathan, physician, state legislator, congressman, was born in 1785 in Columbia, Ky. He was a member of the state legislature from Adair county in 1815-18; and was a presidential elector in 1829. In 1829-33 he was a representative from Kentucky to the twenty-first and twenty-second congresses; was a member of the constitutional convention of the state in 1849. He died in 1862 in Columbia, Ky. Gaither, William Lingan, soldier, state legislator, governor, was born Feb. 21, 1813, in Locust Grove, Md. He was early elected to the Maryland state legislature, and serv-
ed sixteen years, a portion of the time in each branch; and in 1851 was president of the state senate. He died Aug. 2, 1858, in Berkley Springs, Va. Galberry, Thomas, Roman catholic bishop, was born in 1833 in Ireland. He was ordained priest in 1856. His first mission was at Lansingburg, N.Y., where he built a, gothie church at an expense of over thirtythree thousand dollars; and near it a convent for the sisters of St. Joseph. He died Oct. 10, 1878, in
New York
Galbraith, Andrew, colonist, was bom in 1692 in Ireland. He organized the Donegal church, was its first mling elder, and selected the site for its building. The Donegal settlement became the nursery of presbyterianism in a large part of Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. He was the first coroner of Lancaster county; and a justice of common pleas for six years. He was elected to the general assembly in 1732; and was a justice of the peace in 1730-47. He died after 1747. Galbraith, Anna Mary, physician, author, was born April 15, 1859, in Carlisle, Pa. She received her education in the public schools of Cumberland county; attended Vassar college; graduated from the woman's medical college of Pennsylvania in 1884; and the two years following were spent in post-
graduate work in Vienna and Munich. She has held numerous hospital positions; and is now a practicing physician in New York City. She is a member of the New York academy of medicine; and a member of the
New York
county, state and American medShe is the author of Hygiene and Physical Culture for Women; and The ical society.
Four Epochs of Woman's
Galbraith, Clinton Alexander, lawyer, jurist, was born March 6, 1860, in Hartsville, Ind. In 1893-97 he was attorney-general of Oklahoma. In 1900-04 he was associate justice of the supreme court of Hawaii. Galbraith, John, lawyer, jurist, congress2, 1794, in Huntington county. Pa. He served three terms in the legislature of Pennsylvania from 1828; and in 1833-37 and 1839-41 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twentythird, twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth congresses. He also held the oflSce of United States president judge for the sixth district of Pennsylvania in 1851-60. He died June 15, 1860, in Erie, Pa. Galbraith, WilHam J., soldier, lawyer, jurist, was born Feb. 18, 1837, in Freeport, Pa. He served as an officer in the United States signal corps in 1861-64. In 1879 he was appointed an associate justice of the supreme court of the territory of Montana;
man, was born Aug.
and was reappointed
in 1-883.
Galbreath, Charles Burleigh, educator, college president, librarian, author, was born Feb. 25, 1858, near Lisbon, Ohio. His early life was spent on the farm; and at the age