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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Modern Missions; Their Evidential Value; and Christianity and the American Commonwealth. Galloway, Charles Henry, musician, organist, was born Dee. 21, 1871, in St. Louis, Mo. He was educated in the i^ublic schools and at Smith academy of St. Louis, Mo. At the age of seven years he was a church organist and when a young man was known as the boy organist. For four years he studied the organ and theory with Alexander Guilmant of Paris; and while there was organist in the American church of the holy trinity. On his return he was appointed organist and director of music to St. Peter's episcopal church of St. Louis, Mo.; and organist and director of music in the Scottish rite cathedral of that city. He is musical director of the St. Louis Apollo club; is a teacher of the organ and theory; and has given recitals throughout the United States. Galloway, Joseph, signer of the declaration of independence, was born in 1730 near West River, Md. He was a member of the assembly of Pennsylvania in 1764, officiating as speaker; and in 1774-75 he was a delegate from Pennsylvania to the continental congress, and a signer of the declaration of independence. He was the author of Historical and Political Reflections on the American Rebellion; and The Prophetic History of the Church of Rome. He died Aug. 29,"l803, in England. Galloway, Samuel, educator, lawyer, orator, congressman, was born March 20, 1811, in Gettysburg, Pa. In 1830 he moved to

Highland Ohio.


county, 1833 he

graduated from Miami university



1842 was admitted to the bar. He was a professor in the Miami university as well as in Hanover college, Indiana. He was at one time secretary of state; and in 1855-57 he was a representative to the thirtycongress.' He rendered important legal service to the war department during the "civil war. He died April 5, 1872, in


Columbus, Ohio. Gallup,

Albert, government



gressman, was born in New Bern, N.Y. He was at one time sheriff of Albany county, N.Y. In 1837-39 he was a representative

from gress;


New York


the twenty-fifth


and was appointed collector of AlHe died in November, 1851, in Prov-

idence, R.I.

was born in In 1861 he became first lieu-

Gallup, George W., soldier,


York. tenant and regimental quartermaster in the fourteenth regiment Kentucky infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers.


died Dec. 31, 1880.


Galloway, Thomas Walton, educator, biwas born Nov. 2, In 1877 he graduated from Cumber-

ologist, scientist, author, 1866, in Columbia, Tenn.





Tennessee; he received the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. from that institution; and degree of A.M.

the from


college. In 1889-90 he was professor of natural history at ^aird college of Clinton, Mo.; and in 1890-91 was a graduate student of Harvard college. In 1901-02 he was professor of biology and in 1899-1902 was dean of the Missouri Valley college; and since 1902 has been professor of biology at the James Milliken university. He won the Bdwdoin prize on scientific dissertation, and has published numerous scientific and educational papers. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. He is the author of First Course in Zoology; and The Religion of an Evolutionalist. Gallup, Asa Oran, lawyer, manager, was born Sept. 24, 1865, in Alexandria, Va. In 1888 he graduated with the degree of B.A. from Yale university; and subsequently with the degree of LL.B. from the New York law school. In 188990 he was examiner in science in the New


state university.

In 1890-91 he was reporting clerk in the university state of New York; in 1892-95 chief




1892-95 was deputy secretary. Since 1900 he has been secretary, treasurer and general manager of Lake Placid club of Essex county, N.Y. He has been president of the anti-saloon league. In 1908 he was republican presidential elector from the twenty-sixth congressional district; and has held various other positions of trust and honor. Gallup, Joseph Adams, educator, physician, author, was boi-n March 30, 1769, in Stoniugton, Conn. He was professor in Vermont medical college, which he founded. He was the author of Epidemic Diseases in Vermont; and Outlines of the Institutes of Medicine. He died Oct. 12, 1849, in Woodstock, Vt. Gaily, Merritt, artist, inventor, was born Aug. 15, 1838, near Rochester, N.Y. He invented engraving tools; painted portraits; and was ordained a presbyterian minister. He lost his voice, and then devoted his at-

tention to mechanics. He invented the universal printing press, machine for making