has been head of the pianoforte dein Chicago conservatory of music. the author of valses and songs.
Godoy, Jose Francisco, government official, author, was born in 1851 in Mexico. Since 1896 he was a secretary of the Mexican embassj' at Washington, D.C. He is the author of Who Did It; The Prominent Men of Mexico; Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporaries; Mercantile and Legal Handbook of Mexico; and other works. Godshalk, William, merchant, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Oct. 35, 1817, in East Nottingham, Pa. He was an associate judge of Bucks county in 1871-76; and in 1879-83 he was a, representative from Pennsylvania in the forty-sixth and forty-seventh congresses as a republican. He died Feb. 6, 1891, in Britain, Pa. Godwin, Hannibal La Fayette, lawyer, congressman, was born Nov. 3, 1873, in Harnett county, N.C. He was educated at Trinity college of Durham, N.C; and graduated from the university of North Carolina. He soon attained success in the pracHe has been mayor of Dunn, tice of law. N.C; a member of the North Carolina state senate; and presidential elector. In 190711 he was a representative from North Carolina to the sixtieth and sixty-first con-
Goelet, Augustin H., surgeon, gynecologist, was bom April 1, 1854, in Wilmington, N.C In 1902-04 he was president of the New York school of clinical medicine. He is the author of Technique of Surgical
Goepp, Philip Henry, musician, organist, was born June 33, 1864, in New York City. In 1873-77 he was educated in author,
the classical schools of Stuttgart and Esslingen, Germany; in 1884
graduated from Harvard university and
1888 received the degree of LL.B. from the university of Pennsylvania. In 1888 he was admitted to the bar; but adopted music as a profession in 1891. He is a sucin
poser and organist of Philadelphia, Pa.; and was the founder and president of the Manuscript musical society of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the author of Annals of Music in Philadelphia; Symphonies and Their Meaning, in two volumes; and the composer of
numerous songs, anthems and unpublished
instrumental music.
Godwin, Parke, journalist, author, was born Feb. 25, 1816, in Paterson, N.J. He was a journalist of New York City; and the son-in-law of the poet Bryant, whose writings he edited. He was long connected with the Evening Post; and was the editor of Putnam's Monthly Magazine in 1853-55 and 1867-70. He was the author of Pacific and Constructive Democracy; Popular View of the Doctrines of Fourier; Vala, a mythologHistory of tale; Political Essays; ical France; Life of William Cullen Bryant; Out
Goerz, David, clergyman, educator, was born June 3, 1849, in southern Russia. During 1874-75 he taught in a German school in Illinois, near St. Louis, Mo. In 1880 he organized the Mennonite mutual life insurance company in Kansas; and in 1887 organized the Bethel college corporation of Newton, Kan., in which institution he is now a, clergyman.
of the Past, a collection of essays;
memorative Addresses; Universal Biography.
New York Goebel,
and Handbook of
died in 1904 in
Herman Philip, lawyer, legislator, was born April 5, 1853, in
congressman, Cincinnati,
Since 1874 he has been
a successful lawyer of Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1875-77 he was a member of the Ohio state legislature; and in 1884-90 was judge of the probate court of Hamilton county, Ohio. In 1903-11 he was representative from Ohio to the flfty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth and congresses as a republican. Goebel, Julius, educator, philologist, author, was born May 33i 1857, in Germany. He has been professor at Leland Stanford Junior university since 1892. He is the author of a number of German works. sixty-first
Goebel, William, statesman, was bom in 1863. He was the democratic contestant for the governorship of Kentucky in 1889. He died Feb. 3, 1900, from a shot fired from the hand of an assassin in Frankfort, Ky.
Goesbriand, Louis de, clergyman, bishop, 4, 1816, in France. When the see of Burlington was created in Vermont, he was nominated its first Roman catholic bishop. He died in 1899 in Burlington, Vt.
was born Aug.
Goessmann, Charles Anthony, educator, chemist, author, was born June 13, 1827, in Germany. He received a thorough education in his native country. He has been professor of Germanic philology and literature at the Leland Stanford university. He is now a lecturer on Germanic philology at Harvard college.
of the
modern language association of Amerjca and other societies. In 1869 he was elected to the chair of chemistry at the Massachusetts agricultural college; and in 1886 became analyist to the Massachusetts board