Ghiselin, George R., diplomat, was born in 1834 in Staunton, Va. During the civil war he was ambassador to England for the southern confederacy. He died on Sept. 11,
1890, in
New York
Gholson, James H., congressman, was born in 1798 in Virginia. In 1833-35. he was a representative from Virginia to the twenHe died July 2, 1848, ty-third congress.
Brunswick, Va. Gholson, Richard D., governor. In 1861 he was territorial governor of Washington. Gholson, Samuel Jameson, jurist, congressman, was born May 19, 1808, in Madison county, Ky. He moved to Athens, Miss., and in 1833-36 was a member of the state In 1835-39 he was a represenlegislature. tative from Mississippi to the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth congresses; and was subsequently appointed United States district
historian, jourGibbens, Alvaro FrankUn, 1837. in poet, was born March f. 1860 Parkersburg, W.Va. He graduated and received the degree of A.M. in 1865 from Jefferson college, Pennsylvania. He stud-
ied law but never practiced; taught in Baptist college of La Grange, Mo., in 1861; editor of Park-
judge for the district of Mississippi. He was made major-general of state troops in 1863; and in 1864 was promoted brigadierIn 1866-78 he was again a member general. of the state legislature. 1883, in Aberdeen, Miss.
died Oct. 16,
Gholson, Thomas, congressman, was born In 1807-17 he was a representative from Virginia to the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth congressHe died on July 4, 1816, in Brunswick es. county, Va. Gholson, Thomasi Saunders, lawyer, jurist, founder, was born Dec. 9, 1809, in Brunswick county, Va. He became a judge of the Virginia state circuit court in 1859; was in Virginia.
president of several railroads; and founded and aided to support a public library in Petersburg, Va. He was a member of the confederate congress. He died Dec. 13, 1868, in Savannah, Ga. Gholson, William Yates, lawyer, jurist, author, was born in 1807 in Virginia. He was judge of the Cincinnati superior court in 1854-59; and of the Ohio supreme court He was the author of Speechin 1860-65. es on Payment of the Public Debt of the United States. He died Sept. 31, 1870, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Giauque, Florien, soldier, lawyer, author, was born in 1843 in Holmes county, Ohio. In 1861-65 he was a federal soldier; and is a well-krown lawyer of Ohio at Cincinnati. He is the author of Revised Statutes of Ohio; Settlement of Decedents' Estates; Manual for Guardians and Trustees; Manual for Assignees, Insolvent Debtors; Man-
ual for Notaries Appendix to Ohio Revised Statutes; United States Election and Naturalization Laws; Ohio Road and Bridge Laws; Dower and Curtesy and Other Life Tables; and other legal works.
Gibault, Peter, clergyman, bishop. He was vicar-general for the bishop of Quebec over For a Illinois and the adjacent countries. long time he was the only priest in Illinois and Indiana. He died in New Madrid, Mo.
ersburg Gazette in 1865; was editor of Virginia the Journal in 1870-76; and was editor of the
State Tribune in 1881-85. He was elder in church; was corresinternational executive committee of the young men's christian association in 1873; was postmaster at Charleston for years; and a member of the republicn state executive committee eight He was part author of Prominent years. Men of West Virginia; and editor of a History of Wood County. He died March 4, 1906, in Parkersburg, W.Va. Gibbes, Robert Wilson, physician, educa-
Kanawha presbyterian ponding member of the
tor, journalist,
was born July
1809, in Charleston, S.C. In 1827-35 he was a professor in South Carolina college; twice mayor of Columbia; and in 1852-60 he was editor of the Daily South-Carolina and the Weekly Banner. He was the author of Monograph of the Squalidae; Typhoid Pneumonia; Documentary History of South Carolina; and Documentary History of the American Revolution. He died in 1866 in
Columbia, S.C. Gibbes, Robert Wilson, surgeon, was born June 10, 1831, in Columbia, S.C. He was professor of surgery in the university of South Carolina in 1872-73; and was a frequent contributor to the literature of his
He died Oct. 23, 1875, in Columbia, S.C. Gibbes, William Hasell, soldier, lawyer, was born March 16, 1754, in Charleston, S.S. He was one of the thirty native Americans residing in London who petitioned the king against the series of acts of parliament that were the immediate cause of the revolution. He died in 1831. Gibbon, John, soldier, was born April 30, 1837, near Holmesburg, Pa. He served at the City of Mexico and Tuloca until the close of the Mexican war. He commanded a brigade through the northern Virginia,
Maryland, Rappahannock, and Pennsylvania campaigns in 1863-63. He was brevetted brigadier-general and major-general in the United States army. After the civil war he had commanded various posts; had charge of the Yellowstone expedition against Sitting Bull in 1876; and in 1877 he commanded in the action with the Nez Perces Indians at Big Hole Pass. In 1886 he was pro-