office of E. L. Gillette, for real estate and renting; and since 1893 has been manager of the office of the estate of E. L. Gillette. Since 1902 he has been vice-president of the Strang engine company; and since 1906 has been a licensed architect of Chicago, 111. In 1891 he traveled around the world; and in 1902-03 was in Japan.
He was professor of theology for gray. three years; and has been president of conference for seven terms. He is now pastor of the Wesleyan methodist church of Marengo, Iowa; editor of the Sunday-school Quarterlies of his denomination; and writer for the general religious press.
Mrs. Fannie Lemia, litterateur, author, was born June 14, 1828, in Ann Arbor, Mich. She is the author of The White House Cook Book; and Mrs. Gillette's Cook Book. Gillette, Francis, United States senator, was born Dec. 14, 1807, in Bloomfield, Conn. In 1853-55 he was a United States senator from Connecticut to fill a vacancy. He died Sept. 30, 1879, in Hartford, Conn.
Sept. 25, 1854, in
Powers, civil engineer, born Aug. 5, 1869, in Waverly, Iowa. Since 1892 he has been in practice as a mining and civil engineer; in 1902-05 was associate editor of the EnGillette, Halbert editor, author, was
of New York City. He is editor of Engineering-Contracting of Chicago. He is the author of Economics of Road Construction; Earthwork and Its Cost; Rock Excavation; and Handbook of Cost Data.
News now managing gineering
Gillette, James Norris, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born Sept. 20, 1860, Since 1883 he has pracin Viroqua, Wis. ticed law in Eureka, Cal.; and in 1889-95 was city attorney. In 1897-99 he was a
In of the California state senate. 1903-05 he was a representative from California to the fifty-eighth congress as a re-
publican. Gillette, Mrs. Lucia Fidelia lecturer, author, poet,
Gillham, Robert,
Kansas _
engineer constructed Among the railway. other noted engineerexecuted ing works by him are the Omaha cable railway system, the Denver City cable raihvrtv system, ilonlague cable the lailway of Brooklyn, V.Y.; and the Cleveland ciiv calile railHe has made suc( ay. cessful demonstrations of the feasibility of operating street cars by the use of compressed air. He died in 1899 in Kansas City,
Gilliam, David Tod, soldier, educator, surgeon, author, was born April 3, 1844, in HeHe was educated in the pubbron, Ohio. lic schools, Bartlett's commercial college of Cincinnati, and at the medical college of Ohio, receiving the degree of M.D. In 1S63 he enlisted in
WooUey, minwas born in
1837 in Madison county, N.Y. She is the daughter of a noted universalist minister; and was herself licensed to preach in 1873, and ordained to the ministry in 1877. She has held the office of state missionary and of pastor; and for many years was prominent in the lecture field. She is the author of A Memoir of Her Father; Pebbles From the Shore; Editorials and Other Waifs; and in connection with her daughter published a volume entitled Floating Leaves. Gillette, William, actor, playwright, was born July 24, 1855, in Hartford, Conn. He began his theatrical work in 1877; and has played in stock companies in New Orleans, New York, Boston, Cincinnati and Louisville. He is the author of The Professor; A Legal Wreck; Too Much Johnson; Settled Out of Court; and many other plays.
Silas Alfred, soldier, educator, clergyman, prohibitionist, was bom on April 21, 1845, in Farmersville, N.Y. For three Gilley,
years he served in the union army; was promoted while in his teens; and was major-general commanding the Iowa corps of the Prohibition army of the blue and the
engineer, was bom City. He orCity cable railway company, and as chief
New York
second Virginia
regiment cavalry;
and was elected poral.
He was with
Garfield in the
against Humphrey Marshall on the Big Sandy river, Ky. He was sent to Wheeling as a recruiting officer. He later ascended the Kanawha river and took part in many skirmishes. He was discharged in 1863. Since 1868 he has practiced medicine in Columbus, Kjiio. He was elected president of the Cohimbus academy of medicine. He has been a professor of gynecology at the Starling medical college; and gynecologist to St. Anthony's and St. Francis hospitals. He is the author of Pocket Book of Medicine; and Essentials of Practical Gynecology. Gilliams, Jacob, physician, was born in 1784, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was proficient in the natural sciences, especially in ornithology. He assisted in founding the academy of natural sciences. He died Feb. 4, 1868, in Philadelphia, Pa. Gillig,
1809, in
George, brewer,
was born
He began
the brewery